The Worm's Secret

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*Andy and everyone meet together after their class during the afternoon*

Andy: How are the 50 missing activities you are working on Keith?

Kiramei: Holy shit! 50!? That's insane I'm never going to go absent like what Keith did, dudes got balls for disappearing for 3 weeks. I wonder what excuse did you tell the principal to let you go scot-free.

Keith: I told Aunt Vera to sign my letter of excuse, she's the only living relative I have, and she's eligible to be my guardian, so I just asked her and she did.

Andy: Oh and what did she say? Surely there must be something going on.

Keith: Oh you know the usual How are you, and she invited me to train, but I said no.

Andy: Really? why would you refuse?

Keith: Well like I said, I don't want to do anything with the Kiwami style, I may be in the bloodline but I will not partake in the practice, I want to be someone different.

Miyuki: Different how?

Keith: I don't want to be compared to Andy, I want to have my differences

Kiramei: Why not? I heard Andy is popular with the girls.

Andy: Indeed I am, Mei! But they just know me from looks and they don't even know my name.

Kiramei: Learn a bit from Andy Keith, he's always on his A-game, and he has a lean and muscular build that girls like, if you want to be popular you got to loosen up a bit, and let go of your frown, you look like the oldest 19-year-old LOL!

Miyuki: I don't see anything wrong with Keith, he looks old for someone his age, but I think I like the vibes he gives off, I prefer older men *she shoots a wink at Keith*

Kiramei: You like older men? I mean sure Keith's got things going for him, but his muscles are too big for girls to like, it looks disgusting even, like a roid monster, we want to date Tom Cruise, not Hulk.

Miyuki: I think that's a bit harsh, Keith's just buff I guess. I thought you liked Keith.

Kiramei: I did but when I saw him without a shirt on, I think I kind of got turned off because of how big he is he's 5'7 Andy's 5'11 he's close to six foot!

Miyuki: Oh well, I guess that's your preference.

Keith: I have some work to do so I'll leave you three.

Kiramei: Me too, I got to get something for my mom.

*They both leave and when Keith and Kiramei leave Miyuki takes Andy to a safe house*

Andy: Why did you take me here?

Miyuki: You were assigned as my new partner and bodyguard.

Andy: I thought my job was the same as Keith's.

Miyuki: Yes, but Keith never got to the second part of our partnership, I needed him as a partner because I have Information on the Worm organization Andy, we can find your father.

Andy: Wait, so you are also an agent?

Miyuki: Yes, but I work backstage, 'cause daddy doesn't want me in the field getting hurt, or worse, dead.

Andy: Well anything you want to tell me about how we will track him down?

Miyuki: Yes, I'm here to tell you that there are recent reports of Worm activity in the western part of Sinvera City, that I'd like you to investigate.

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