<<~•°The way it was °•~>>

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James:*Still tired a bit* What are you doing up so late ?

Jessie:*Startled* J-james , oh I just needed some fresh air that's all.

James face softened and he sat down next to his female companion. She sighed as it was hard for her to believe that all this was true. For the past few years she's been living in torment she found it hard to believe that it was over. She looked down at her legs as she saw the old scares visibly show on her light skin. James put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. Jessie was shocked at first , but soon calmed down. Tears escaped her eyes as she felt that she was now safe. She cried as James stroked her back to comfort her. Jessie hasn't felt this safe ever since she and James separated. James planted a kiss on Jessie's forehead as she sobbed in his chest. He knew she was both relieved , but still scared.

Jessie:*Drying her tears* S-sorry I didn't mean to cry like this it's...just...

James:*Smiles softly* Jess don't worry it's fine , I couldn't imagine you not crying after being freed from a monster like that Trevor guy.

Jessie:*Still trying to process things* P-please don't mention his name infront of me.

James nods and looks up at the night sky. Jessie did the same as she began to remember how she and James use to star gaze every night while they were still team rocket agents. Jessie then slowly drifted off to sleep. James smiled and gently picked her up. His body hurt from the wounds , but he didn't care. He carried her all the way back to the apartment and layed her down on the couch next to him. Meowth snuggled closer to James thigh and purred. James smiled gently and softly patted the scratch cat's head. He then paused as he began to think about what life would've been like of they split up. If Jessie never met Trevor or if James never married jessiebelle. How would life have been if he had the guts to tell Jessie how he felt about her. Would they have been together forever. Would they have had a family together. This bothered his mind as he looked down at sleeping Jessie who was fast asleep next to him. James then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

<<~•° In James dream °•~>>

James was sitting on a cream couch watching TV. He looked down at Meowth who was busy taking a cat nap next to him. He smiled and covered the scratch with a blanket. He then heard a familiar giggle coming towards him. He looked up to see Jessie in a purple tank top and white shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore her necklace around her neck. She sat down on his lap and kissed him passionately.

Jessie:*Happily* I love you James.

James blushed and smiles.

James:*Kisses her forehead* I love you too Jessie.

The two cuddled until they were interrupted by a little girl who jumped into their arms. She had violet hair like Jessie's and green eyes like James. Her skin was a lighter shade than both of them and she wore James old team rocket top. She was bare foot and her hair was curly and reached till her neck. Jessie kissed the little girl as James hugged her. The child giggled as the happy dream faded away.

~•° End of dream °•~
Sorry it's short but I had nothing else to think of.

<<~•° The next morning°•~>>

James woke up early and called his work and told them that he wouldn't be able to make it for today. He then went to the kitchen and made some breakfast even though he could just ask room service to bring something up for them , but he wasn't in the mood for that. He made some scrambled eggs and some waffles with maple syrup and blue berries with raspberries on top. Jessie woke up to the smell of something sweet as meowth jumped off the couch to the sound of James humming. The two friends looked at the lavender haired man as he carried three plates in his hands. He served up Jessie and meowth's plate and sat down next to them with his plate. Jessie smiled widely as she saw the well prepared meal layed out on her lap. Meowth didn't hesitate to gobble down his meal. Jessie slowly ate her meal and looked up at James who barely ate.

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