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Here is the next chapter.
Today April and Celeste are coming to visit and I'm really excited to see them. Around midday I hear footsteps approaching my room and April and Celeste walk in. "Hi." I greet happily.
"Hey cripple." April teases.
I send her a playful glare. "Don't joke."
"How are you feeling?" Celeste asks hugging me gently.
"A little sore and I haven't been sleeping well the last couple days and I feel really uncomfortable." I admit.
"You look well considering." April reassures.
"I don't feel it."
"Well you do." Celeste agrees.
"So congratulations on being champ again." I say to April.
"Thanks, I have some interesting feuds coming up." April responds.
"So what's new with you girls?" I ask.
"Nothing, it's very quiet in the locker room." Celeste answers
"I was the loud one wasn't I?" I say laughing.
"You were."
"Where are you travelling to next?"
"Richmond." They say in unison.
We catch up for a bit but unfortunately it's time for them to leave and I have some things do to. "Well we better leave as we have a flight to catch but we'll speak to you soon." April promises.
"Thanks so much for visiting me."
"Any time." Celeste smiles.

The following week flies by and I start to have a little more movement in my neck. I'm currently with Dr Andrews and he's showing me my scans and informs me that my neck is healing well. "Does this mean no more surgeries?" I ask.
"Yes, no more surgerys but we still want to keep you here for a couple more days just to make sure everything is going well."
"When do I start Physio on the arm?"
"Not yet, but soon." He answers. "How does your neck feel?"
"A little stiff, but I have less pain."
"Good to hear, and your shoulder?"
"Still painful."
"Okay, I'll come in and check on you in a couple days to see how you are going."
"Sounds good."
"Get some rest." He advises and leaves.

Three days later I'm finally leaving the hospital and leaving for rehab, where I will remain for the rest of the year. I make my way around the hospital to say my goodbyes and my last person to farewell is my nurse Lucy. "Well this is it." I alert.
"It's been a blast caring for you." Lucy says hugging me softly.
"I'm glad I've kept you busy." I joke.
"It was great meeting you."
"I couldn't have asked for a better nurse."
"You were a great patient, when you wanted to be."
"Just admit it, you're glad you don't have to see me any more."
She laughs. "You're not that bad."
"Once again, thank you for everything."
"It's my job." she smiles. "I wish you all the best."

I arrive at rehab and taken to my private room where I will make myself feel at home. I walk inside and take in my new surroundings. My room has a queen sized bed in the middle of the room against the main wall. On the right of the bed there's some medical equipment attached to the wall and to the left is a door that leads to a small bathroom. On the wall opposite the bed there is a flat screen.
A nurse places my things down and leaves. Once she's gone and I'm by myself I take a deep breath. This is my new home for the next few months.
Once unpacked I decide to take a shower. A nurse helps me inside and gathers all my bathroom utensils. She hands me a robe and turns on the shower. "Just shout out if you need help." Jess directs.
After my shower I get changed into some comfy sweats and lay on my bed. I turn on the TV to find the wrestling on. I chuckle. "Perfect timing."
From what I can see a lot has changed on screen. Stephanie and Paul have returned as on-screen characters and are known as The Authority who are guarded around by The Shield.
A small smile appears on my face when I see Colby standing behind Triple H with a stoic look.

The next day I'm woken up at 8, as I have my first therapy session with Dr Adams. Once I'm dressed I'm escorted to Dr Adams office.
I wait a few minutes and a door opens and a woman in her 30s steps out. She escorts me inside and I glance around her office and observe her awards and diplomas she's received on her wall. "Hi Serena, I'm Dr Adams but you can call me Julie." She introduces.
"Nice to meet you Julie."
"From the looks of things, you've been through quite a rough time?"
"It's been a difficult few months and a lot has happened, I hope I can make a full recovery."
"I think you will." she replies. "So Serena, to begin, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"
"I was born in Seattle, Washington. I lived there until I was 18 and moved to Tampa Florida."
"Why did you move to Tampa?"
"I wanted to be a wrestler, and Tampa had the best training facilities."
"Was it hard?"
"Very hard."
"What was your childhood like?" She asks.
"I'm an only child but I have a lot of cousins."
"What about your parents?"
"Up until I was 14 I had two loving parents."
"My father died in a car crash."
"What happened after he died?"
"My mother turned to alcohol and substance abuse, and after a while I couldn't take it, so at 16, I moved out of home, left school and got a job."
"Sounds like you had it rough."
"I did."
"And what did you do when you left home?"
"I moved in with a friend and when I had enough money I moved to Tampa. I then worked my butt off."
"When did you start in WWE?" She wonders.
"In March."
"How much do you enjoy it?"
"I love every minute of it." I smile.
"And now that you can't do what you love, how do you feel?"
"It won't always be like that."
"I just don't know how I can do this. I've had to fight for everything in my life, and this is the hardest thing I've had to do." I express. "Two major surgeries and many months of rehab I don't know if I can cope with it."
"That's why you're here talking to me." She responds. "You're here to let yourself go and to tell me how you feel." she adds. "So tell me about your injury, what happened?"
"I was in a match and climbing the corner, when I heard a commotion from behind me. I turned my head and saw a figure jump up onto the apron and they pushed me off." I respond. "It happened so fast I couldn't protect myself. I landed on my neck and shoulder and I ended up breaking my neck and dislocating my shoulder."
"Do you know who did it do you?"
I nod. "Yes."
"His name was Adam, I went to high school with him."
"Keep going." She urges.
"He was a couple years older than me and his sister was my friend." I explain. "She let me stay with her after I moved out of home. One night, there was a house party and there was drinking."
"What happened?" She questions noticing my hesitation. "You can trust me."
"That night, I was really drunk and I didn't know what was happening. I was starting to sober up when I felt someone kissing my neck. I was delirious at first, but once I got my senses back it was too late." I explain. "I told him to stop but he didn't, I was so scared ."
"You were raped?"
I nod. "I always told everyone that I was drunk and didn't remember much of it."
"Because no one would have believed me."
"Why didn't you tell any of your close friends?"
"I was embarrassed, I just wanted to forget about it."
"Was that your first time?
"It was, but it only got worse."
"What happened?"
"He made up a rumour and told everyone that I was easy." I reply. "When I walked down the street and saw someone that I knew, they would call me names." I add. "My friend didn't want me living with her anymore, so she kicked me out. I lived on the streets for a while, but I was saved by my friend Isabella and I turned my life around."
"How is Adam in the picture now?"
"I don't know, I forgot all about him. I left that in my past and got over it and moved on." I respond. "At first I had no clue that it was him, but he kept hinting things and leaving photos of me, stalking me until we caught him on tape, it was quiet for a while, but we think he tried to blow up my friends and I in my car."
"Were you hurt?" She asks wide eyed.
"Not physically."
"And then he pushed you off a top rope."
"Yes and he's now in jail."
"That's a whole lot of stuff happening how did you cope?"
"I had a great support network, my bosses, my friends, but that all changed a few weeks ago."
"What happened?"
"I liked someone I shouldn't have as they have a girlfriend." I answer. "I saw his girlfriend heading into a closet with someone that I can't stand."
"The girlfriend was cheating on the person you like?"
"Yes, so I ended up telling him."
"He didn't take it well."
"No he didn't and now thinking about it, he was lashing out because he didn't want to believe it."
"What did he say to you?"
"He tried to make it out that I was trying to brake up his relationship."
"How did you cope with that?"
"That was my final straw and I lost it. I flipped out and got obliterated and from then I ended up taking the easy way out with confronting my emotions."
"I turned to drugs."
"How long did that last?"
"Just before my match at Battleground, my friends confronted me and told me that I had to stop and get help or they would tell my bosses."
"That's a lot of pressure on yourself, do you realise that?"
"At the time no, I just didn't want to feel anything." I admit.
She nods and right's some stuff down. "Now that I know some stuff about you we have things that we can work on."
"Am I that bad?"
"No Serena. You're not bad, you've got a lot of stuff bottled up and you haven't been able to talk about it."
"Will I be able to get through this?" I ask.
"If you speak truthfully with me and take your time then yes you can." she answers. "Now that's enough for today. From here, I'm going to build a case for you and we will start next week."
"That soon?"
"The sooner we start the better." she answers. "Now, one last thing, how did it feel talking about all of this?"
"It feels good." I admit. "I was nervous, but I already feel relief."
"Good. I'll see you next week, same time and same day, ok."
"Alright, see you next week."

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