...What a reunion pt 2...

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Ash explained to misty how he bumped into James and about James bleeding in the cab. Misty was shocked to hear James was bleeding , but then she began to wonder , Where was Jessie if James was alone. Ash sensed misty thinking about something as he looked at his girlfriend.

Ash:*Looks at misty* What's wrong misty?

Misty:*Sighs* I don't know , I'm just wondering... where's Jessie if James is here....

Ash:*Thinks about it too* I wonder too , I read somewhere that James got married to jessiebelle...which made me think , what happened that James went back to his home and married the woman he was afraid of.

Misty:*Turns to Ash* Did you ask James what happened?

Ash:*Shakes his head* No sadly...he said something about how he's never heard the team rocket name in a long time...

Misty:*Puts two pieces together* I think team rocket split up Ash.

Ash:*Realises it too* No wonder I haven't seen them for a while , they stopped coming to get pikachu and thought they were thinking about something more to try and captured pikachu , but after one year I read that James got married which made me shocked but I must've forgotten that when I saw him in the cab.

The two teenagers talked about the same topic for hours till they left for ash's mom's house to stay in for the time being.

*With Jessie*

Jessie was still walking in the streets and stopped at a nearby park to calm down. She allowed her Pokemon to go play while she sat on the swings and swung herself a bit , until a little girl came up to her. The small child looked around 5 or 6 years of age. She had big yellow eyes , tanned skin , dark brown hair and a yellow dress on. Her hair was in ponytails and she was barefoot. The little girl had a butterfree hair in her hair.

Kiko:*Sweetly* Hello ma'am , why do you look so sad ?

Jessie:*Wipes away a tear immediately* Oh I-I'm not sad I'm just having some time to myself.

Kiko:*Smiles* Oh...well do you wanna play with me at the sand box ?

Jessie:*Smiles* Sure , why not...

Jessie got up from the swing and followed the little girl to the sandbox. She sat down and helped the little girl build a small sand castle. The child was quite fond of Jessie as they built the castle. Jessie giggled as the little girl drew a face on the sand and wrote their names at the bottom. She didn't mind that the little girl misspelt her name that just made her more cute. Jessie found that this girl's name was Kiko as she read their names in the sand. When Kiko left with her parents , Jessie felt a bit happy and went back to sitting on the swing set. She gently swung herself on the swing as she remembered how she loved the swing set as a child. The wind rushed through her hair as she felt as if she got closer to the sky and closer to freedom. Jessie laughed as she felt free on the swing. When she was high enough , she jumped and then old team rocket instincts kicked in and made her do a front flip. A small crowd clapped their hands as children stared in awe. Jessie nervously giggled as she became a bit to nervous and ran for it. Her Pokemon followed behind her and met her around the corner where she stopped. They comforted her cause lately after and even during the whole Trevor issue , Jessie slowly grew a fear for crowds or she panicked or anything that was the opposite of her old self. She use to love crowds who praised and adored her , but now , she feared them even if they gave her compliments. She then decided to head back to the hotel and just take a bath and chill on the couch and watch TV. When she got to the apartment , Jessie slowly crept into the room and plopped down on the couch. Pumpkaboo gave her some water , serviper handed her the remote as Mimiku rested on her lap. Arbok handed her a pillow , she thanked them and hugged them all as she switched on the TV and watched her favourite show called , Maleficent , it was the only show she liked during her time with Trevor and the only show she could kind of relate to. Her Pokemon enjoyed watching maleficent fight in the movie while Jessie liked the other parts except for when Stefan betrayed maleficent it reminded her of her time with Trevor , how he hurt her....she just remained quiet as all watching the movie and kind of smiled when it got to the end.

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