Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Your stitches healed you up well, the scar is barely noticeable." The doctor says as she gives it a quick look. Her voice is somewhat soothing.

"Any other issues?" My doctor inquires. She has been coming to treat me whenever I have needed her the last few weeks. It's nearing the end of August. The weather is not as hot as it normally is and it is cooling down. Fall is my favorite time of the year, the leaves that crunch when you walk on them and all the pumpkin spice flavored things.

After weeks of healing and training with my dad and his friends. Mostly his friends because somehow I am the plague and to be near me is too much for him to handle. My work has allowed me to get some paid leave and vacation off. The last two weeks have been constant training. Today I am fighting Tyler. Tyler is super challenging to fight, his blocks and knowledge of everything make it so challenging to fight him. I always end up on my ass. Thema has signed us up for a Kombato class, which is run by someone who was in the Brazilian armed force. We have learned Don't aim for the chest, as that tends to be ineffective. Aiming for the knees requires a specific kick that can be too risky for an average person. So we are learning how to kick better.

I ask Tyler what he wants me to do.

Tyler shouts, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can."

He is a well-built man, with dark hair and dark eyes. He is of Asian descent of some kind. Dad claims he has trained in every martial art field he could.

I step back, balancing my weight on my right foot, and throw my left fist out in a curved punch at his temple. Turning ninety degrees to the side, he brings his left forearm up to counter the blow, forms a fist with his right, and he throws it at my outstretched jaw. I am in trouble, I think to myself as I crouch down out of the way of his punch. I swipe my leg under his and knock him down on the mat. He performs a kick-up and I have to come up with a new strategy to take him down.

Lifting my dominant leg off the ground and then beginning to drive my knee upward.

I extend my dominant leg, drive hips forward, slightly lean back, and kick forcefully, making contact between the ball of my foot to the attacker's groin area. He blocks that move and I twist out of his way when he tries to throw a punch.

Honestly, the self-defense classes I have taken along with a few years of childish karate classes. Has not benefited me in a fight with a man. Especially, this one. For a girl who has a small appearance, I have to use my speed against whoever is fighting against me. I attempted to kick him a few times and I only hit him once. He goes after my bad shoulder. I got the stitches out last week. Wincing in anger and the pain boils beneath the surface of my skin. I want to cry out, but I don't. Kicking his hand with my leg and punching him with my uninjured arm, he is taken aback.

"Son of a bitch, that hurt!" He says trying to swing at me, but I block his swings and he kicks my stomach. The kick leaves a stinging sensation, but I ignore it because feeling the need to get him back strikes me.

Catching him midway through the motion of another kick, with my right foot, he brings a heavy foot to meet my face. I block and ball my hand into a fist bring my fist to meet his face with my left hand. My fist connects to his jaw. I then trip him and he falls on the blue mat.

My hands find purchase on his soft collar flesh where his neck and shoulder meet. Clamping onto it like a vice. Pushing up from him as he struggles to free his tender flesh from my grasp. Forcing myself into kneeling, and raising him off the sweaty mat. I use all my strength to do this. The fear in his eyes as I let him go and help him up.

"I think that is enough training today." Claps echo behind us and that is when I notice my father there.

"For a victory like that, a girl deserves a treat. " Tyler bows to him and quickly exits the gym.

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