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Another week goes by and Saraya and I arrive at the arena. We drop off our stuff and make our way to Vince's office for a meeting. Saraya knocke on the door. "Come in." a voice yells out.
Saraya opens the door and we step inside to find Vince and Stephanie sitting at the ends of a conference table. "Thanks for coming in ladies, take a seat." Paul gestures.
I sit by Colby and nudge him playfully. "Tonight will be Evolution and The Shield closing the show." Vince begins. "The Shield will be in the ring cutting a promo and Evolution will come out. You will say some words to each other and a brawl will take place."
"Evolution will be standing tall tonight, with all members of The Shield including Sarah taken out." Paul continues. "Ladies, I want you two to be more aggressive tonight, so don't be afraid to get dirty."
"Anything specific you want us to do?" I ask.
"We were thinking that we want the ladies making the most impact." Stephanie responds. "So Paige is going to RampPaige Sarah on top of the announce table."
"Cool." Saraya pipes in. I send her a playful look.

The meeting ends and we decide to get changed into some workout clothes and work on some stuff for our segment. We make our way to the ring and I keep my distance from Randy who's been sending me weird looks. Colby walks over to me. "Hey." I greet smiling.
"You seem down." He notices.
"I just don't want to work with you know who."
"Try to keep positive."
"I'll try, but I also want this feud to go well, I'm letting it get to me."
"If you need me, call me ok."
I turn my head up at him and smile. "I will."
"And don't worry about Randy or the storyline, you will have us with you at all times, and you're going to kill it."

After practice Saraya and I leave to get ready. We enter the locker room to find some of the other ladies arriving. "Ladies." I greet.
"Hey Serena." Nikki greets.
"How was your week?"
"Good, how are things working with The Shield?" Brie asks.
"Its fun, it's good being around Colby again." I confess. They grin at me. "What?"
"Nothing." They respond.
"You two are freaking me out."
I head to hair and make-up where Amy does my hair in curls and for my make-up she does; a bold smokey eye. Next I find Sandra to get my gear. I've asked her to make me some shield gear to coordinate with my teammates.
I'm wearing ripped leather pants and black combat boots with a leather crop top and a vest. I add some fingerless gloves to finish off the look.

The show starts and I have a while until my segment so to spare some time I hang out with my favourite guys

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The show starts and I have a while until my segment so to spare some time I hang out with my favourite guys. "What's going on in that mind of yours?" Joe asks.
"Everything." I admit. "I'm really excited to see this storyline unfold."
Colby is about to respond when a stagehand walks over. "Serena, Stephanie and Paul want to see you." she says.
I say bye to the guys and make my way to Paul and Stephanie's office. I knock on the door softly. "Come in." Stephanie yells out.
I open the door and find Paul, Steph and Mark inside. "Hi Serena thank you for coming." Paul thanks. "We wanted to talk to you after the meeting but we thought it was best for you to rehearse what you were doing tonight."
"No problem, what can I do for you?"
"We want to change your character up." Stephanie responds. "You've been a face for a while now and I think it's time we see a different side of Sarah."
"You want me to turn heel?"
Paul nods. "Yes, sooner than later."
"I'd love to, but wouldn't the whole siding with Shield thing be pointless?"
"I don't know if you've heard but we are breaking up The Shield." Stephanie announces.
"I did, when?"
"The night after Payback." Paul answers.
"What's going to happen?"
"The night after Payback, Seth is going to join The Authority and that is where you come in, you two are going to attack Dean and Roman together." Mark explains.
"Wow." I gasp.
"What are you thinking?" Stephanie asks.
"I've always wanted to be a heel."
"Do you have any questions?"
"Will my appearance be the same, will I still be champion, will I need new music?"
"Your appearance will change, mostly your hair and gear." Paul answers.
"As for the music yes, we've been contacting some artists." Stephanie adds.
"So do Colby, Joe and Jon know?" I ask.
"They were informed before you and Saraya arrived this morning." Mark responds.
"I'm excited then and I guess it will be a match to remember then."

The show is coming to an end and it's time to head to concession to enter through the crowd. Colby, Jon, Joe and I are escorted through several corridors until we reach a doorway where we will walk out. We stand on the other side and the fans are already cheering loudly.
We walk out from behind the closed doors and the fans in concession go crazy and scream out our names.
I start to get nervous which Colby notices. He looks at me and smiles gently, which gets me to calm down. I give his arm a light squeeze to reassure him I'm okay.
The commercial break finishes and The Shields music blasts and we are given the signal to walk out.
"The Shield have arrived." Jerry announces.
"And it looks like Sarah has come along for the ride." Cole points out.
We make our way down to the barricade. Dean does a forward roll over it, Roman steps over it and Seth jumps over and lastly I gingerly climb over it.
The boys enter the ring first and I enter after them. We all grab microphones and The Shield's music dies and the crowd are going crazy as we stand in the middle of the ring.
Dean starts to pace back and forth, whilst Roman is standing still and Seth and I are standing next to each other quite closely. Seth steps forward. "In two weeks at Payback in a No Holds Barred mixed elimination match, we face Evolution for the second time." he starts off addressing the crowd and they cheer loudly. "And like always we are going to dominate and end Evolution once and for all."
Dean then steps forward. "No Holds Barred is right up our ally." Dean grins. "We get to use anything we want, anything goes, it's going to be great."
"At Payback you are going to see a side of The Shield you haven't seen before and Evolution you better bring it because we aren't losing." Roman enforces and the crowd cheers.
"And to add just a little bit more we have the Divas Champion on our side." Seth announces and the crowd cheers loudly and I grin. "You've seen her dominate the division from day one and at Payback you are going to see a side of her you haven't seen yet."
I smile and glance at Seth and step forward. "You've all witnessed my success, I'm a 2x time Divas Champion, I've broken my neck but I'm still here." I exclaim. "The match at Payback is going to be a lot more fun, and at the end of the day, it's going to be The Shield eliminating Evolution one by one and us standing just like this." We all ball up a fist and bump them together doing The Shield's pose.
Evolutions music comes on and they walk out slowly. Triple H in the middle, Batista to his left, and Paige standing between Randy and Triple H. "Here comes Evolution." JBL announces.
They make there way to the ring and Triple H has a mike in his hand. "We just heard all that crap that you just said, and we need to clear up some things." Triple H addresses. "We are Evolution, and combined, we have 27 championships amongst us and a diva who isn't afraid to bleed." Triple H enforces. "You boys are young, but you have nothing on us, with age comes experience and at Payback we are going to end The Shield."
We chuckle as they continue to walk down the ramp. "You got lucky at Extreme Rules, but don't let it go to your heads, because when it comes to No Holds Barred matches we are unbeatable." Randy continues.
They make it to the ring and stand in front of us. "We might get a glimpse of Payback." Cole alerts.
"You better enjoy this because at Payback The Shield will be finished." Batista finishes.
I eye Paige and she watches me closely. "Got a problem?" I ask her. She steps up to me and I copy the action and we are inches away from each other. "Cat got your tongue?" I taunt and my boys chuckle. Paige grins and turns to face her team mates and pounces on me and punches me right in the face. This allows Evolution to attack the guys and it's chaotic.
Paige and I roll around the ring banging each other's heads against the mat. "You should have never left NXT."
"You should have never come back." she retorts and we roll out of the ring.
Paige and I get to our feet and I pounce on top of her and we land near the announce table. I unload several hard punches but she fights back. "These two women hate each other." Cole exclaims.
She pulls me up and whips me into the steel steps and the crowd "Oohs." Triple H overpowers Roman and delivers a spine buster on the floor and Seth has been speared near the barricade. "Why wait for Payback huh?" Paige shouts. "Let's just send you back on the injured list now."
Paige pulls me up and throws me over the announce table and the commentators run away just in time. "Paige is destroying Sarah; we've never seen her like this." Cole says concerned.
"Sarah isn't moving." Jerry adds.
Paige grabs me and she starts climbing the announce table, pulling me with her. "Omg what is Paige doing?" Cole shouts. Paige lifts me up into the position for The RampPaige. "Oh no, she has Sarah in The RampPaige, is she going to do it on top of the announce table?"
Paige cradles my head and she delivers it on top of the announce table and and I roll off the table motionless. "Omg." the arena shout and start booing loudly.
All members of The Shield are down and Evolution are standing tall. Triple H enters the ring and picks up a microphone. "Take a good look at what you see and remember this image, this will be the same picture at Payback." He declares.

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