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Serena POV
I wake up with an excruciating headache and dry mouth. I roll over to my side and realise I'm in my hotel room. How did I get here? I start to sit up and in a chair in the corner asleep is Brie. She hears my movements and her eyes open. They flicker and land on me. "Rena." she whispers.
"Hi." I whisper.
She makes her way over to my bed and sits down next to me. "How are you feeling?"
I start tearing up. "Brie, I'm so sorry." I cry.
She immediately scoots in next to me and hugs me. "Hey, hey it's okay. I know you didn't mean those things you said last night."
"I was so rude to you."
"You were, but I forgive you, but right now I don't want you to worry about that, you need to focus on getting help."
"I truly am so sorry. All you have done is try to help me and I throw that right back in your face."
"Rena, it's okay. I know you have so much on your plate right now, you being sorry isn't something that I want you to worry about. I know you, you wouldn't want to hurt anyone."
"I was just so hurt, I lost it."
"I know and that is why I think you should take the week off." She suggests. "Go home, reset and next week come back and forget everything that's happened."
"I think you're right."
"You know it." she grins.
"How did you find me?"
"We followed your phone."
My eyes go wide. "Oh."
"You were in a bad shape last night." she whispers. "But when we found you at your dads grave you were passed out."
"How'd you get me back?"
"The guys helped." She answers. "Including Colby."
As soon as I hear his name tears start to form again. "Why would he help me? He said those things to me."
"Because deep down he knew you were right." She replies. "He was hurting Serena, you just told him that his fiance was cheating, and it came from you, he was confused and he lashed out." She adds. "But I want you to know he feels horrible. But Serena, I don't want you to worry about that until you have helped yourself."
I nod. "Maybe you're right."
"Get some rest, i'll touch base with you over the next week."

After my breakdown I went straight home and for the week but I couldn't focus. I was tired, I was angry, I was confused and most of all I was losing it. So I did the one thing I promised myself I would never do again, I turned to drugs, the only way I knew how to fix how I felt. I started off with rest of my prescribed pills but then I went to the harder stuff and now after a week of taking lines to ease my pain I feel at ease, but deep down I know I'm not.

I walk into the locker room on Monday and the girls are shocked to see me so happy. "Morning." I greet with a smile.
"Morning." Nicole greets confused.
"How do you feel today?" Brie asks.
"I feel so much better." I lie.
"That's good to hear." Nattie responds.
"I took your advice and used the past week to re-group, and now that I have, nothing is going to hold me back." I declare. "I am putting my focus into battleground and my future."
"That's good to hear but as long as you're okay." Brie responds.
"I'm more than okay, I'm perfect." I lie and leave the room.

Nattie POV
"There is no way she can be that happy after a week." I say once she's left the locker room.
"What do you mean?" Ariane asks.
"She's lying to us about something and I intend to find out, because whatever she's doing is making things worse."
"Let's just hope that whatever she's doing isn't going to kill her." Nicole adds.
"We just have to keep an eye on her then." I finish.

Serena POV
After I leave the locker room I venture to catering and spot Nick. "Hey showoff." I greet.
"Someones happy." He mentions hugging me.
I grin. "I am."
"You doing okay?"
"Perfect." I grin and walk off turning around and I bump into Jon, Joe and Colby who I haven't seen or talked to since my breakdown. "Oh hi."
Instantly memories of that awful night come back and they look at me concerned. "Hi." Joe greets cautiously.
"Hi." I repeat.
"You look happy." Jon notices.
"That's because I am." I lie trying not to glance at Colby.
"You doing okay?" Joe asks.
I take a breath. "I'm fine. Everyone needs to stop worrying." I chuckle. "I can take care of myself."
"Doesn't look that way." Jon comments.
I instantly let me walls up. "Look I appreciate the concern but I'm fine."
"Should you be at work?" Colby finally asks.
I turn to face him for the first time. "Of course I should be here." I scoff. "Not that it's any of your concern, considering I'm a lying bitch." I retort and Colby gasps. "I'm here to wrestle and thats it. Now if you excuse me I have places to be."

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