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Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy xx
I arrive at the taping for Smackdown where I have a match with Danielle, known on screen as Summer Rae. I walk into the locker room and find Milena, Layla El, Victoria and Nattie. "Morning." I greet.
"Morning, how was your drive last night?" Milena asks.
"Ask Nattie we car pooled."
"It was fun, lots of gossiping." Nattie mentions.
"Any supposed gossip about a certain two toned shield member?" Layla El teases.
I roll my eyes playfully. "No." I lie. Yes we did talk a little about it, but I'm hiding my feelings so I don't get hounded.
"Any progress there?" Victoria asks.
"No, and not for a while. I'm focusing on me. I want to enjoy myself."
"Good for you, but just remember it doesn't hurt to flirt." Layla replies.
I laugh. "You're not wrong."

After putting my stuff down I find Jane and get my schedule for the evening. "Hi Jane." I greet.
"Hi Serena." She greets. "Tonight as you already know, your versing Summer-Rae in a short match."
"Am I speaking before or after the match?"
"After. You will announce the battle royal to see who will become the number one contender at Extreme Rules."
"We will explain that more on Monday."

I make my way to hair and make-up and as I'm walking I bump into a hard body. I look up and it's Colby. "Sorry Colby I didn't see you there." I apologise and those feelings I have instantly appear.
He smiles. "It's fine, just be careful, texting whilst walking bad habit." He warns playfully.
I laugh. "I'll try to do better."
"Congrats again champ."
I smile. "Thanks, it's finally processed since Sunday."
"Good." He smiles. "So your storyline being SEZ was cool."
"Thanks it was so hard to keep it a secret from everyone."
"Must have been hard."
"Oh, you know me, I can't keep secrets too long."
"Well if its helps you two killed it."
"Thanks, I love what I do, even if I had to wear a mask."
"You looked phenomenal though." He compliments.
"Well I try. " I chuckle. "I better go."
"Yeah me too."
"See you round?"
"Definitely." He answers and I go to leave. "Hey, Serena."
I turn back round to face him. "Yeah?"
"I knew it was you the whole time."
"I could recognise your eyes anywhere." he responds and leaves me speechless and walks off grinning.

A little while later I'm ready. My gear for the night, is matching red, white and black shorts and crop top. My hair is in long waves and I've gone for a bold red lip.

 My hair is in long waves and I've gone for a bold red lip

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I make my way to gorilla and find Danielle stretching. I walk up to her. "Hey." I greet.
"You ready?"
"Yes, you?"
I walk out to a huge pop from the crowd. "And her opponent, from Seattle Washington, she is the Divas Champion, Sarah." Lillian announces as I stand at the top of the ramp and raise my title above my head.
I walk down the ramp and make my way to the ring. I jump up on the corner and blow a kiss to the crowd. I place my title in the corner and wait for the referee to ring the bell.
I circle Summer and we lock up. I push her into the corner and press my foot into her throat. The referee counts "1 2 3 4." and I release. Summer slumps to the ground and I take a couple steps back and let out a mighty cheer.
I walk back over to Summer and pull her up by the hair and place her in a sleeper hold. "A sleeper hold by the champ." Cole announces.
Summer starts to fade but starts to fight back by elbowing me in the face. I release my hold and Summer runs the ropes and close lines me. "Close line by Summer-Rae." JBL says. Summer covers "1." but I kick out. I get to my feet and Summer charges at me, but I side step and kick her in the gut. She hunches over and I run the ropes and deliver a swinging neck breaker. "Lovely swinging neck breaker by the champ." JBL praises. I cover "1, 2." but she kicks out.
I huff in frustration. "It looks like Sarah is over this." Cole observes. I pull her up and put her into The Agoniser and she starts to scream in pain. "Sarah has The Agoniser locked in."
I feel Summer's hand start to tap and the referee rings the bell. "Here is your winner, by submission, the Divas Champion, Sarah." Lilian announces.
The crowd erupts as I stand and get my hand raised. I retrieve my tile and ask for a mike. "It looks like the champ has something to say." JBL alerts.
"It's good to be back." I say as my music cuts off and the crowd cheers in agreement. "I just wanted to make a quick announcement. Next week on Raw, there is going to be a Battle Royal and every diva in that locker room will be involved." I announce. "The winner of that match will verse me at Extreme Rules for my title." I add. "So ladies, lace up your boots, because I'm back and I'm expecting everyone to step up."

Landing in Tampa late that night I arrive at my apartment and slump on the couch. I flick through my phone and see multiple messages from Ian who I haven't spoken to in a while.
Ian: Hey, I just wanted to congratulate you on your return, you did amazing.
I respond: Thank you.
I lay my phone back down and get ready for a shower. After my shower I get comfortable in my bed and turn on the TV. I'm watching Friends when my phone beeps and a message pops up and it's from Colby.
Are you going to Brie's wedding? He asks.
Yes. I respond.
Good because I'm going to, and it will be a great way to catch up.
Sounds great we haven't had a chance to catch up since I've been back.
No we haven't, I'm hoping that changes now.
It will. I better get to sleep. I'm exhausted.
Night beautiful.
I blush reading his reply. Night handsome, I'll meet you in Sarona, find me at the bar.
See you than and order me a beer whilst your waiting for me.

Serena Smith - Dreams Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now