<<~•° Her °•~>>

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While Jessie was waiting for Meowth's and James to come out of the store , she began to feel a pain strike through her stomach. She got up and grabbed a few female personal stuff and went to the nearest bathroom. She did what she had to do and saw that she was on her month. She smiled and changed. When she was done she went back and saw James and Meowth coming out of the store. James looked different , he seemed upset and meowth was a rather relieved. Jessie wondered why and put her hand on James hand.

Jessie:*Calmly* James ? , What's wrong ?

James:*Looks down Angrily* It's... n-nothing.

Jessie:*Pouts* Your lying , you can tell me anything james , I'm your best friend.

James:*Mumbles* Aren't you supposed to do the same ?

Jessie was a bit taken back by the words. She looked at Meowth with a shocked expression. Meowth looked away and then Jessie knew what James was referring to. Her head lowered as she took her hand away from James hand.

James:*Angry* Why didn't you tell me you were getting hurt by that brute Jessie ?

Jessie:*Sad* I... didn't want to involve you.

James:*Angry* But that's what I'm there for Jessie , To get involved when you need me to.

Jessie:*Angry* Oh and how about you huh !!? You think I haven't noticed that gold ring around your finger !!! I know you married another girl and didn't even bother to tell me!!!

James:*Angry* That's different , your more important here !!! I'm going to help you and your going to come live with me.

Jessie was angry , she didn't want to live with him even though every soul in her body wanted to. But he was married , what could she do besides be a wall between them. Jessie got up as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Jessie:*Crying* I will not go anywhere with you...

James:*Calms down* Then let me book you into a hotel atleast...*takes Jessie's hand* please Jessie....I lost you once... don't make me loose you again.

Jessie sighed in defeat and nodded. The two got up and hugged each other. Though Jessie was trying not to cry , she missed James hugs and felt as if she wanted to stay in them forever , but she couldn't cause he had someone else to love.

James:*Smiles* Come on , I'll take you somewhere safe.

Jessie nods and packs her stuff. Meowth jumps onto her shoulder as James leads them out of the park. He then leads them to a hotel with high security. Jessie gripped onto James hand as she saw people stare at her. People began to whisper and meowth just growled at them. James gave her a reassuring grip to assure her that she was safe. He took her to a room which was huge. It had a queen sized bed , white tile floors , a beautiful marble kitchen , red carpets and a spotless island bathroom. It had a beautiful view of the city and had a pool on the balcony. Jessie and meowth stared in shock as James led them through the apartment.

Jessie:*Shocked* James...what is this place ?

James:*Smiles nervously* My secret apartment...you can live here. No one , but the personnel know I sometimes live here.

Jessie:*Blushes a bit* J-james that's a bit to much , I can't accept this.

James:*Sternly* Well you have to and I'll have some Bodyguards watch over you whenever I'm not...and I'll come pop in every once in a while to make sure your safe.

Jessie's heart beat fastly as she looked into James eyes. Meowth saw this and smirked. He kept his mouth shut as he watched the two chat.

James:*Smiles* Oh and meowth there's a small cat bed in the bedroom so you can watch Jessie aswell ok.

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