Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-nine

Ryan had been healing well, but he still had a splint on his leg to help him to mend his broken leg. It had been six days since they returned to the Sanctum. The healers at the Sanctum had done all they could, but the bone still needed a little more time to heal. He had discussed with Wilhelm what they had discovered about the lost capital city of Tviðr-gnípa. Wilhelm advised him to wait until he was fully healed before venturing out on another expedition.

Ryan was becoming impatient with waiting. After years of research and countless hours spent translating ancient documents, the ancient sword known as Sannr was finally within his grasp, but he was trapped at the Sanctum because his leg was broken. One of the healers had given him a wooden crutch that had a place to rest his arm to lean on while he tried to move around.

After dinner in the dining hall, he had Nìa help him to his room. He didn't need her assistance, but it made her feel needed. He was deep in thought as they walked. She opened the door for him, and walked with him to his bedside where he sat down. He was feeling optimistic so he decided to ask her a question. "Do you think that we could get it?"

"Get what?" answered Nìa. "The sword.," said Ryan. "Even though my leg is broken, I still believe that the two of us could get it. We know where it's located, and I think that we could get it before anyone would discover that we had left." "With your leg in the condition that it is, I do not believe that you should be traveling at all," replied Nìa.

"My leg is nearly healed and by the time that we get there it should be almost completely healed," he said. He stood up without using his crutch and began bending his knees to show her that he was healing. He winced a little before he sat back down. "You see, I hardly feel any pain now," said Ryan.

Ryan had a lot of experience in getting people to do something that they had no desire to do, and he spent the rest of their evening trying to convince Nìa that it was a good idea to go after the sword. He explained the importance of the sword's use for defeating Jemot. He mentioned to her many things that he felt were important before finally pointing out that the new moon was less than a fortnight away and that they didn't have the time to waste on him healing. She wasn't fully convinced, but she agreed to go with him before they both retired to their own beds.

The following morning she found him in the Forbidden Room. He was studying maps again. He was comparing a map of the locations of the Sentinel Trees to the map that he had made of the realm. The closest tree to the ancient city was over a day's walk to get to where he wanted to be. It was one of the trees, like Oaken Meadow or Echo, that had small openings so a horse couldn't be used.

The nearest one capable of riding a horse through it was a four day ride with good weather. Winter was approaching and the days had been becoming colder and although the solstice marks the first day of winter, he knew that it was not uncommon for snow to begin falling weeks before then, especially in the area of the realm that they were intending to travel to. Time was against them, so his only logical choice was to go on foot and hope that his leg could take the added the strain.

The two of them made plans for their departure while they made their way to the dinning hall. After they ate, Nìa went to tell Jäkob of their plans while Ryan prepared for their departure. She made him promise not to say anything to anyone about it. He was easier to convince than she had been, but he agreed as long as she showed him where they were going. She pointed to a location on a map that he had in his room. The spot was marked by a lake with two mountains on either side.

Ryan had found Master U'lias who had come to the Sanctum to report on the enemy positions. Ryan told him that he had received a tip on the location of where Claremont was keeping his war prisoners. He managed to convince him that a small, yet secret, reconnaissance mission was necessary before he made an official report to the king. Master U'lias agreed to open the portal for Ryan and Nìa to investigate. Master U'lias also wanted to join them, but Ryan informed him that they could be gone for days and that he was needed elsewhere. He promised the wizard master they would inform him when they were ready to return or if they were in danger.

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