Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Captain Sebastian Claremont arrived in the port city of Oaken Meadow nearly two moon cycles past with aspirations of integrating her people into his army and using the city as a central base of operations for his future military exploits. His plans, laid out by his master, Jemot, had been devastated by the quick thinking actions of the captain of Oaken Meadow's Peacekeepers. Claremont and his men had become too overconfident by their many acts of plundering the towns and villages that they had already conquered, and had underestimated the leadership of the Oaken Meadow Peacekeepers.

He, with a small contingent of his troops, tried to take the city, like they had many others, and had lost the battle. They were forced to retreat and regroup with the main forces. By the following evening, the city's captain had evacuated the city and had prepared several traps that cost Claremont many of the lives of his men. They weren't intensively trained soldiers of war. They were mostly farm hands, miners, and such. They had been forced into service by Captain Claremont and Jemot. Many had wives and children that were being held prisoner so that they would comply.

Before the city's captain left, he and his men burned the city. Claremont and his men had been working tirelessly in order to repair the walls of the city and several of the buildings before the rest of his forces arrived from their own engagements across the lands. Once the walls had been repaired, he and his men began work on rebuilding the store houses at the docks. They were to be used as barracks for the men. He took up residence in the captain's quarters of the Peacekeepers headquarters. It had taken little damage in the fire and was easily repaired.

The reconstruction was coming along as swiftly as could be. There were no mills around for wood and the men had to cut and use the trees as best they could. As the other eleven regiments reported to Oaken Meadow, they too began to assist in the rebuilding efforts to the city. Claremont had turned the once busy plaza that was filled with shops and other assorted merchants into a training ground for his unwilling army of conscripted men. They were becoming better prepared for the upcoming assault on the capital city of Tenroha.

Jemot had appeared to Claremont on several occasions since his arrival to the city in his mist form. He was furious with Claremont for failing to take the city whole and he had the Luna Stala punish him for his failure. In the dead of night, while the captain was sleeping, they clawed at his back leaving deep scrapes that were slow in healing. He also had them remove the small finger from his left hand.

It was Jemot's plan was for every regiment to regroup, after the attacks on the other cities and towns, at Oaken Meadow. They were to station there to train the new recruits and after a fortnight they were to take the army, that he estimated would be around fifteen thousand men, to the capital city and prepare for an attack. The failed attempt at Oaken Meadow cost him several hundred men as well as, by not capturing the city, cost them several thousand new recruits as well as several moon cycles before they would be able to finish Jemot's plans of conquering the capital.

Claremont was in his quarters making adjustments to the attack plans for the forthcoming assault on the capital city. With the successful attacks on the other cities, his forces were close to twelve thousand. He was standing over a map of the city. He had his troops placed all around the city and was trying to discern which strategy of attack would be best suited.

He stood, perplexed, as he stared at the map. Even with his forces out numbering those of the capital city, he could not find a way for his forces to enter the city. The walls of the city were too high for his men to take with hooks and ladders. The gates were too thick to use a ram. Every way he looked at it, he would lose many men and still not succeed in the assault. The palace and city were built to withstand an attack from dragons and Captain Claremont could see no way for men, alone, to prevail. Filled with frustration, he grabbed the top of the table and flipped it across the room, slamming it into the wall.

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