Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

It had been almost three weeks since the group from Echo had arrived at The Sanctum of the Magi. They were welcomed as guests, but treated like family. Since the time of their arrival, the group from Echo had developed a routine of sorts. Jäkob would go and visit Wiɳdwyrɱ every morning before he broke his fast, and every evening before he went to bed, he would visit him and tell him about his day. The elders did not permit them to be in close proximity for long periods of time. After Wiɳdwyrɱ's arrival, the group had been moved to the rooms farthest from the Hall of Dragons to reduce their contact.

Throughout the days while Jäkob was learning his craft, Wiɳdwyrɱ would undergo training as well. He began lessons in combat flying from the elder dragons and soon he would be allowed to have Jäkob join him for some lessons. The two of them shared their training through their bond. Since Wiɳdwyrɱ had arrived, he and Jäkob began sensing and feeling each other's thoughts. This allowed each of them to learn what the other learned.

Jäkob was aware of Wiɳdwyrɱ learning about updrafts and wind currents, and Wiɳdwyrɱ was learning the ancient language of magic as Jäkob was being taught. It was especially helpful to Jäkob. Wiɳdwyrɱ's memory was better than his and Jäkob could always check with him if he was unsure of a word. Plus, seeing what Wiɳdwyrɱ was being taught would be beneficial for when they would finally get to fly together.

They weren't sure how far their bond would stretch, but here at the sanctum, it was strong. It was an odd feeling for Jäkob, but in the three weeks since each of their arrivals, it had become a part of him and he was enjoying it, but it did make it difficult for Jäkob when he was having trouble focusing on his lessons. A bonding like this had not occurred in over five hundred years and there was no one to teach the two of them what to do. There were scrolls passed down from previous generations of the Bonded, but Jäkob knew very little of the ancient language and relied on Wilhelm to help him to read and understand them.

The first lesson that the elders were planning on teaching both of them, was how to block the flow of thoughts between each other for short periods of time without severing their link. The elders were fearful of the bond. Their ages were too young to fully accept the bond, and it was the safest option that would sate Wiɳdwyrɱ's father and the other elder dragons to keep them from crashing through the doorway and taking him home to protect his son. The sanctum was a strong fortress, but it was no match for a dragon of his magnitude.

Jäkob and Matáo were seated at a table in the grand dining hall eating their breakfast and waiting for the others to join them. Wilhelm had been granted permission from the elders to begin Jäkob's training in the mystical arts of magic for a short time, and he was progressing well. He would soon be transferred into the care of the elders to begin training in more advanced forms of magic, once he had finished learning the basics of the ancient language from Wilhelm. Matáo and the other boys had begun training in different forms of combat.

They were being taught to wield the weapons of war. He and Jonah were excellent archers, but neither of them had any experience with a sword, not counting the stick fights they played at as children. Matáo was stronger and faster than Jonah, but Jonah was able to keep up with him and match him blow for blow when they were sparring together. Joel wasn't as good with a bow as either of them, but with practice, he was getting better.

The sword that he trained with was more of a dagger because he wasn't strong enough to lift a normal sword yet. Jäkob wanted to learn to fight as well, but Wilhelm and the elders believed that his studies were more important than learning how to stab someone. This didn't stop him though. Before everyone went to bed, Joel and Jäkob would spar a little as Joel showed him what he had learned. This helped both of them to get better.

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