...The Night alone...

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When Jessie got home to the apartment she saw that it was 4 o clock. She sighed and put meowth in his cat bed near the door. She got undressed and put on her pyjamas that meowth got her from the apartment. When she saw the pyjamas she could she the small torn marks in them and a few old blood stains. She sighed and wiped away a few tears. She threw the clothes in a corner angrily as she remembered how Trevor took advantage of her. She felt like screaming and yelling at something , but she also felt like yelling at herself for being so naive back when they met. She then sighed and put on her old clothes. She slipped on her sneakers and left the apartment. She went back to the apartment and saw that it was still the same except for the police tape. She walked around the apartment and found the small cabinet in the kitchen. She grabbed a pot and banged on it a bit till it was broken a bit. She looked around the apartment and found some hidden garden scissors in a box where no one could see it. She took the scissors and pried open the cabinet. Inside layed her pokeballs she took them released all her Pokemon. When all her Pokemon were released , she felt like crying when she saw arbok and serviper. She ran to them and hugged them tightly. The other Pokemon looked at her with a "who's this" look. Serviper and Arbok recognised Jessie's scent and cried.

Arbok:*Crying tears of joy* Arbok !!!

Serviper:*Crying aswell* Ser serviper!!!

All the Pokemon gasped and cried as they hugged Jessie tightly. Jessie cried and hugged all her Pokemon.

Jessie:*Cries* I missed you guys so much... I'm never leaving you guys again.

Wabufett:*cries* Wabu Wabu...

Pumpkaboo:*Looks around the room Worriedly* A boo boo ?

Jessie:*Hugs pumpkaboo* Don't worry he isn't here anymore , we're ok.

Pumkaboo cried as she hugged her owner. Pumkaboo never forgot how Trevor forced Jessie to give him her Pokemon. For all these years she's been worried about her Pokemon , so were the other Pokemon , but now they know she's ok.

Serviper:*Sniffs Jessie's hair* Viper ?

Jessie:*Notices serviper smelling her hair* Oh ya , uh that's a story for another time , but for now let's get out of here.

Jessie put all her Pokemon back in their balls and ran out of the apartment. But then she realised that one Pokemon was missing , she ran back to the apartment and looked in the cabinet to see a black pokeball. She cried as she slowly took out the pokeball.

Jessie:*Smiles and cries* Hey....why don't you come out and say hi...

Jessie releases the Pokemon out of its ball and saw the tiny ragged pikachu cloth hiding a mysterious Pokemon.
The tiny Pokemon turned and attached Jessie , this caught Jessie by surprise , but she calmed down and put a soft smile on her face.

Jessie:*Tears stream down her eyes* Hey mimiku...missed me ?

Mimiku looked into Jessie's eyes and teared up. It stopped it's attack and stood still as it looked at Jessie in disbelief. Jessie held out her arms to Mimiku as it cried.

Jessie:*Cries and smiles* I'm here Mimiku , *sniff* I'm back.

Mimiku:*Does a scratchy noise*

It ran to Jessie and embraced her with its shadow hands. Jessie cried as she held the small Pokemon in her arms. She laughed as she felt so happy to see Mimiku. Jessie didn't put Mimiku back in his ball and put him on her shoulder. She crept out of the apartment and ran down the streets and giggled as now she felt free. Mimiku threw Jessie in the air which made her glide through the air. She could see the whole city from how high she was.

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