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The next day I arrive at the arena and I pile into the locker room for Smackdown. After getting settled I head to hair and make-up. My hair is straight and I've gone for a red lip tonight too. Once I'm finished, I start to get changed into my gear; which is a matching white and hot pink halter crop top and shorts.

 Once I'm finished, I start to get changed into my gear; which is a matching white and hot pink halter crop top and shorts

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Once I'm ready I make my way to gorilla where I find Milena, Zivile, Sarona and April. They are given the signal to head out and once they they are in the ring my music starts and the crowd erupts as Brie, the Funkadactles and myself head out.
The Funks, Brie Bella and I stand at the top of the ramp taking in the cheers from the crowd. "And their opponents, the team of Brie Bella, the Funkadactles and the WWE Divas Champion, Sarah." Lillian announces.
The Funkadactles get in the ring first, followed by Brie and lastly myself and we have a stare down with our opponents. We huddle in the corner and come up with a game plan.
Cameron and Aksana step forward and the rest of us exit the ring. "Ladies and gentleman, we have an eight diva tag team match." Cole announces. "Starting off this match is Cameron and Aksana."
Cameron and Aksana circle one another and look up. Cameron uses her speed and pushes Aksana into our corner. The referee has to force her back and Brie being the perfect villain, whilst the referees back is turned, starts choking Aksana and the crowd cheer.
AJ, Rosa and Tamina start pointing in our direction loudly and Brie let's go just as the ref turns around. "Brie Bella is fighting dirty tonight." JBL mentions.
Aksana gets to her feet as Cameron charges at her, but she gets an elbow to the face and she stumbles back allowing Aksana to deliver a close line. "Close line to Cameron." Cole announces.
Aksana tags in Tamina and she takes down Cameron with a closeline. Tamina gets back up and starts stomping on her. Cameron rolls on her stomach and reaches her hand out to our corner but Tamina pulls her back and AJ asks to be tagged in. Tamina hesitantly tags her in and AJ delivers a back breaker and covers Cameron. "1, 2." but she kicks out and rolls out of the ring.
AJ follows her out and pushes her against the barricade roughly. Naomi and I hop down from our corner and walk over to Cameron. As the referee turns around, Rosa and Aksana hop down and start stomping on Cameron as AJ distracts the ref.
Naomi and I make our way around the outside of the ring and we close line Rosa and Aksana. AJ sees this and gets out of the ring and gets in my face. "What are you going to do?" I taunt as she gets in my face. I push roughly her and the crowd oohs as I smirk. "What are you going to do AJ?" I laugh and walk back to my corner as AJ angrily rolls Cameron into the ring.
As AJ rolls back in the ring, Cameron gets to her feet and kicks her in the head which allows Cameron to crawl to our corner. "Come on Cameron." I yell out.
AJ does the same thing and tags in Tamina. Cameron makes it to the corner and tags me in. "Here comes The Divas Champion." JBL announces. I duck the incoming close line and deliver a kick to the back of Tamina's leg and follow it by three more making her fall to her knees. "Smart move by Sarah, take down the bigger woman."
I deliver a final kick to the back of her head and she collapses to the mat. "What a kick by Sarah." Cole shouts. I cover Tamina. "1, 2." but she kicks out.
I look to the corner and see Tamina is still on the ground. I walk to the corner and start climbing and the crowd cheers loudly with anticipation. AJ runs to my corner and tires to push me off, but Naomi makes the save by pulling her down off the apron and she hits her head on the ring apron. "Naomi with the save." JBL continues.
Rosa runs up and delivers a close line to Naomi but Cameron takers her down by delivering a close line of her own. Tamina is still down and I make it to the top rope and deliver The Sarah Splash onto Tamina and cover her. "1, 2 and 3."
My teammates meet me in the ring and we celebrate as my music comes on. "Here are your winners the team of Brie Bella, The Funkadactles and the Divas Champion, Sarah." Lillian announces as the crowd cheers.
I grab my title and signal for a mike. "Hey AJ?" I call out as my music cuts. "Two weeks, in two weeks it's just you and me at Money in the Bank." I announce. "Try your hardest to take this away from me, deliver cheap shots, try sneak attacks you name it, but at the end of the day, I will come out the winner like always." I declare and raise my title above my head and send her a taunting kiss as my team mates celebrate with me.

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