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Arriving in Atlanta I'm excited to introduce April to my friends. We get up and start to get ready for the day. Once we are dressed and ready I check my outfit, I'm potentially meeting my celebrity crush, today so I want to look good.
I'm wearing a black long sleeved tank top with light denim high waisted jeans and black ankle boots. My hair is in loose curls and my make up is light.

"You're dressing up for Joseph aren't you?" April teases

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"You're dressing up for Joseph aren't you?" April teases.
"Shut up, if you were meeting your celeb crush you'd be doing the same thing." I retort.
She chuckles. "Come on it's time to go."

April and I arrive at the studio where The Vampire Diaries and The Originals film. "You know I'm jumping up and down on the inside like crazy." I say to April as we walk arm in arm to security.
"Same here. So what have you told these people about us WWE folk?"
"I've told them that WWE is my life and that you ladies are my extended family."
"Good to know, are the guys hotter is person?"
I slap her playfully. "April"
She grins. "Sorry."
"To answer your question yes they are."
We walk up to the security desk and a big beefy guy opens the window. "Can I help you?" He asks.
"I'm on the list, Serena Smith and plus one." I respond.
He flicks through the computer and nods. "You're right to go through. Take these passes with you and wear them at all times."

As we walk onto set it's chaotic. There are hundreds of people running around. "When did you become a fan of the show?" I ask her.
"Since it came out, and don't tell anyone, but Phil loves it too."
I laugh a little loudly. "You're kidding?"
She laughs and shakes her head. "Nope.
Walking further into the lot, I finally spot Paul Wesley and Candice Accola walking in our direction. He does a double take. "Have my eyes deceived me or is Serena Smith on our set?" He asks smiling.
"Hi." I greet hugging him. "We have the rest of the week off and there's a show here on Monday, so why not surprise you guys."
"I'm sure Phoebe's going to love that." He responds. "She's been talking about flying down to see you."
"Well fret no further, I'm here and she's in for a big suprise, I brought an extra."
"Who's this?" Candice asks.
"Paul, Candice, this is April one of my best friends, she's also a fellow wrestler."
"Nice to meet you. You're the divas champion right?" Paul asks.
"I am." April confirms.

Paul and Candice guide us further on set and we walk onto the set of the Mystic Grill and see Kat Graham, Nina Dobrev, Ian and Steven McQueen filming. We sneak in behind them as they are rehearsing. Nina sees me first and winks. Ian sees this and turns around and waves.
We watch as they finish up the scene and they both walk over. "Hey guys." I greet hugging them both.
"What are you doing here?" Nina asks.
"WWE is in town next week, so I decided to travel down early and surprise you guys, I also brought some luggage." I joke pointing to April.
She playfully hits me. "I'm April, and it's lovely to meet you, Serena has told us so much about you guys."
"It's lovely to meet you too, you're AJ in the ring right?" Nina asks.
"I am, and the current divas champion."
"Not for long."
"Keep dreaming girl."
"I do and they always come true." I retort playfully.
"We still have a few more scenes to shoot, but tonight all of us are hitting up a bar, would you like to join us?" Nina invites us.
"We'd love too. April?"
"Definitely." She accepts.

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