Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-seven

Jonah exited the opening in the Sentinel Tree and entered the land belonging to the elves. He began to feel dizzy. He was still weak from the long dragon ride back to the Sanctum, but his stubbornness would not let him rest and heal. The salve that Mrs. Clary had made for him, allowed his external wounds heal quickly, but he had still lost a lot of his blood. He saw Kara standing just outside of the tree with the light from the sun at her back.

He reached a hand towards her to try and steady himself as he lost his balance from the dizziness inside his head. She pushed his arm away not realizing what was happening to him and he stumbled forward. He tried to grab a hold of her hand but missed and he fell to the ground and landed, hard, on his hands and knees. He cursed the dizziness and tried to regain his footing.

After Kara understood what had happened, she gracefully helped him to his feet and asked him what was wrong. Jonah felt that he had grown close enough to Kara in their training lessons to confide in her, and though he was embarrassed by it, he told her about the past few days and how he came to the land of the elves to find her.

She escorted him to her dwelling in the trees as she listened to what he had to say about what had transpired in his quest. The stairway that was woven into the trunk of her tree wasn't steep, but by the time they reached her home, his legs were barely strong enough to hold his weight. She led him to her table and helped him to sit.

While he was finishing telling his story, she made him a tea that was very aromatic and tasted of honey. He drank it down quickly and thanked her afterwards. They sat in silence for a few moments and as they sat at the table, Jonah could begin to feel his strength returning to him slowly. She poured him some more tea and he drank it more slowly while he asked about his siblings.

She told him all she knew and what she suspected about their journey, along with everything that her plans hoped to accomplish. Jonah was skeptical though. He knew the twins would not be easily be dissuaded from their goal. She also told him about the one that the twins referred to as Tor-kenna. She briefly explained the being's past and Jonah became more concerned.

It was still early in the day and Jonah had hoped that Kara would show him the way to Dragon's Point so that he could track down his brother and sister. She packed a traveling bag and since the effects of the tea began working, and Jonah was feeling rejuvenated, the two of them set off in search of Greygon and Pamela who should have returned.

They located them a short while later. The two had arrived early that morning. It had only taken them half the time to return because they, being elves, did not need to stop and rest. She had the two of them tell Jonah everything about what had happened on their journey with the twins.

Greygon explained Kara's plan to bribe the ship's captains and dock workers to not allow them passage and how he had personally taken them to see them all. He also explained that he had left them only enough coins to buy food and a place to sleep for a few days, hoping they would return when they ran out of money.

Pamela kept interjecting random things that she and the twins talked about which irritated the older and more serious elf, Greygon. Pamela was a young elf. She had only seen twenty-three summers compared to Kara's one-hundred and forty nine. She was always in high spirits and the more mundane the task at hand was, the more chipper that she became. She was always very optimistic. They had nearly wasted the entire afternoon in telling Jonah everything.

After Greygon finished his explanations of the previous day's events, the four of them entered a common place shared by all the elves. It was a narrow dwelling set in between many trees that overlapped one another. Smaller trees inside had been magically shaped into benches and tables, in a way that allowed them to be unharmed. Jonah thought that it was a tavern of sorts, but there were no waitresses or bar keeps.

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