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It's time for Smackdown and I have another segment. We make our way to the locker room and some of the other women start to arrive. "Where were you this morning?" Nicole asks me.
"Gym." I answer.
"How'd it go?"
"Good." I reply and quietly sneaking off to my private room where I find Amy and Jane. "Hi."
"The sneaking around is tough, isn't it?" Jane questions.
"It's hard. I hate lying, I just hope it's worth it."
"Don't worry about it, you're doing a marvellous job."
Once I'm ready I wait to be retrieved. I hear a knock at the door and Amy opens it to a couple workers. They escort me to gorilla where I find April and she's about to head out.
AJ's skips down the ramp and around the ring. She grabs a mike and climbs into the ring. She waits for the crowd to stop booing and brings the microphone to her mouth. "Let's go back to a couple weeks ago to when this whole thing started." AJ starts off and gestures to the screen. It shows her match against Naomi and the mystery diva jumping the barricade and attacking her. "Now let's watch this past Monday." she says and the screen plays what happened on Monday. "There seems to be a pattern here. A mysterious person that's been attacking me from behind and we don't even know who it is and why? The reason I'm out here is because I want answers." she exclaims and the crowd give a loud mixed reaction. "I don't like looking like a fool, and when someone uses my own tricks against me I get mad." she adds. "So I want to know who you are and I want you to face me, now."
"Is that a good idea?" JBL questions.
"So mystery diva, come out here and face me." AJ says calling me out.
The crowd cheers as they all start to look around. "Will the mystery diva come out?" Cole wonders.
"Come on, come out and face me." AJ shouts. "It looks like you're scared? What, you can't do it when I'm ready, you're pathetic."
The lights go out and the crowd gets loud. "What's going on?" Cole asks confused.
"I have no idea but I don't think it's good." JBL answers.
I bolt from the back and into the ring and stand a few feet behind her. My head is down and I'm motionless.
The lights come back on and everyone can see me behind AJ. "Omg, she's behind AJ and she has no idea, AJ don't turn around." Cole warns. AJ slowly turns around and her eyes go wide when she sees me. It takes her a moment to react but she smirks and pounces on top of me. I quickly roll her underneath me and start unloading on her. "And they are brawling, did you see AJ pounce?"
"I did but the mystery diva is taking control." JBL points out as I continue to punch her.
We roll out of the ring and the crowd cheers. We pull ourselves up and we attack each other again. I see her charge at me but I duck her close line and quickly move out of the way and deliver and super kick to her face and the crowd "oohs" from the impact. "What a super kick!" JBL exclaims. "That may have knocked AJ out."
I pull her up and whip her into the barricade. "It looks like the mystery diva is not done, she's sending AJ a message." Cole alerts.
I whip her into the steel steps and she crashes to the floor. I raise my arms up in the air and the crowd cheers loudly. I start to walk away and jump over the barricade and make my way back through the crowd.

After my segment I'm escorted back to my private room and change. I check to make sure no one is in the hallway and make my way back to the locker room. "Hey." I greet.
"Where were you?" Trinity asks.
"Catering." I answer showing them my plate of food.
I take a seat. "Did you see April's segment?" Ariane asks.
"I did, I watched it from catering, it looked exciting."
"The lights going out was cool." Nicole mentions.
I nod. "It was. Where's April?"
"She should be back in a minute." Brie answers.

After the show we decide that we are going to go out to a nightclub tonight. I'm wearing a red bandage dress and black heels. My hair is straight and my make-up is bold.

We meet the ladies in the hotel lobby and make our way to the club

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We meet the ladies in the hotel lobby and make our way to the club. Once inside we get escorted to a booth. There are several bottles of wine, champagne and spirts in the middle set up for us. We take a seat and gather round popping open a bottle of champagne. After our first round of drinks we hit the dance floor.
Once I can't feel my feet, I make my way back to the table where I find Nikki. "So how was your trip to Australia?" Nikki asks.
"It was amazing." I smile. "We spent most of it as a group but I had time to myself, where I got to do my own thing."
"Did Ian try to talk to you?"
"He did but I kept it friendly and kept my distance."
"Good on you."
"Thanks, I had the best time, but I missed you guys, it wasn't the same."
"We missed you too." she smiles and grins. "But I know you're the mystery diva."
I look at her as my heart races. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"John told me."
"John knows everything and don't worry I won't tell anyone."
"You're not mad?"
"It's your job Serena. I would've done the same thing." She replies. "What you've been doing has been great, and besides I recognised your eyes when you were on screen too."
I laugh. "Well shit."
"It's all good, I haven't told anyone, but I think the storyline is amazing, and the dark wig looks great on you."
I laugh. "Thanks, i needed to so something so people didn't recognise me, it's all about my reveal at Mania."
"John told me April wants some time off, it's a perfect opportunity for you to get your title back."
"Anyway, please just keep going on like you don't know please, they want it to be a secret."
"My lips are sealed."

The next morning we wake up and hit the road for Charlotte, North Carolina. We arrive and get our rooms. Once settled, April and I decide to find a place for dinner. We eventually find a restaurant a few blocks away from the hotel. "How's Phil?" I ask.
"He's good, I miss him though." She responds.
"He was a good guy around here."
"He was." She agrees. "Have you spoken to Phoebe lately."
"All the time. I said the next time I'm in Atlanta I'd invite her to the show."
"And all your celeb friends too?" she teases.
"Haha." I retort. "Probably just a few, but I'm still waiting to meet my celeb crush."
She spits out her drink. "OMG who?"
"Joseph Morgan."
"OMG really."
I nod laughing. "I haven't met him yet, but when I do, I'm a goner."
Walking back to the hotel several fans notice us and ask us for our autographs. "AJ, Sarah." a little girl calls out running up to us.
We both smile. "Hello." we greet.
"I love you two so much, you are my favourites." She expresses.
"We are glad to hear that." April smiles.
"When will you be back?" She asks me.
"Soon." I answer.
"Can I get your autograph?"
We both nod and April signs first. "What's your name sweetie?" she asks.
"Sarah." She answers.
"Well what do you know, that's her name too."
She grins. "I know."
"There you go." April finishes and passes me the marker.
I bend down and sign her shirt. To Sarah, you are beautiful, you are kind and have a beautiful heart. Keep smiling. Love Sarah xx
"Thank you girls." her mother thanks and they walk off.
I smile. "I love my job."
"Same." April smiles.

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