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(More than one-thousand years before present day)

The Consul of Nine had been meeting in secret for the past forty days. Their goal was to determine a solution to put an end to the madness that was spreading through the land of Tenroha. The consul was made up of representatives of all the peoples and creatures of the lands. Representing the three primary races of humanoids in Tenroha were as follows: King Ryan II, the king of men, along with his wife Queen Evangeline, spoke for the humans of the land. King Ragnar and Queen Sapphire stood and spoke for the dwarves and their kind. The elves, not having a hierarchy that places one over the others, had sent their two eldest and wisest to the meeting. Viskwyn, whose name roughly translates to "wise one," and Viskarn, which simply means "wise eagle" for his intuitive foresight.

The Consul of Nine was called to order by the Tribune of Magi, an ancient order made up of wizards, magicians, oracles, and other magical beings spread out across the lands to oversee their actions. They, too, sent representatives to the meeting. First, there was a powerful human wizard that held the title of Grand Master, named Arryn of Night and Light. Also, there was Melyshada, an oracle that was descended from a pairing of the elves and dwarves centuries ago. The largest and most fearsome member of the consul was Ethelinda, whose scales were as emeralds glistening at sunset. She was sent by her mate, whose name is unpronounceable by men, elves, or dwarves, and is referred to as Dracus which means Dragon King. He was an enormous specimen with bright almost glowing scales of red. At a distance, he looked like a mountain over flown by lava that never cools.

The consul met atop the Attikì Mountains. A humble range of mountains that separated the smaller, westernmost, part of Tenroha from the vastly larger portion to the east. Trouble had been brewing on the western side of the mountains. The range stretched from the ice covered coast and treacherous ice laden waters of the Ocean of Sorrows at the northernmost tip of Tenroha all the way to the southernmost coast. The mountains stretched out from the mainland into a volcanic archipelago that contains many islands, including the infamous Mount Doom as well as being the home of the dragons.

A wizard named Jemot, who, had been stripped of his association of the Tribune of Magi for delving into the forbidden arts of dark magic. Jemot was a man of normal size and average build who was around fifty years in age. He had dark graying hair and a long gray beard. Jemot had been placed on trial for the act of summoning spirits and demons, but worst of all necromancy. He was sentenced to exile on the Isle of Time which was located three days' flight on a dragon's back, and west of the westernmost shore of Tenroha. The Isle of Time has ruins that predate any known history of Tenroha, with rumbling monuments and tablets that were written in an unknown language.

In his exile, after many years, he was able to uncover the truths behind the ruins of the Isle of Time. Through the use of his dark arts, he learned the ancient language and became able to read the tablets. He learned older and a more powerful, primal magic, that had not been seen or used in millennia. This magic gave him an unusually long life. His exile had been in place for over a hundred years before he returned to the shores of Tenroha. He was wearing a crimson colored cloak and riding on the back of a giant tidal wave. The wave destroyed everything and everyone in the coastal port city of Acenes. There were no survivors.

He left Tenroha, an aging fifty year old man and returned a much younger and stronger man. He had jet black hair and stood taller than most. He was leaner and stronger than he had been before his exile. It was as he was aging in reverse. After the attack on Acenes, he began amassing an army of the undead to take control of all of Tenroha. Controlling such a force was very taxing on his abilities and left him weakened. After taking control of many cities and towns around the coast, he began to enslave those who had been taken captive, through a form of mind control. Making for himself a new army. An army of the living.

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