Chapter Twelve

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Suzan was right. Soon enough the path did lead somewhere. It lead to another, larger clearing. Unlike the creature's clearing, this one remained dark and overcast by a think layer of leaves, and in its centre stood a little stone cottage. Ivy snaked up the walls, smoke drifted carefree from the chimney and lights gave off a warm glow from inside. Outside, at the end of a neat row of flowers and planters, was a broken flower pot. It had been refashioned into what Suzan was tempted to call a 'Bug Hotel'.

"The witch's house" she murmured. "I've seen enough horror films to know that I am not going in there." She turned around to leave and yelped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

A young woman stood in front of her. Suzan had not heard her approach yet there she was. A radiant beauty in the black forest. She couldn't think of what to say.

"Are you lost?" the young woman ventured.

"Er, yes. Sorry." Suzan stammered.

"Not to worry. I can show you the way back if you like. Just let me drop off my shopping first." The woman held up two large shopping bags.

Shocked, Suzan glanced back at the cottage.

"This live here?"

The woman chuckled. "I know, a bit out in the sticks, but yes. My home sweet home." She started stumbling towards the front door. "Please feel free to come in while I put this away. I can make some tea before we set off."

"Oh, that's alright. I'll be fine if I could just have some directions please. You needn't come with me." The woman certainly did not look like a witch. In fact, she seemed very friendly, charming. Yet, after seeing the creature, Suzan didn't feel like taking the risk. She still didn't know what had happened to Basil either. She needed to find him.

"Nonsense." The woman replied, "It's no bother to me. Besides, it is difficult to give directions round here. All the paths can look the same and some are tricky to spot."

Suzan watched the woman go inside. She looked harmless enough and sounded genuine. Perhaps what Ezra said was just from the imagination of a little, frightened boy. If there was a witch, perhaps she had died. Suzan found herself walking towards the cottage, like she was being tugged towards it. She felt a growing curiosity to see what was inside. A growing thirst for some tea too. She stepped onto the threshold of the open door.

"Please, do come in." The woman called, glancing around the edge of a cupboard door.

The inside of the cottage looked cozy yet also airy and spacious. The kind of place Suzan reckoned she would have liked to go for a quirky holiday. She stepped further inside.

"This looks like a nice place."

"Thanks. Take a seat" The woman gestured to the table, "and I'll make that tea."

"Oh, I'm really not thirsty." Suzan lied, sitting down.

"You sure? Well, I hope you don't mind if I have one."

Suzan watched as she filled the kettle and placed it on the stove.

"I must say I adore your hair. I wish mine were that colour."

Suzan twiddled a lock of her blonde hair self-consciously, "Thanks."

The woman smiled and continued to chat as she unpacked her shopping. Suzan started to feel more at ease, yet the longer she waited, the more she worried about Basil. What if the cockatrice had got him? Would she find a lifeless corpse on the path if she didn't leave now?

Eventually, she plucked up the courage to say "I'm sorry. I really must go. I need to find my friend. If you could just give me some directions I'm sure I can find my way back." She looked to the woman with pleading eyes.

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