Bio Weapon Projects

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*It was Valentine's Day and Andy suited up to invite Miyuki on a date giving her flowers and chocolates*

Andy: Happy Valentine's Day Miyuki! Will you please go out with me?

Miyuki: Sure, I'd love to talk to you about something.

*They sit down at a cafe and they ordered a drink*

Andy: So what do you want to talk about?

Miyuki: We got to talk about Keith.

Andy: Why? He's not someone I want you to be associated with, he got you in danger, me and your father is going to kill him, but it's fine, I heard he's been captured recently by the Hwang Clan Mafia, they got him on the ropes and they are leaving him for dead.

Miyuki: Are you just that heartless? He saved me, saved Kira, he saved you! He's done more good than the evil he's done, he helped us survive, can't you forgive him?

Andy: Come on its a date, we're supposed to have fun, stop talking about Keith already, we have a fine day ahead of us, and your thinking about problems.

Miyuki: He's not a problem! He's my friend, I owe him my life Andy! I want to save him.

Andy: We aren't letting you, he has to die, he's part of what your father is fighting, he's part of a criminal organization, if you can't see that, then we have a problem.

Miyuki: You're right! We do have a problem, I'm going to need some time alone.

*Miyuki leaves and pays for their drinks, she leaves Andy to think about what he's doing, while Natsuha and Vera wonder about Keith*

Vera: My nephew is probably captured by now, I don't know how to save him though.

Natsuha: I kind of miss he was here, I prepared chocolates for him, I made it myself.

Vera: That's sweet but I don't think he will be coming back anytime soon, I'll see what we can do to get him back, in the meantime, continue practicing what Keith taught you.

*Natsuha was practicing she was thinking about storming there by her own, she saw how Keith was able to take on a hundred men with his fist, he was a legend in her eyes, she continued training hoping to be like him. Everyone had something to do with him but Miyuki had enough she decided to consult with her mother*

Miyuki: Mom I'm at a loss, Dad, and Andy has left Keith for dead, they are doing anything in their power to kill him. I just don't know why they don't see the good in him like I do.

Miya: Your father never told me anything about that, I thought he was missing in action, well I think we can save him on our own.

Miyuki: Really? How?

Miya: I know someone that can help us.

Miyuki: Who? Dad has full control now, he kicked you out for this reason.

Miya: Who said we are sending someone from Watanabe Agency?

*Keith underground continues to struggle staying conscious, he's been down there for 2 days, he holds on to dear life with everything he's got, he can die any second or day now from hunger, thirst, or from bleeding out*

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