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I walk out and the crowd erupts. I make my way down the ramp with my title above my head. "This Divas Championship match is an Extreme Rules match." Lillian announces and the crowd cheers loudly. "Introducing first, the challenger, from Norwich England, Paige." Lillian introduces first and the crowd give her a loud mixed reaction. "And her opponent, from Seattle Washington, she is the Divas Champion, Sarah."
I raise my title above my head and the fans cheer loudly. "This is going to be a killer match." Jerry predicts.
I hand over my title over to the referee and he raises it above his head. "Are you two ready?" he asks us.
We both nod. "Born ready." I smirk. The referee rings the bell and the match is underway. Paige and I stare at one another waiting for someone to make the first move. "You're going to wish you never came here."
"Really?" She mouths.
"I'm going to show you." I shout charging at her and tackling her to the floor.
"Sarah just exploded onto Paige knocking her down. These two women hate one another." Cole exclaims.
We roll over the ring banging each other's heads onto the mat. "You bitch." she growls.
"Go back to fucking England." I retort.
Paige is furious and starts taking control. We roll out of the ring and land hard on the floor. This separates us temporarily and my eyes go wide. "Did you see Sarah's eyes change?" JBL asks shocked.
I use the apron to stand up and see movement coming from the side and I quickly move out of the way and she runs straight into the ring post. "Ooh." the crowd echos. I pull Paige up and I wind her up and whip her into the barricade hard. "Ahh." She screams.
I pull her up again and whip her into the steps but she reverses it and whips me into the steps and I go crashing over them. "Omg." the crowd shout.
Paige gets up. "This is my house." She yells out and the crowd boo in disagreement. She hovers over me. "Not so tough now are you?"
I slowly stand and she rams me back first into the apron. "Ahh." I shriek.
Paige laughs cruelly. "Paige is laughing." JBL mentions.
Paige rolls me back in the ring and looks underneath it. The crowd get loud in anticipation and Paige comes back from underneath the ring with a kendo stick. I time my movement as she crawls back into the ring and stalks me. She stands over me and raises the kendo stick. "Sarah look out." Jerry warns.
As she strikes me I shoot my arm out and catch it and the crowd cheers. "Nice try." I laugh getting to my feet and rip the stick from her grip and whack it across her stomach. She hunches over in pain. "You thought you had me, ha?"
"Those are going to leave marks." JBL winces.
Paige collapses to the mat and I raise the kendo stick in the air. "This is my house." I mock and the crowd cheer in agreement.
I throw the kendo stick out of the ring and start to do some real work on her. I start stomping all over her body. "Some nasty stomps by the champ." Cole announces.
"Does that hurt Paige?" I tease and continue to stomp all over her. "Maybe you should go back home to mummy and cry."
"There's the smart mouth of the champ, you don't want to make her mad." Jerry mentions.
"You sure don't." JBL agrees.
I pull her up by the hair and deliver a nasty neck breaker. I cover "1" but she kicks out.
I sit up and roll out of the ring. I flip the ring cover up and the crowd cheers as I search for the weapon of my choice and I pull out a table and the crowd instantly get loud. "Oh no, Sarah has a table." Cole alerts worried.
I push the table into the ring and crawl back in and set up the table up in the corner. "What's she going to do with it?" Jerry wonders.
I turn my attention back to Paige and go to pick her up but she delivers an elbow to my stomach. Paige runs the ropes and delivers an elbow to my back and I crash over the table.
She starts to climb the corner, lifting me up with her. "This isn't good." JBL says worried.
Paige and I are on the second rope and she tries to go to the top but I stop her. "But it looks like Sarah isn't making it easy." Cole responds.
Paige tries to pull me off, but I hold on tightly to the rope. I deliver a head butt and she delivers one back. We are now standing up straight. "Suplex through the table." I whisper.
Paige gets a boost of energy and I lose my grip and she continues to climb to the top rope. We get to the top and she jumps and delivers a suplex off the top rope and we land on the table and go crashing through it. "Omg." the announcers shout as the crowd chant. "Holy shit, holy shot! holy shit!"
Paige and I are motionless. "Someone cover someone." Cole shouts. "I don't know who got most of the impact from that!"
Paige starts to stir and I haven't moved. "This isn't good, Sarah hasn't moved and Paige is stirring." Jerry alerts.
Paige crawls over to me and lays an arm over the top of me "1, 2, and" before the referee hits the three count I kick out. "Sarah just kicked out." JBL shouts.
"How did she do that?" Cole asks in shock.
The crowd erupt as Paige is left in shock. "What?" she shrieks as she sits up. Paige looks around the arena and the crowd start chanting. "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah." which she doesn't like it.
"No, no, no, this is my house." she shouts.
"Boo." the crowd yell back.
I crawl to the corner and I use it to sit up and watch as Paige is screaming. Paige turns her head in my direction and is surprised to see me sitting up so quickly. I send her a smirk. "There's the signature smirk of the champ." JBL chuckles. "She loves to get in the head of her opponents." JBL adds. Paige charges at me but I dive out of the ring through the middle rope and Paige collides shoulder first into the ring post. "Ooh." the crowd echo. "Sarah just flew out of the ring!"
I'm now on the floor outside of the ring getting my energy back. I crawl backwards and lean against the barricade and use it to stand up. Once I'm on my feet I hold my back in pain. I roll back in the ring with a new boost of energy. "This is a new side of Sarah, I don't think I've ever seen her like this, she's angry." Cole mentions.
Paige is standing in the corner with her back facing towards me, so I charge at her and as she turns around I squish her. "This is my house." I yell out and the crowd cheer in agreement. I take a couple steps back and squish her again. I lift her up and start to ram my shoulder into her gut. I get to five when the crowd counts with me "6, 7, 8, 9 10." Paige stumbles out of the corner and I grab her head and deliver a running bulldog. I cover "1, 2." but she kicks out. I pull Paige up by her hair. "Come on Paige, I thought this was your house." I mock and start to deliver head butts to her face. "Scream for me."
I pull her up and she stumbles to her feet. I run the ropes and deliver and swinging back breaker. "Did you hear that impact?" Jerry asks.
I cover Paige "1, 2 and." Paige kicks out. "No." I yell out frustrated.
I grab hold of her arm and twist it behind her back in a submission hold. Paige screams in pain as I pull her arm tighter. "Sarah is targeting the shoulder that hit the post." Cole points out.
I add more pressure by digging my elbow into her joint and she screams in pain. Paige starts to get to her feet and starts hitting me in the gut with her elbow. This makes me release my hold and allows her to run the ropes and close line me. She pulls me up and starts delivering head butts one after another. She pulls me towards the rope and pushes me through them and steps out onto the apron and she starts kneeing me in the mid-section. Before she hits the fourth I catch her leg and swing her leg down and she falls face first onto the ring apron and lands hard on the floor. "Ooh." the crowd echo. "That was a nasty fall." Jerry winces.
I climb through the ropes and eye Paige as she holds her face. I walk to the edge of the apron and start to climb the corner from the outside. "What is Sarah doing?" JBL wonders.
The crowd gets rowdy as I make it to the top turnbuckle. Paige turns around and I jump and dive onto her and we both land hard on the floor and the crowd cheer loudly. We both get up using the barricade as support. Paige charges at me but I side step and push her into the barricade. I bend over Paige and whisper. "Spear timekeepers area." And push her face away. I turn back to the crowd. "Come on." I yell out and they cheer loudly.
I walk towards Paige but she stops me by delivering a huge uppercut which makes me stumble backwards near the barricade in the time keepers area.
People quickly run out of the way when they see Paige sprinting towards me, and I don't have enough time to move out of the way and she spears me and we go crashing through the barricade. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." the crowd chant in shock. "OMG! Paige just speared Sarah through the barricade." Cole shouts.
"How much more can Sarah take before it's too late?" JBL asks shocked.
"I don't know, she's been suplexed through a table, collided with steel steps and now she's been speared through the barricade, it's not looking good and she isn't moving." Jerry worries. Paige starts to stir as I move my fingers, toes and head. "I was wrong Sarah is moving."
"This is awesome, this is awesome, this is awesome." the crowd chant. "This sure is." JBL agrees.
Paige starts to move and looks at the carnage. She gets to her feet and sees me lying down. "Come on Sarah, I thought this was your house." she mocks and the crowd boo her as she walks to the ring and bends over to retrieve something.
As she's doing this, I use the last bit energy that I have and I sit up. "Sarah just sat up." JBL, Cole and Jerry shout.
The crowd reacts loudly which Paige hears and she turns her head and sees me sitting up. She shakes off her shock and charges at me. Out the corner of my eye I notice a chair lying next to me. I use my quick reflexes and grab the chair and smack it across her shoulder. "Ooh." everyone winces. "OMG." The announcers shout as Paige backs away holding her arm and I start to get to my feet and shake off the pain in my back.
I throw the chair that's in my hand inside the ring and charge at Paige spearing her to the floor. "There's a lot of action outside of the ring than in it." Cole mentions.
I pull her up and roll her back into the ring. "Sarah seems to think the same thing." Jerry adds as I follow her inside with the chair.
"This isn't good, look out Paige." JBL warns.
Paige gets to her feet and I raise the chair above my head and hit it across her back and she screams as she collapses to the mat. She tries to get up again and I raise the chair and hit her again. I raise it one last time and hit her across the back.
I drop the chair and grab hold of her hair. I position her head at my feet. I kick her in the stomach and put her into the position for The Kiss of Death.
"Oh no, Sarah isn't thinking?" Cole asks expressing his concern. I lift Paige up over my shoulders but she wriggles out of my hold and grabs my head and reverses it into a neck breaker onto the chair. "Omg."
"Paige just reversed The Kiss of Death into a neck breaker onto the chair." JBL shouts.
Paige starts to stir and throws an arm across my chest and covers me. "Oh no, we could have a new champion." Jerry exclaims.
"1, 2 and" before the referee hits the three I kick out. "OMG?" everyone shouts.
"How on earth did Sarah kick out?" JBL asks shocked.
"This woman is unstoppable." Cole exclaims.
Paige sits up abruptly and holds her head in frustration. I roll over dazed and use the ropes to stand up. Paige sees me getting to my feet and charges at me but I flip her over the top rope and she lands on the ring apron. She grabs me from behind and starts to choke me. I start jumping up, trying to get her to let go. I jump on my knees and the impact causes Paige to hit the top rope and fall to the floor. "This match is great." Jerry expresses. "These women are not giving up."
"What's it going to take for either of one of these woman to win?" Cole wonders.
"I don't know but they should be exhausted this match has gone on for 15 minutes." JBL mentions.
I make it to my feet and I see Paige starting to get to hers, so I run ropes and I dive through the middle rope on top of Paige. I slowly get to my feet. "Come on!" I yell out.
"Suicide dive onto Paige." Jerry announces. "That was picture perfect."
I grab hold of Paige and roll her back in the ring. I look under the ring and find what I'm looking for. I smirk and pull out another table. "Another table." JBL alerts.
The crowd erupts when they see me pull it out and push it in the ring. Before I set it up, I launch myself at Paige and start hitting her with hard punches to the gut and head. I stand flipping my hair out of my face. "Let's finish this." I suggest and the crowd cheer in excitement.
I set up the table in the corner and I turn to face Paige and elbow her in the back. I lift her up into a firemans carry, setting up The Back Attack. "Sarah looks to be setting up The Back Attack." Cole notices.
I quickly deliver The Back Attack and the crowd cheers loudly. "Sarah hits The Back Attack." JBL announces.
"She could win it now." Jerry says.
I stand up and look to the table. "I don't think she's finished." Cole alludes.
I pull Paige up and place her onto the table in the corner and punch her stomach a couple more times. "No way." The announcers gasp.
"She isn't thinking?" Cole questions as I point to the corner and the crowd gets loud as I start to climb. "Sarah is climbing."
I make it to the top and I jump and deliver The Sarah Splash and connect with Paige and we crash through the table. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." the crowd chant.
Dazed by the fall I shake my head and start to stir. "Sarah just hit The Sarah Splash through the table, this match has to be over." Jerry shouts.
I throw an arm over Paige and the ref begins to count "1, 2 and 3."
"Sarah did it, she won, she retained her title." JBL shouts as the crowd erupts.
I sit up slowly as the referee helps me get to my feet and raises my hand. "Here is your winner and still the Divas Champion, Sarah." Lillian announces.
The crowd explodes as my music plays and I'm given my title back. I let go of the ref and slowly make my way to the corner. I smile and raise my title up and blow the crowd a kiss.

I'm bombarded with hugs from my fellow divas as I walk back through the curtain. I wait for Saraya to come back and when she does I hug her tightly. "That was amazing." I whisper.
"It truly was, it was my debut paperview and I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else." She agrees.
"I don't know about you but my back is killing me."
She giggles. "Your chair shots and kendo sticks will leave me black and blue."
"Got to put colour on you somehow."
We go to walk away and see Stephanie, Paul, Dave and Randy waiting by gorilla. Stephanie and Paul approach us. "Well done ladies that match was incredible, I don't know how we are going to top that." Paul congratulates.
"I'm sure you'll think of something."

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