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*At the Asahi family office Kaito sits at his chair and smokes a cigar, his captain Shido opens the door*

Shido: Sir we had reports that Keith has beaten our men.

Kaito: That bastard, what's the reason this time?

Shido: Our Human Trafficking ring, our men have secured this lady and we're planning to kidnap her, but Keith foiled our plans and beat our men.

Kaito: Hey, I said quit it with the Human Trafficking, maybe the old patriach was into that but we already have business elsewhere than trafficking women.

Shido: At your wish sir, but Keith can't be foiling your plans always, surely there are consequences to his actions, if I were you I wouldn't allow that.

Kaito: I was looking for a reason to beat the kid,I need to teach that half-ass a lesson, guess I can have my revenge, looks like my prayers have been answered. I want our men surrounding Keith's house

Shido: Yes boss, but Keith was able to beat you and you can topple over 100 men in your prime, don't you think we should send a lot more, I heard he took down a lot of people in Wakatsuki Family HQ if he can do that then I suggest we bring in all our men.

Kaito: Sure pull all the stops, but I want him alive when you capture him, I want to be the one to finish him off.

Shido: Of course Boss I'll make that happen.

*The plan was put into motion Keith saw the commotion from his window, he decided to wear his old suit and confront those men, he went and open the door and approach the men*

Keith: Good morning I guess, it seems your all here for me, I wonder why.

Shido: I'm Shido Takamura the captain of the Asahi Family, we came on orders to capture you for ruining our catch of the night

Keith: Huh? You mean that girl you were capturing, I know what you fuckers are going to do to her and I won't allow it!

Shido: Yeah, but you have no say in that! You may be Wakatsuki's favorite but that doesn't mean shit once you are a civilian, you don't have anyone backing you up now, so you can come with us now or we will have to fight.

Keith: Fine stay that way, but if your ready to die, then come at me!

*Shido goes to the back while all his men charge at Keith, Keith does his best he fights all 10 he easily beats them with the techniques he learned from his teacher he was easily able to beat them with one punch*

Shido: You really are amazing but there are more men coming for you, I'll be the one to keep you at bay while more men make their way.

Keith: Then come at me Shido!

*Shido pulls out a dagger from his pocket and unsheathes it, he gets in position and charges at Keith, he is faster causing Keith to get cut by his attack*

Keith: You are fast I'll give you that, but I'll find a way

Shido: This is just the warning Keith, surrender now if you don't want to die

*Keith takes the challenge and runs at Shido, he throws a flurry of punches that are dodged, Shido stabs the knife at Keith but he dodged barely causing the side of his torso to be cut, he grabs Shido's arm and throws him to the ground, Shido felt his head shake and his ears start to ring but he grabs Keith with his legs putting him a triangular choke*

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