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"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Heidi"

Tina recovered as fast as expected except, she still doesn't have her memory back. As per the doctor, she can still regain her memory, she just needs it to come to her naturally so it wouldn't be shocking for her.

"Yes, please also put some photos of Tina in the house. "Heidi messaged her secretary. "And edit some photo of us together,"

She has Marima, her best friend, and secretary to fix everything for her.

"Are you really going this far, Heidi?" Marima asked, "You know that her family is looking for her,"

It is true that Tina's family looking for Tina, but she did it before too that made them confident that their daughter will comeback. Thanawan family knew Tina very well, and when their daughter decided to have a peaceful time she will do it for months without contacting anyone.

That is how Tina cleanse before. They just didn't expect that Tina will do it again. However, back then, Tina is not aware that her parents have fired someone to look after her.

Now that she did it again. Thanawan doesn't have any idea what is happening to their daughter as it can severely affect their business, If they are taking care of own thing, that is reputation, that is why they hired private investigators to look for Tina.

"Can I at least have her until she remembers?" And for that, Heidi just want to have Tina even for a short period of time, because Tina can anytime remember and after this, the brunette will surely hate her for lying.

Why Marima is also doing this? because she can see how Tina changed Heidi in an instant. Heidi is not the type of person who will do this kind of craziness.

The Heidi that Marima knows will never do this and she never expected Heidi to do this. She is surprised when she saw how vulnerable Heidi is when she is taking care of the girl narcissist named Tina. It is like Heidi she knew when they are kid came back, the sweet and full of love Heidi.

"Okay, Are you really leaving everything for this?" Marima asked because Heidi bought a house in Phuket Thailand where no one can know them.

She bought the house in an area where there is no neighbor and it is just Heidi and Tina.

"This is temporary, Marima. "Heidi coldly said which is giving Marima a chills.

"I prefer to talk to in love Heidi than my best friend Heidi," Marima groaned,"Bye boss!" she immediately ended the call and smiled.

"I will also do everything to keep you happy," Marima said as she looked at the picture of the three of them, Marima, Charlotte and Heidi smiling together when they are still kids. The three of them are all half thai but they grew up together in Thailand.

"So, where am I living?" Tina asked Heidi.

"We were living together in Phuket for a year and we have a long bungalow house in front of the beach when you can catch a fish," Heidi sweetly said as Tina laughed." There is also a mini boat where we can island hoping,"

"Beach? seriously? It sounds strange," Tina said once again. "You don't look like someone who lives in Phuket, specially me. I'm so beautiful for that place and you too"

'You don't like to live there? "Heidi sadly asked. She should have considered what will Tina feel. How can she do that when she doesn't even know Tina personally? They just met in the bar and that's the only Tina she knew.

Heidi loves beach and she shouldn't assume that Tina loves it too.

;If we are living for a year now, then maybe I like living there," Tina softly said and touched Heidi's chin and lifted it up.

"Anywhere with you is fine with me," Tina gave Heidi a peck on her lips which also surprised her.

It is like an old habit of hers yet still feels foreign. This trait only happened once but that's when she's with Heidi that night.

Tina has been in love with her best friend Nesa Mahmoodi "Nudee" since they are in high school and has never like anyone else, however, she never shown this kind of trait to her best friend/girlfriend.

Heidi and Tina bonded immediately while the brunette is staying in the hospital just like how they immediately clicked when they first met in the bar.

And Tina can clearly see how hands-on Heidi with her. She's happy to fee; this way even she couldn't remember anything.

"If we live in the Beach side then what is our work?"

"We.. We have a mini resort and a cafe. In come is fine, we can survive," Heidi lied, however she can back it up since she is really fond of nature and always wanted to her own resort to take over since she as a kid. Since she loves the view of the ocean and a taste of coffee, she decided to focus on that.

"Oh, simple life," Tina chuckled as she she entered Heidi's car. Tina grew up spoiled by her parents, what would you expect with the daughter of one of the most powerful people in Thailand. She's been living an extravagant life, and it is psychological strange for Tina.

"Yes, you would live it there," Heidi drove the cheapest car she bought. And while driving the elegant woman felt another hands intertwined to hers.

"Hmm, I think, I have always done this before. I just feel doing it,: Tina shyly said.

Mina hide all gadgets and blocked all the new on the televisions she bought. She is a smart woman and she's going this far to keep Tina longer.

For this, Heidi is acting impulsively but totally calculated. She doesn't really know why is she going this far because of her new and strange feelings she can't let go of.

"Wow, it's beautiful here. I now understand why I liked it here," Tina cheered and hug Heidi as they arrived on their house that Heidi hasn't been before.

"You think, I'll start remembering no? I bet, we have a lot of beautiful memories here, " Tina kissed the elegant woman's cheeks.

"Do you really wanna remember?" Heidi mumbled.

"What?" brunette asked

"You know, leaving the past behind. and I want you to love me without depending on the past," Heidi sincerely said and it is obvious that it has a hidden meaning behind her words.

"But I do think I love you now, and I feel like I've been in love all this time but I can't tell you now," Tina pouted as pink shade is visible on her cheeks. "Why not? like you said, we've been together and live together for a year. It's normal to feel familiarity, right? you're kind and beautiful,"

"You are in love all this time, but not with me. You love your best friend, your girlfriend. That's why you," Heidi said on her mind, she ask Marima to have a background check on Tina's relationship but never asked for names and what she gathered broke her heart even more.

The last time Heidi broke her heart is when she's 10 years kid. It's nothing new to her. She can brush it off, she can bear it like how she managed to survive.

"I want you to love me," Heidi painfully thought." Love me, not because you are in love in you past and mistook me of someone,"

"Of course, Tina said. But isn't it good to make you fall in love with me gain?" Heidi chuckled as she peppered Tina with kisses. " I can't just wait for you to remember me,"

"That's better," Tina said. Then prove to me that you can make me fall in love with you all over again. This beautiful human deserves it." she smirked as Heidi chuckled.

"I hope it wouldn't last," Heidi chuckled at herself.



Is this love? Tina/HeidiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz