Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

Wilhelm was waiting at the portal entrance to the Sanctum when Mrs. Clary, Jeremiah, and Matáo arrived for their mission to Oaken Meadow. He handed his traveling stones and one of the rings from his hand to Mrs. Clary and told her to be careful. He gave her a long embrace and then opened the portal to the Sentinel Tree near the city. The trio walked through the portal and it closed behind them.

He returned to his chambers to find Ryan and Chloé waiting for him. They began work on finalizing the plans for the trip to the Crescent Mountains. As much as Wilhelm wished to go with them, he needed to stay behind. Petra had agreed to travel with them for part of the journey, but refused to travel too far with them because he had other pressing matters that he had to attend to before he returned home to the Attikì Mountains where he lived.

Wilhelm and Ryan believed that they needed a third member for the expedition due to vague descriptions mentioned in the texts. The texts also recorded a few details that had Wilhelm wary that it would be a more dangerous journey for the group than first thought. He knew Nìa would want to go, but he and Ryan wanted her to stay behind. Chloé was becoming skilled at healing and Ryan had been training with swords since he was young.

They preferred to have a better suited magic user, but Jäkob needed to stay behind and focus on his training. After a brief discussion, they decided to ask the remaining members of the Brotherhood. At breakfast, they announced their intentions, and asked for a volunteer to accompany them on their journey, which was a long shot of an idea. The two dreamers believed that the Megin Forn-leifar would be vital in defeating Jemot.

During breakfast they tried convincing the others about the importance of their pursuit and were unable to persuade any of them except for Nìa and when Jonah had heard that she wanted to go, he volunteered to go with them. Wilhelm and Ryan had been preparing for their departure for several days and now that the plan was finished they were ready to begin.

They went to the portal entrance after the mid-day meal and began to say their farewells. Jonah thought it strange that he hadn't seen his brother or sister at the dining hall before they were to leave, and he didn't remember seeing them at breakfast. He asked Jäkob to keep an eye on them and to let the twins know where he had gone.

Wilhelm opened the portal that was nearest the mountains. Jonah and Petra entered first. Nìa removed the charm necklace from around her neck and placed it around Ryan's She gave him a kiss on the cheek saying, "For luck." They would have to walk a few days before they arrived at the dwarven settlement near the Quoe river and cross the bridge that connected the two dwarven domains.

Ryan smiled and he turned away. He and Chloé entered the portal and it closed behind them. Nìa, Wilhelm, and Jäkob said a prayer to the Creator and whoever else would listen. They turned and began to go about their business. Jäkob had a lesson with the elders, Nìa was to meet with Jessie to help her practice her healing arts, and Wilhelm was to leave in the morning for one of the heraðs to begin defensive augmentations of the city.

Jäkob had been learning to sever the link between himself and Wiɳdwyrɱ, and had been instructed by the elders to block the mental connection with him as often as possible. For now, he tried to keep the bond closed unless they were flying together and he was really missing his presence, so he decided to visit with him before his lesson began.

When he entered Wiɳdwyrɱ's room, he found the twins sitting on the floor in front of him. He opened his mind and reached out to him and asked unheard to the others, "What's going on?" "I tried to tell you that they were here this morning. They arrived just after you left for your breakfast," replied Wiɳdwyrɱ.

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