The perfect Angel to my peace

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When they sat down , jessie giggled as James sat down next to her. James loved how jessie was finally happy after all these years. He drank a bottle of water and handed another to jessie. Jessie took a sip and got back up. James followed and guided her back onto the ice. Jessie glided across the ice as James grabbed her waist and pulled her close. Jessie blushed and smiled. The two enjoyed each others company as they skated peacefully on the ice. That's when James saw Jessiebelle's best friend Margaret. He grabbed Jessie's hand and took her off the ice. Jessie was confused and looked at James as James returned their skates to the clerk and left the building.

Jessie:*Confused* James ? , What's wrong? , why'd we leave, we were just having fun ?

James:*Walks far away from the rink* Jessie , Margaret just came into the rink and if she saw me with you she'd tell jessiebelle and then jessiebelle would have told my parents and they'd most probably kill you before jessiebelle would.

Jessie nods understandably as she looked at her companion. She then saw a poster for a new music shop that opened nearby. She beamed in delight as she showed James the poster. James saw the poster and smiled.

James:*Smiles* You want to go there don't you?

Jessie:*Nods* Yes please , I've been dying to listen to this song Delia recommended me to listen to.

James:*Sighs* You know we could just go on our phones and download any song right ?

Jessie:*Folds her arms* I like listening to it on a VHS tape than download the song online , besides , this store has any song in history.

James ears perked up at this moment and looked at jessie , rather intrigued. Jessie gave her biggest puppy dog eyes yet as she begged him to take her to the music store. James sighed and agreed reluctantly as he did not want to say no to jessie. He took her hand and the two walked through the city looking for the store. When they found it , Jessie beamed and ran to the store. James followed behind her as she excitedly looked through the boxes of VHS tapes of music and found the song she was looking for and smiled. She ran to an audio booth and put the song in and smiled as she listened to the song. She then sang along and didnt realize that the booth's speaker was on. The whole store heard her sing the song in awe. James was shocked too as he heard jessie sing.

*Country club by lana dey rey*

*I'm to lazy to right the lyrics therefore I attached the song with this chap , enjoy lovies💜💜💜*

As jessie sang , James couldn't help , but feel like he wanted to cry a bit with joy as he saw how jessie kept singing. He felt that she was meant to sing. Some people recorded jessie with their phones as crowds gathered to hear jessie sing. They've never heard someone sing like that before. When jessie stopped singing and came out the booth , she got a fright when the crowd cheered. She panicked and ran out the store. James saw this , he picked up the VHS tape that jessie had and bought it and ran after jessie. When he got out the store he ran looked around and couldn't see jessie anywhere. He ran in a random direction hoping to find her. He ran and ran , not caring if he kinda lost his breath and needed to stop to breathe. He then bumped into a Serena who was standing near a road stop. Serena noticed James and called out her pokemon as she stood in a fighting pose. But James wasn't interested in Serena and her pokemon and looked around for jessie and saw the female's lavender dyed hair near a a bench. He ran to her and Serena followed him , curious on what he was doing. She ran and stopped when she saw James hug jessie and thought he was harassing this woman and threw a rock at him.


Jessie:*Rushes to James side* Oh my gosh , James are you ok ? *looks at Serena angrily* HEY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?!

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