Fate of the Deserter

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*After Keith and Ken return when Keith goes to his house he finds it burned down and a bunch of Yakuza roam the streets searching in the hopes of finding him*

Ken: Shit bro they burned your house down, I have no clue how you are going to get out of this situation.

Keith: I also don't know what to do but let's try to find somewhere to hide

*The two friends decided to go to a little place where the Kurokami Clan has no control, called "The gray zone"
It's an empty place where squatters go since there's no one who can take the turf since they don't know who to take it from people built a safe haven there away from the bloodshed of Sinvera City*

Ken: I think we should be safe here for the time being.

Keith: I agree but I don't know if we are safe from the others here.

Maria: Hey where did you come from?! You Yakuza have no business here, we will make you an example

Wei: Mimi go I'll handle these two, you go on ahead and warn the others

Mimi: Wei, I'll fight with you, I'm not a pushover!

Ken: We don't want to fight. We came here to escape the Kurokami Clan

Keith: If you could both calm down, then we can talk properly

Wei: You filthy Yakuza You all say that then when we turn around your going to shoot us.

Ken: We just escaped okay, let us through!

Wei: No way you filthy Yakuza!

Keith: Are you retarded or just deaf? We don't want to fight you!

*Wei was to hellbent on protecting his community so he struck first but Keith dodged, Mimi followed up with a side kick but Ken intercepts the kick and deflects it, Wei follows up with a forward kick but Keith steps to the right and counters with a hook that sends Wei back Mimi switches for Wei and attacks Ken with a kick that was dodged, Keith switched with Ken and throws a turning side kick that gets blocked, Mimi pushed Keith, and Wei throws a Superman punch, but Ken kicks him during the momentum causing Wei to wince in pain as he drops down*

Zheng: That's enough! We do not treat our guests like this, forgive my boy Wei, I am Zheng the leader of the gray zone. Please come join us

Wei: But Elder they both are Yakuzas! We don't need their kind!

Zheng: Wei, they don't seem to come with I'll intentions no one comes to the gray zone to take over, and even if they did we have been able to fend off anyone that tries

Wei: Fuckwits like them are what ruined the world, I don't want them here

*Wei looks at Keith and stares deep into his eyes as they face off, Wei looks ready to fight and Keith is prepared their hands twitch and are ready to brawl again until Mimi broke the tension*

Mimi: Brother! We shouldn't fight them, save your strength and get stronger, until they actually fight us, right now we aren't stronger than them, they have been doing this for years and with nerves of steel facing death, but us? We spar, but we never fought for our lives, we are far apart in terms of experience and skill, so please, save your strength!

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