Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty-one

It did not take much persuasion on Matáo's part to have the captured lieutenants tell him what he wanted to know. Matáo learned that Claremont had three different locations in which he sent the prisoners. The men and women that were useful for crafting armor were sent to one location, while the smiths and such were sent to another.

The third location was unknown to the lieutenants. It was where Claremont kept those who served no purpose for him, other than as leverage to keep his armies loyal. It was supposed to be in an area of the realm that was set apart and away from most anything else.

Matáo now knew the locations of two of the prison camps. He and his men had brought the prisoners back to Oaken Meadow, where he began working with Master Kranthem to plan rescue attempts at the two known encampments. The first one was two days' march from a Sentinel Tree or twelve days' ride on horseback.

He left the wardens, sent by the king and the elders of the Sanctum, to oversee the prisoners that were being kept in Oaken Meadow. He sent Thom and two others to search the first prison, while Matáo, Twiggy, and Sam made their way to the Sentinel Tree outside of Oaken Meadow along with Master Kranthem and several of his best archers and swordsmen.

Altogether there were twenty-five men at his command for this raid on the prison camp. They went through the portal that was created inside the tree and emerged on the outskirts of a small town that was completely empty. Most of the buildings had been burnt to ash, but there were a few that still stood considering the fires' best efforts to bring them down.

They spent a short while searching the remains of the town before making their way to where the lieutenants had claimed to have sent the prisoners. It was a large fishing village on the northern shore of Tenroha known as Flatfish Bay. Matáo had learned that it was a vital port in the north and was responsible for almost half of the fishing trade in the realm.

Matáo set a quick pace for his men in hopes that they could arrive in Flatfish Bay before the sunset the following day. He and his men marched all day and into the night before the bitter northern winds made them stop and make camp. They had passed through another small village, no bigger than Echo, and found a barn that was still intact.

They cleared the dry straw from the middle of the dirt floor and made a fire to warm themselves. The men had been eating what they brought on the march, but Matáo thought that his men could use something warm to eat before they arrived at the prison. He and Sam ventured out into the surrounding woods and found a small herd of goats that had survived the slaughter of Claremont's forces.

It was dark, but the moonlight was all that he and Sam needed to collect two of the goats and bring them back to the barn. When they returned, they found that the men were already sleeping, but they began roasting the fresh meat for when they woke. Matáo and Sam took turns in the night sleeping while the other kept watch over the camp.

The men began to wake near sunrise and found the roasted meat hanging over the fire. They ate heartily and before the sun had cleared the tops of the trees, the meat was gone and the men were ready to leave. Their camp was lightly set, so they were quick in preparation for their march. By midday, they could see plumes of smoke on the horizon.

Near evening fall, Matáo halted the march and he, Twiggy and Sam went off to get a closer look at what they were dealing with. A primitive spiked wall had been erected around the town that had only one gate leading to an area that had been cleared of trees. The town was completely open on the side facing the sea. There were no watch towers on the wall, only a handful of torches lined the walls for the guards to see.

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