Ch4 - Parting

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Omen's PO

Fresh's expression softened. "Ya really don't have anywhere? What about family? Friends, even? Hell, even a stranger you sorta like that'll help ya out if you need it?"

You shook your head at each. "Why do you look so concerned? I have been alone for a really long time now," you confessed, but it seemed to make him worry even more. You didn't understand. Nobody had ever worried about you like this before, but maybe it was because he cared now you were friends.

It made you remember life with Doctor Rivers and Sans. You remembered how little your safety your mattered, how your feelings were always disregarded as irrelevant. You remembered the isolation, the painful experiments, how much you suffered at the hands of the people who were meant to be family.

But you weren't there anymore. That life had been left behind a long time ago, and now, you were finally free. Free to choose what you wanted to do, who you wanted to spend your time with. You weren't just a series of numbers anymore, a 'bad omen'. You were whatever you wanted to be.

"Mah bro, that has totes gotta change. I'm gonna help ya make some rad pals," he had said with such certainty it made you smile. "Which AUs have ya been to?"

"I find it easiest to portal to universes that are similar to places I have been to before. I mostly end up in Horror, Fell or Dust variations because of that," you explained truthfully. "The, uhm. The last time I tried to visit someplace new, it was a DustTale and it... didn't end very well."

You felt your expression fall as you thought about it. You had barely survived going there. The universe itself had left your magic weak, and the Sans there had done a lot of damage fighting you. You still felt bad about having dusted him, even if it had been self-defence.

"Yeah, DustTales can be totes unrad, 'specially if ya don't know what to expect," he let out. You briefly wondered what experiences he might have had with similar places. "There are still a lotta cool places to visit, yo. Have you been to legit any of the outertale AUs? They're totes safe. All the copies are super chill cuz Error trashes the unrad ones. The original is mah fav though."

"I don't think I have been there, no. What are they like?"

"OuterTales have a totally rad view of the stars," he grinned. "Outer is the OG Sans there, totes chillaxed. Almost as quiet as you," he hummed thoughtfully.

"Are there other nice AUs out there?"

"Totally! Have ya seen UnderSwap?" you shook your head to say no. "Defo gotta put that on your list of rad places to visit," he chuckled. You didn't have a list, though now that he mentioned it, that sounded like a good idea to keep track of your travels. "The OG has this hyper lil dude named Blue, super rad. Ya gotta visit sometime, bet you'll make a friendo in no time."

You nodded, giving a small smile at the suggestion. He must have really cared about you to be telling you places you could make more social connections.

"How about FluffyTale? Only one of those," he then suggested after some thought. "Seems like a place you'd go to heaps, mah radtastic bro."

"I have... never heard of it," you confessed, though you were curious. You weren't sure what to make of them based off name alone, though fluffytale made you think of winter coats made of fur. Was it a cold place? Maybe somewhere with fluffy animals?

His glasses shifted to exclamation points. "What! Never!?" You shook your head to confirm. "That has gotta be a sin or something, mah bruh! Fluffs is totes the raddest place tah visit, especially you're all shy like you are, mah bruh!"

"Is it really nice there or something? What is the AU like?" You asked, hoping he might share more about it. It was so nice being able to hear about the more pleasant AUs.

"There's this chill little coffee place, mah bruh Ccino runs it. Ya gotta try their radtacular coffee!" he begun. "Everyone goes for all the totes adorb's cats there, though."

"Cats?" you repeated, not quite understanding. "In a coffee shop?"

He laughed at your confused expression, amused that you hadn't quite figured out the connection between the two. "Yup! Its a at cafe, mah bruh," he clarified.

You couldn't help but feel a little giddy. "That's so cool! I met a cat named DoomFanger once, they were so sweet and cuddly, and then there was this one called Butters that I almost adopted from an empty au, but it disappeared when I went back with some cat food," you rambled enthusiastically. Animals were one way to get you talking nonstop.

You must have spent another ten entire minutes straight just rambling about the various animals that you had met. Fresh never interrupted once, his grin wide and glasses changing to say things like EP-IC and CO-OL and WO-AH along with your stories. At one point, it even said CU-TE, but you suspected it was at you, not at the discussion.

When you paused for long enough, he finally spoke again. "How bout I drop ya at FluffyTale now? I still gotta get to Nighty's place so we can't hang, but Cinno is super chill and will let ya stay as long as ya like."

Still bubbling with excitement at the topic of animals, you nodded. "I would really like that," you agreed.

The portal he formed was a technicolor swirl of vibrant neon colors. The both of you walked through together. You could feel the magic buzzing all around you. It was warm, it was colorful, it was everything Fresh was.

Once you both had exited, the portal closed instantly, and you were both left standing in front of a nice looking building. It was modern but not overly so. The large windows revealed the cozy looking interior, filled with comfortable chairs and warm lighting. You could already see some of the cats.

Fresh looked deep in thought for a moment. "I gotta dip, but just gotta ask ya somethin real quick, bruh. Could ya get to Mobtale#281 in a jiffy?"

"I should be able to, yeah. Why do you ask?" You were certainly curious.

"If ya get suuuper stuck, like, I dunno, need protection, or more serious stuff, find the mob bros and tell them ya need 'Midnight Services'. They'll contact mah raddest of friendos, Nightmare. Legit, he's hella spooky, but he'll warm up to you if ya mention I'm your best bro."

You nodded, understanding that this suggestion wasn't so much social, but rather, for emergencies. He... really did care about you, didn't he? He cared so much that he was making sure you knew where to go if ever you were in danger. It.. warmed your soul. "Are the 'mob bros' you mentioned the local Papyrus and Sans?"

"Yup! Snipes and Scope," he hummed. "Literally just pop to the Grillbys till you see them, homie. Ya won't have to even look around, they'll notice you real quick and get curious, mah broseph."

You nodded. "Thankyou for the advice, Fresh, I really appreciate you looking out for me."

"Sure thing, mah brotastic dude. You're part of mah fam now, I gotta look out for you. Anyone messes with ya, I'll dust them," he chuckled. You... had a feeling he wasn't joking. "I gotta dip, but can I hug you, mah rad homie bro? I got a brother with a super unrad touch phobia, so I wanted tah ask first." His glasses flashed to HUGS-BRO! And you couldn't help but smile, nodding shyly.

He wrapped you in a firm hug and you gently wrapped your arms back around him, holding him for a little longer than needed. As oddly cold as the skeleton was, the action brought you comfort, and part of you didn't want it to end.

When he finally pulled away, he was still grinning. "See ya on the flip side!" he chuckled, giving a thumbs up. Instead of a portal appearing though, he disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke, and you heard the faintest voice say 'Fresh Poof!'."

You took in a deep breath and CHECKed the stats for the AU.


STATUS: Stable
->HIDDEN: Stable, protected


*Fluffytale welcomes all

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