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"I...Tina, I..." Heidi stuttered as she knows she fucked up. She is glad Tina did not bolt out and caused something inside the airport because it can cause big scandal for the both of them.

"Who are you in my life Heidi?" Nana shook her head.

"I'm just a stranger. We slept together before before the accident and..." Heidi nervously said, "Look, I know what I did is unforgivable, and my reasons are unacceptable. I just can't let you go,"

"You hide me from my family, Heidi!!! Tina gritted her teeth." I can't believe I trust you, for two years, Heidi,"

"I'm sorry,"

Tina suddenly felt head hurt as a vision of her memory suddenly appeared.

The brunette saw a car behind her drove fast and bumped her car in front of her car. She massage her head as her eyes is not clear but before she passed out, she saw a woman coming out of the car and the person who bumped her.

It's Heidi.

"You caused the accident?" Tina nervously said.

"What? "No!" Heidi shook her head and tried to go near Tina but the brunette is suddenly panicking. "Tina! Listen to me,"

"Why would I listen to you?! you're a liar! I don't even know you! I trusted you but you just lied to me!" Tina pushed Heidi out of the car.

"I don't know if I want to see you again."

"You took away my freedom. You imprisoned me in the Beach side. Now, it make sense why you don't want me to go farther that the Beach," Tina bitterly said.

"Nana, please. I..."

"I want to go back to my family,' Tina said as she entered the driver seat. "Don't follow me," and she drove the car fast.

Heidi sobbed as Charlotte and Marima's car arrived just to see their best friend crying. The two woman supposed to see them as they cannot wait to hear about the trip, but this is what happened.

"What happened?" Charlotte worriedly said.

"Let's follow Tina!" Heidi said and entered the car" She's not in her right mind to drive,"

Charlotte and Marima nodded and drove fast to follow Tina.

"Does she remember?" Marima asked.

"No, she just heard the news," Heidi said.

"Tina!!!" Charlotte yelled as she saw the car that is Tina's driving hit the tree.

Once again, Tina is in the hospital bed, just like the scenario two years ago. Her scratches healed that fast and the damage is not severe.

~The brunette is driving fast as she saw Charlotte's car chasing her just like how she remembers Heidi's car chasing her before bumping her. It scares her a lot.

All think while driving is how Heidi hurt her for lying. She loved her so much and trusted her.

All she wants right now is to remember. She is not in her right mind as her heart and head aching.

"Hey" The doctor said as the brunette opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" Tina spoke. "What happened?"

"Do you know me?" the doctor asked but Tina shook her head. Dr. Nawat has been Tina's doctor since the accident two years ago and they bonded like a father and daughter.

Dr. Nawat already expected this because the brunette had her head hardly hit, but he still can't deny his disappointment.

"I'm Dr. Nawat, you are in the hospital, what was the last thing you remember?"

"I remember telling my family that I will go for a vacation break and told my girlfriend about it," Tina said.

"After that, do you remember what happened?'

"I don't know, that's the last thing I know is me walking out of our house and driving my car', the brunette said.

"That's it. You can rest, for now, Dr. Roberta and I will will check on you later," 

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