The Fateful Night

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"At the Batista Family Andy starts his training and begins his journey"

Mamako: I see you are up early training again this morning, I heard your father was coming home.

Andy: I haven't seen Dad for a while, I'm excited to start training with him, It will be the first of many sessions, so I'm excited *He pumps his fist into the air*

Mamako: Great, keep at it then my son! I only wish the best for you and our family, I wonder what your father's reaction will be.

At the end of the day, Crisanto (his father) arrives he looks disturbed like he isn't himself, he hugs his wife and pats his son's head, he kisses his infant daughter on the forehead and begins watching Andy train and they begin to bond

Crisanto: your moves lack power they are sloppy compared to any master of this style, the Kiwami style is based on Hard swift strikes, bone-crunching grapples, conditioning, deflections or parries, and most importantly strong counters, I am ready to impart my knowledge of this style to you my son.

As the day progresses Andy and his father continue to train diligently in their dojo, Crisanto teaches him the basics, and the concepts of the style he is soon to inherit, Crisanto is relentless in teaching his son, to him, this style was his pride and joy, and was very happy to pass down to his child.

Mamako: That's enough boys, it's time to eat!

Andy: *Andy attempts to catch his breath* coming!

Crisanto: good work today son, this will be your foundation of strength, now let's go eat you deserve some rest.

Andy can smell the food already, he dries all the sweat off his face and runs to the kitchen after grabbing a fresh shirt which he wore to the dinner table, the family eats and talks about their interest and such while eating, after dinner Andy does his chores and goes to bed.

Mamako: So our son is finally taking the mantle of the Kiwami style, I wonder how far he will go.

Crisanto: Yeah he will go far. *Crisanto crushes the skull of his infant daughter*

Mamako: Dear what are you doing!? *She screams with fear in her voice*

Crisanto: *he sheds a tear on his right eye as he approaches his wife with an ominous aura he chokes his wife ready to break her neck* this is for the best dear, I'm sorry but I desire more power

Mamako: How could you? Why are you killing us? Why must we die for you to get stronger?

Crisanto: I joined the worm, the cult that trains their members and gives them strong abilities that push them to the distance, this is my way of proving to them that I am ready to give up everything for power.

Mamako: The worm? I can't believe you, you are already a rich businessman, and probably the most powerful man in the world, and yet you desire more power? I hope this thing was worth it.

Crisanto: YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND! *he snaps his wife's neck killing her*

Crisanto wept as he killed his family right in their estate, as the morning arrived he stood on top of a cliff starting to contemplate everything that happened last night, he stared into the distance as he felt all kinds of emotions until Andy snapped him out of it as he stood at the other side of the cliff

Andy: You killed Mom and Holly! Father, I come to avenge them both!

Crisanto: Oh? Then give me everything you got *Crisanto gets in his stance ready for a fight*

Andy: I will give you everything I got, and more! *Andy gets in his stance and rushes forward to his father with a vengeance*

Andy starts rushing in with swift and powerful blows but his father is quick to dodge and block the attacks his son throws at him until finally his father dodges and strikes his palm against his torso sending Andy flying back

Crisanto: Too weak try again! *his voice radiating a sense of anger and disappointment of his son's prowess*

Andy: I don't care! you will still lose to my fist! *he says to his father ferociously*

The battle continues Andy throws a punch that his father dodges, he throws another but his father intercepts the punch with a shoulder roll he counters with a straight punch to his son's face knocking him down, but Andy isn't going to let that stop him, he needed to avenge his mother and sister, so he got back up, he rushed his father again with a feint which his father falls for, while Crisanto was caught off guard Andy hits him with a punch to the solar plexus, he made sure the punch went deep and that his father felt it, but to his surprise Crisanto just stands there with a square stance not hurt from the punch.

Crisanto: Neat trick but that won't work on me. *he starts laughing maniacally, he steps back a bit as he gets ready to go another round with his son*

Andy throws a punch at his father, but Crisanto is prepared, he easily dodges and hits him with the Kiwami-style flash punch (two jabs and a body blow) Andy gets hit and spits the blood out of his mouth and Andy in a last-ditch effort get's low and puts his body in a square position, Crisanto already knows what andy is planning

Crisanto: I see, you intend to attempt the Kiwami Style's secret technique the "Ethereal Riposte" Do you think that an amateur like you is ready to try the move on me? It's the technique we rely on when we are backed down on a corner but if you want to try, then I'll indulge in your little fantasy.

Crisanto attacks his son one more time he throws the punch that will decide the victor of the match, Andy absorbs the attack with his "Ethereal Riposte" he then uses the momentum of his father's punch and lands a roundhouse kick on his father's head. Both of them drop but Crisanto gets up before his son does, he inspects his son's body, and it appears his son is passed out, he then picks his son up from the foot and dangles him at the edge of the cliff.

Crisanto: You got knocked out because you forgot to relax your body, the "Ethereal Riposte" is versatile because it's formless, but you need to relax your muscles at the moment the attack connects and tense up at the moment you strike, I guess you can think about that before you die, and you can train it if you survive this fall, goodbye my son

Crisanto throws his son off the cliff, he watches as his son falls off the cliff, he sheds a tear because no is not the time for regrets, he has no one to hold him back now, he can finally pursue the power that he was looking for, Andy lands at the ground with a sickening thud, he lays there not moving, maybe even dead. Crisanto feels a bit dizzy from the hit his son landed but he shakes it off, he begins to walk away from the cliff.

VendettaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora