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I arrive at Nattie's wedding at a beautiful beachside mansion. The weather is looking a little gloomy but hopefully it holds off. I walk in the front door and I try finding a familiar face. I walk deeper into the mist of people and find some of the girls seated at a table. "Hi." I greet Brie.
"Hi, you look beautiful." She compliments.
"As do you. Where's Nicole?"
"She's meeting John's family."
"Omg, how did Nattie take that?"
"Not well."
A little while later a lady enters the room. "Is Serena and Brie here?" She asks the crowd.
"That's us." I answer gesturing to Brie and I.
"Nattie would like to see you two."
"Ok." Brie accepts.
We follow the lady out of the room and up a marble staircase. We enter a private suite and inside is Nattie finishing her hair. "Nattie you look beautiful." I say hugging her gently.
She looks up at me and starts to tear up. "What's wrong?" Brie asks concerned.
"Everything is going wrong." She cries.
"How so?"
"It was supposed to be sunny today, and the whole Garret situation."
I take Natties hand. "Nattie it's completely normal to think that everything is going to go wrong, but you need to take a deep breath and look around." I direct and she does. "Nattie this is your wedding day, you are marrying the love of your life today, don't let anyone or anything, take that from you."
"Today is going to be one of the best days of your life. Don't worry about the weather, you have a wedding planner that is currently fixing that as we speak." Brie reassures. "The only thing you should be thinking about, is seeing the love of your life standing at the end of the aisle."
"There are so many people out there wanting to see you marry TJ. You'll be fine." I promise and she starts to cry.
"Thanks girls I needed that." Nattie thanks.
"We are happy to help. Now stop crying and have the best day." Brie orders and she hugs us smiling. "That's what we want to see, keep that smile up and we'll see you soon."

As Brie and I make our way back down the stairs, we see Jaret and TJ talking. "Oh shit." I mumble.
"This isn't good." Brie says as we rejoin the table. Brian walks over to us. "What is Garett doing here?"
"He came over and started talking to TJ and telling him that he's been talking to Nattie and that she deserves to be respected and admired." Brian relays.
"That dickhead." I scoff and Brian and Brie laugh. "This is not good, she's already losing it up there, we can't let him ruin her wedding."
Watching the conversation unfold TJ doesn't look happy. He finishes talking to Garret and walks of up the stairs. We are ushered into the ballroom for the ceremony. We sit a couple rows back from the front and every now and then I turn my head back to the entrance hoping TJ comes back soon.
Eventually TJ enters and he seems to be in a better mood. Minutes later we hear music play and we all rise. We watch as Nattie and her dad walk into the large room with Gizmo on her arm. I take a good look at her and can't help but smile. She looks beautiful. She makes it to TJ who hasn't been able to take his eyes of Nattie.
The ceremony begins and they say their vowels and are pronounced husband and wife. We all stand and clap for the married couple. Each row one by one follows the couple out and we head to the reception hall.

The champagne is flowing and about an hour later Nattie and TJ are announced to the guests by Aaron as husband and wife. We all cheer as they walk towards the dance floor for the first dance.
After their first dance our meals are served and we all sit down to eat. After a while Brie suddenly gets a phone call. "It's Nicole." Brie alerts standing up and taking the call outside. Moments later Brie walks back in and makes her way over to Nattie. I watch as they walk outside and after a few minutes they both come back in and Nattie looks to be in better spirits.
Brie rejoins the table. "What did Nikki want?" Brian asks Brie.
"She just wanted to apologise for not being here." Brie answers.
"That's good, is Nattie okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah she understands that things like this happen."

Brie, Trinity and I are currently killing it on the dance floor. Nattie sees us and makes her way over and we dance in a group. As we are dancing she pulls me to the side. "I just wanted to thank you for letting me vent to you earlier." She thanks.
"Any time." I smile and she pulls me into a hug.
"I'm grateful to have you in my life."
"As am I."
Suddenly the music turns to a slow song so I make my way back to my table where I find a glass of wine. I'm about to take a sip someone taps me on the shoulder. "Alright, Miss Smith, stop pouting let's dance." Brian's voice offers.
I turn to see Brian offering me his hand. "Don't you want to dance with Brie?" I question.
"She suggested I do this, and I want to."
"You sure?" I ask. He nods smiling. "Alright then."
We dance for a while and Brie butts in. "Mind if I steel him away?"
"Go for it." I laugh. "Thanks Brian."
"Don't mention it." He responds.

Serena Smith - Dreams Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now