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"I'm still in love with her right? I will not be this mad if I'm not anymore?" That is the only thing that is on Tina's mind since she left Nesa's house.

"Even so, the Thanawan Tina is finally getting married." She sighed, "At least I know that I love her. I always will,"

She is thinking deep why Nesa's first love came back. why now when their marriage is announced in public.

Tina went out in disguise to take her mind off but she doesn't really know where to go.

"Hey, Ms. Jensen!" Tina was stunned when she saw Heidi sipping a coffee in the corner of TH Coffee store.

"Oh, Ms. Thanawan I didn't expect you to go with my suggested coffee," Heidi smirked.

"Of course Ms. Jensen!" You never fail to impress people with your choices. This coffee shop looks like home. Is the other seat occupied?", Tina smiled as Heidi shake her head.

"Why are you in the corner Ms. Jensen?"

"I don't like the crowd," Heidi mumbled as she remembers that Tina also asked the same question when they first met. Where everything started. Heidi cannot stop thinking of how Tina's lips moved with hers and how Tina pushed her in bed and did it together that night.

"Am I disturbing you?"

"No. I was, I'm just about to go," Heidi wants to stay but Nesa is evading her mind. She can't take someone that can make Nesa finally happy after her.

"Aish, she did not even say 'hey you can drop the formality, you can call me Heidi' that woman. she is so full of herself it's annoying! does she think I will bug her about the proposal?" Tina ranted while watching Heidi walk out of the store.

Tina sat down where Heidi just sat. She ordered her new favorite that she is not aware that it is her special roasted coffee bean that she and Heidi's favorite when they are still in the countryside.

The brunette is enjoying her coffee until she saw her best friend Enfga and her best friend's ex Charlotte sitting in the other corner. She is mad because why is Charlotte meeting Engfa but what shocked her is when Charlotte pulled Engfa for a kiss but Engfa slapped her.

She is about to shout and slap Charlotte too but she got startled when someone just covered her mouth.

"Ms. Jensen," Tina mumbled.

"Shh," Heidi pulled Tina and made her face the other side so that Charlotte and Engfa won't see them.

Heidi got all worried when she saw Charlotte with Engfa entering TH Coffee store because she remembered that Tina is there and Heidi knows that Tina can cause trouble because of what she can possibly see.

Tina is a public image, Heidi cares about Tina so much that she can't afford Nana's scandal all over the media. From how Charlotte described the old Tina, Heidi understands how can Tina react.

"Don't Tina, " Heidi said as she feels Tina trying to go to the other table.

Why wouldn't Tina be mad when Chumpoo and Charlotte just broke up but she will see the snake kissing her ex's best friend Engfa.

"Since when did I permit you to call me Tina!?" Tina gritted her teeth, "Can you please stop acting like a hero, you have nothing to do with this!"

"I'm not with Jensen!" Charlotte said that made Tina stop, they can obviously hear the conversation of the two on the other table.

"I saw you kiss her," Enfga said. "You just broke up Chumpoo, and then you are kissing that Jensen Heidi?" and now you pulled me here?"

"It's not a kiss, Engfa. It's a friendly peck," Charlotte reasoned out, Marima is right. Their friendly peck can cause trouble.

"Friendly peck?!" Tina whispered while giving Heidi a judgemental gaze.

"Shh," Heidi rolled her eyes.

"I'm not with anyone. I just don't kiss Engfa. Jensen is a friend of mine and we are used to greeting each other with a peck,"

"Whatever, Why did you pull me here Charlotte," Engfa asked like she is so tired of Charlotte. Heidi wanted to pull Tina out of the store but the brunette doesn't like to go. Seem like Tina wants to get some information.

"I want to say sorry for choosing Chumpoo," Heidi groan as she doesn't like this kind of drama, the reason why she left Nesa before and did not chase for Tina.


"If that is what gonna happen, then I don't want to know what love is,"


" Charlotte, Chumpoo is my best friend, I did not even ask you to choose me. What we have is done a long time ago. Oh, I forgot, we are never a thing, can you stop playing with my feelings?"

"What a player," Tina mumbled.

"Ugh, I hate this kind of drama," Heidi facepalm making herself comfortable with Tina. Fortunately, Tina did not notice how Heidi let her guard down.

Tina then stared at Heidi as the elegant woman is focusing on the conversation.

'Jensen Heidi is so beautiful,' Tina thought. 'What the fuck? did I just call her beautiful?'

"No. I just kissed you for the last time. I just want to apologize for what I have done. And I'm sorry if you think that I'm playing with your feelings. Chumpoo failed to defend me when all of your friends are against me. She even left me, but that's fine at least I get to come to you clean and kiss you without being labeled as a cheater." Charlotte tiredly said.

"Engfa, I respect the both of you so much. And I'm so sorry for causing this mess, I just want to let this feeling out before totally moving on. I love you," Charlotte smiled as tears are coming out of her eyes. "And for your information, I don't hate Tina. In fact, I really really like her as a friend,"

Tina is shocked to hear those from Charlotte. She remembers how Char looks so relieved when she saw Tina in the hospital, and Char is giving her a comforting gaze.

On the other hand, Heidi cannot take seeing Charlotte crying. She hates that all of the people she chooses to love are treating her like this.

Everything went south when Heidi and Tina heard a loud slap. Engfa slapped Charlotte once again, "I'm tired of your lies Char. Don't ever tell me that you love me because I never and will ever love you,"

"Aish, fuck it," Heidi said and went to Charlotte and was about to pull her out when Engfa grips Charlotte's wrist out of guilt. Engfa didn't mean to do it, she is just so mad about the situation, she is frustrated and she keeps asking why is she placed in this kind of situation. Engfa cannot lose her best friend. Engfa doesn't like to feel what she felt in her dreams.

"Let's go," Heidi coldly said to Engfa.

"H-Heidi," Charlotte nervously said.

"Engfa right?" Heidi smirked. "I always liked you for Char, but no. I changed my mind. I'm warning you, this is going to be the last time you will lay your hand to Char," Heidi slowly brought her face near Engfa's ear, "Or I will make your life miserable," she whispered and pulled Charlotte away.

"Engfa," Tina went to Engfa and hugged her.

"How long are you here,"

"I've heard everything," Tina circled her hands at Engfa's back, "Don't worry, we will fix this. okay? we will come clean to Chumpoo and talk about this,"

"I'm afraid, :( "

"Shh, don't be. Chumpoo loves you, she will understand,"

"This is why I don't like to know what love is, Aish," Heidi chuckled at Charlotte to make her feel better.

"You never failed at making me feel better, Heidi," Charlotte, wiped her tears.


Is this love? Tina/HeidiWhere stories live. Discover now