Dying light

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*Keith was taking hits but he was okay he stood firm, taking the beating Kaito is dishing out*

Kaito: I dreamed of this moment, I usually get rid of half fucks like you

Keith: I'm not dying here, I'm just trying to get the thing holding me back, off!

*Kaito punched him again but Keith dodged and hit him with a headbutt*

Kaito: You aren't going to give up huh.

Keith: I won't!

*Keith takes another hit to the gut and an uppercut that knocks him, but Keith takes a page out of Andy's book and begins using the adrenaline he's feeling to his advantage he jumps and puts his hand under his legs and puts his hands in front, Keith dodges another of Kaito's attacks and slams his fists at him and he tied the chains around his neck*

Kaito: You going to kill me?

Keith: Because of what you did I might not be able to hold back!

*Kaito took his dagger and cut the chains with a sharp knife causing Keith to break free, Keith kicks Kaito on the back, the kick makes Kaito move forward, and Keith grabs him by the back of his head and he throws him on the ground, he flips Kaito over and begins pummeling him on the ground, after he was certain he wasn't going to get up for the time being he stood up and went to Kiramei, he freed her and he helped her up*

Kiramei: Keith? Is that you? Are you alright?

Keith: I am...

Kiramei: Keith, kill me already, I don't want to live with the shame.

Keith: I can't do that, I can never kill a friend.

*It didn't take long before an ambulance came and they took Kiramei to the hospital Keith was feeling distraught after seeing her friend in bad shape Keith looks as they take Mei to the Hospital and saw Kaito being arrested and he stopped in front of Keith*

Kaito: Keith, you made this fun for me, heh, my men ran during our fight, it looks like you are starting to show promise, Keith, I respect you kid, you remind me of my tenacity when I was young.

Keith: I don't know if I can forgive you for hurting my friend, but It was my fault too, I brought danger to them, I'll see you around Kaito sir.

Kaito: Heh, see you around kid!

*Kaito leaves with the cops and Keith decides that he can't let people be dragged into the underworld just because of him, Keith left Phoenix Academy, He calls his friend Ken and they meet in their favorite bar, once Ken enters he notices Keith dressed to the nines*

Ken: Keith what is that? what are you wearing?

Keith: What do you think? Do you like the black and white combo?

Ken: Your too goddamn flashy, plus that attire isn't proper, you might want to consult me next time, it makes you look old.

Keith: I took it cause it spoke to me when I saw it the other day, I like it very much

Ken: The white pants and white dress jacket with your black shirt look nice, but I just can't get over your shoes, that's snakeskin shoes

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