Chapter 8: The Battle Against Gridon and Kurokage

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(Mirko is seen at U.A. High's main room as she is having a conversation.)

Mirko: I'm telling you, Nezu. There were two individuals, and they killed a poor, innocent family.

Nezu: Does it have to do with...

(Suddenly the alarm raises.)

Nezu: Intruders.

Mirko: Leave them to me.

(Mirko runs to the hall and sees Gridon brutalizing both Mirio and Tamaki while Kurokage grabs Nejire's neck.)

Mirko: (stern) It's them.

(She kicks Kurokage, and he backs away.)

Kurokage: A true hero, eh? Well, I will enjoy killing you.

Mirko: (glares) Try me, asshole!

(She punches Kurokage's stomach and kicks his face as he backs away. Midnight and Mt. Lady come to help her.)

Mirko: Get the nut bastard. He's about to kill Mirio and Tamaki!

(Mt. Lady nods as she kicks Gridon away. Then Midnight uses her whip to hit him, but suddenly Gaim and Zangetsu come in.)

Gaim: This is our stage now.

(Gaim charges at Gridon while Zangetsu sets towards Kurokage, who countered Mirko's attack. Gaim and Gridon throw punches at each other, and then they use their finishers while Zangetsu and Kurokage do the same.)





(They clash their finishers as they revert back to their human forms as the 1-B Girls, Nejire, Mei, Mt. Lady and Midnight blush by seeing Jin's face, and the same happens to Mirko when she sees Tokumasa. Izuku and Shoto's eyes widen by seeing their alternate selves as Kamen Riders.)

Izuku/Shoto: Was that... me?

Jin/Tokumasa: I knew it.

A.R. Izuku/A.R. Shoto: This isn't over yet... heretics...

(Then a dark portal opens up, and they go through it as everyone gets shocked by seeing the alternate versions of Izuku and Shoto as Kamen Riders.)

Izuku: I can't believe this...

Shoto: I'm working on believing this too...


(Jin and Tokumasa are seen at U.A.'s main room as Nezu got shocked by what he witnessed.)

Nezu: I can't believe this... some alternate versions of Izuku and Shoto becoming Kamen Riders?

Tokumasa: And villains too...

Nezu: Where did they come from?

Tokumasa: We don't know for sure, but we need to work together to stop them.

Mirko: Uh... are you serious about that?

(Tokumasa turns to Mirko.)

Tokumasa: Rumi.... I thought that fighting alone was something that needs to be done as well... But I realised that even in life, it's okay to have some help once in awhile.

Nezu: I'll see what I can do to help you guys.

(Then they leave as they prepare for a battle about to come.)

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