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The next morning Colby and I wake up and hit the gym. Today, I'm meeting his family and I'm freaking the fuck out. He's told me multiple times that I'll be fine, but I'll always have my doubts.
We get back to his place and I quickly shower and do my hair. I change into white t-shirt with denim jeans and a black leather jacket with black ankle boots.

 I change into white t-shirt with denim jeans and a black leather jacket with black ankle boots

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I walk into the lounge room to find Colby playing Madden. "Hi." I alert.
"You ready?" He asks.
"I am." I confirm. "Is this alright?"
He chuckles and stands up. "You look great." he assures. "Stop worrying, everything is going to be fine."
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous."
He pulls me towards him. "Serena, don't stress, my mother is going to love you."
I take a deep breath. "Alright."
"Let's go."

We arrive at Marek's place and Colby doesn't even bother to knock and walks inside. "You don't knock?" I question.
He laughs. "I haven't knocked in years."
We walk further inside and appear at a doorway which has a set of sliding doors. Colby opens them and inside are a dozen people talking amongst themselves. Two people grin as we enter and they walk over to us. "Brandon." Colby greets excitedly.
"Colby my brother." Brandon greets pulling him into a brotherly hug. "You made it, and it looks like you've brought someone."
I stand there awkwardly smiling. "Wait is this Serena?" the other guy asks.
"Marek, this is Serena." Colby introduces.
"Omg, you're actually real." Brandon greets.
I laugh loudly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"He talks about you all the time and we've always asked to meet you, but he's always declined."
"I guess now is a perfect time to say that I'm definitely real and it's nice to finally meet you."
"Colby, she's beautiful." Marek compliments.
I blush. "She is." Colby agrees. "Where's mum?"
"Outside." Brandon answers.
"We'll speak to you soon Serena, we have lots of stories to tell." Marek informs me.
"Really?" I ask intrigued.
"No you don't, I will be taking my girlfriend away now." Colby groans grabbing my arm pulling us away.
I let out a loud laugh. "I'll make sure to come find you.

We walk outside and there are about seven people outside. There's an older couple in their late 40s maybe early 50s. They see Colby and I walk out and the woman's eyes light up. She makes her way over to us. "Colby you're home."
"You knew I was coming." Colby retorts.
"Don't sass me young man, I hardly get to see you, I'm aloud to be excited when you're home."
"Mum before you embarrass me further, I would like you to meet Serena." He introduces us.
His mum turns to face me. "Serena, sweetheart I don't know how to thank you for making my boy so happy." she greets. "It's great to finally meet you." she says pulling me into a hug.
"It's great to finally meet you too."
"Please sit down we have a lot to talk about."
"I'm going to go talk with Brandon and Marek, I'll speak to you later." Colby informs me leaving us be.

I watch as he walks back inside and his mother pulls me away. "Oh Serena, when he first started talking about you, you should have seen his face." She begins to tell me.
"He made me feel the same way."
"You're a lovely girl Serena and I thank you for making him see sense about that ratchet girl he used to be with."
I laugh a little. "I don't think I did much, but I did think he needed to know."
"You saved him. He was so moody and unhappy, and now every time he comes home, he's all smiles and that's thanks to you."
"Was it really that bad?" I ask.
"Leighla was never supportive of him being a wrestler, she was always jealous and controlling, asking him where he was, it was draining him."
"He needed to find someone that got what he did."
"And you're that person Serena." She whispers. "You know what he does, you live his life, maybe work harder than him. All I've ever wanted for my son was to be happy, and you've made him happy, so thank you."
"He saved me too."
"He briefly told me about what you've been through, and only the strong survive what you've gone through."
I smile shyly and I can feel tears forming. "Thanks."
"Now enough deep shit, would you like a drink?"
I let out a loud laugh. "I would love one, but before the flowers die, I would love to give you these Holly." I offer retrieving the bouquet.
She smiles as she accepts them. "They are beautiful thank you."

A little while later I'm talking animatedly with Colby's friends and family. Colby was right, I had nothing to worry about. Colby walks over to me. "You surviving?" He asks.
I laugh. "Yeah I am."
"I told you, you had nothing to worry about."
"You were right."
"You hungry?"
"I'll grab you a plate."

Colby POV
I walk into the kitchen and see my mum and brother talking. They look up and smile at me. "She's lovely." Brandon speaks up.
"She is." I agree.
"She fits in well too." Mum adds.
"She's always been able to do that, even when she first started in WWE she fit right in, she knew what to say and how to act around people."
"She's been through a lot huh?" Brandon asks.
"To much for anyone to go through."
"And the sicko that injured her, he got out?" Mum asks.
I nod. "He did. He found out where we were in Vegas, but she stood up to him and beat his ass."
They both chuckle. "She's tough." Brandon praises.
"Probably one of the toughest people I've ever met." I admit.
"She's your person Colby." Mum whispers.
I turn to look at her and she turns her head in my direction and smiles at me and goes back to her conversation. "I guess she is."
"Keep hold of her son."
"I plan to mum, I finally got the girl."
"I'm happy for you." she smiles. "Now go back to your girlfriend before Marek tells her more stories."

Serena POV
We leave Marek's place in a fit of giggles. "Thank you for introducing me to your family and friends." I thank.
"Don't mention it." He responds.
"Now what do we do?"
"I can think of many things that we could do."
"Really, like what?"
"Well, there's always stuff we can do at home, or we can go do something fun?"
I smile. "How about bowling?"
He smirks. "That sounds fun."
"You in?"
"Let's go." He accepts.

We arrive at the bowling ally and pay for our two games and shoes. "I'm just letting you know I suck." I lie.
"If you are going to do that trick where you say you suck but you don't, don't even try that with me, I already know you used to bowl." He retorts.
I gasp. "How did you know that?"
He laughs. "The Bella's talk."
"Those fucking twins."
"Don't worry I'll go easy."
I send him a playful glare. "No you won't."

After a fun night out we get back to Colby's and turn on some Netflix. "Did you enjoy yourself today?" he asks.
"I did." I confirm. "I don't know why I got so nervous, it's something I'll probably always have."
"It's one of the many reasons why I like about you."
"What did you think of me when we first met?"
He turns to face me and smiles. "First of all, I thought you were a knockout." he confesses. "Secondly, when you introduced yourself, you demonstrated that you knew who you were and wanted to show everyone why you were here."
"Go on." I encourage and he chuckles.
"I was speechless when you came up to us, I had to pinch myself."
I smile. "I felt the same way, you looked handsome, and whenever I looked at you I'd get butterflies." I confess. "The girls used to tease me when you walked up to us, because my whole attitude changed when you were around, it's like you were the only one I was focused on."
"Our friends had a lot of fun teasing us."
"They did, but if it weren't for those friends, we wouldn't be here, and the whole Leighla thing that was just hard."
He turns to look down at me. "It was, and I'm truly sorry about how I reacted towards."
I smile. "I know and I forgave you a long time ago." We sit there embraced in each other's arms enjoying the moment. "Hey Colby."
"I love you." I tell him and his mouth drops. It's silent and I don't know if I have just ruined the moment and suddenly my doubts appear in the back of my mind. "Forget I said anything." I say quickly going to get up.
He pulls me back to him and looks me deep in the eyes. "I love you too." He whispers.
"You mean it?"
He leans in and attaches his lips to mine passionately. "Let me show you." He whispers pulling me from the couch and walks us to his bedroom.

Serena Smith - Dreams Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now