Chapter Eight

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Clouds still darkened the sky, despite the heavy rainfall earlier that day, making the night even blacker than usual. You could barely see The Mist through the dark, cloaked as he was in black. In fact, the casual passer by would not have seen him at all, or his faithful steed as they rode towards Highhill House. Exeter's hooves squelched softy in the grass next to the gravel drive, the house merely a darker patch of nighttime ahead of them, radiating no ounce of warmth or welcome from the outside at this time of day.

The Mist knew its dead inhabitants would know about the sale of the house by now. He also knew that some of them might try to meddle, and might try to somehow dissuade Mr Snotem. Especially if Victor got involved, or Hector even. That still surprised him. Having known the spirit for years, he would never have guessed he was actually a Du Shadow.

They soon reached the house and The Mist let go of his invisibility. There would be no chance of anyone seeing him here. He dismounted and confidently strode through the nearest wall, Exeter following like a loyal dog. He had walked into a drawing room, and it was empty. Ignoring the shadows of fine furniture and precious paintings, he carried on through to the corridor.

"Oh, Hello Misty."

He turned around. It was Tiff. In life she had been a serving girl. She had died with a green pallor to her face and sunken cheeks, but nonetheless he rather liked her. Unlike others, she hardly ever caused him any grief. Exeter nosed her head through the wall behind him.

"I do wish you would keep your horse outside." She scolded, looking up at the great creature. "No one else brings their dirty animals inside."

Exeter's ears pinned back against her head.

"Very few of us have dirty animals to keep." Another voice said. "Besides, Exeter doesn't make a mess, do you girl." Matt, for that's who it was, had entered the corridor behind Tiff and now strode forwards to pat Exeter. He nodded to The Mist as he passed while Exeter stretched her neck out to him, ears relaxing forwards again as he gave her a scratch behind them.

"Is everyone in tonight?" The Mist asked.

"Everyone's here." Matt confirmed.

"Good. Get everyone in the library. I need to have a word with them."

"Everyone is already meeting in the kitchen." Tiff responded.

"Yes" Matt continued, "We're just waiting for Gabrielle to finish her tour."

Good, thought The Mist. That'll save time. Although who Gabrielle was giving a tour for he had no idea. A travelling ghost perhaps. The sooner he found out, the better. He struck off towards the kitchen, Exeter, Tiff and Matt following.

The kitchen was large and spacious with a long wooden table dominating the centre. And it was dark, the large windows letting in only the faintest trickle of light. This did not matter though, The Mist could see a collection of souls had already gathered here. Including Victor Balling.

"We must find a strategy to get him out." The highwayman said, his voice filled with passion. Others were nodding their heads in agreement.

"Why can't the Snotems get their own house?"


This was going to be more difficult than The Mist first thought. All of them already seemed to be agreed on interfering with the buyer. The number one rule he had learnt as a child was to never let the dead interfere with the living. He was damned if he was going to let them break that rule now.

"Misty is here" Tiff called out. All heads turned to face him. They did not usually mind him, but they had never liked him. Some in the way that a criminal does not like a policeman, others in the way a student does not like a teacher. They all knew they could do nothing to keep him out of the house.

The Mist of MoningsburyWhere stories live. Discover now