Chapter 7: The Exams

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Thereafter, 7-year-old Bunmi became studious and philomath. She wakes up early to get ready for school, studies hard afterward, and does extra work outside of regular lessons to show her teachers her dedication. Bunmi was determined to complete her textbook works and even get more textbooks to work with.

During her revision classes at school. Bunmi raised out all the tough question she jotted down and scribbled out the answers. She studied and practiced. There was no time to play with her friends or trouble Alex.

One afternoon, when Bunmi and Alex came back from school, Mrs. John walked to Bunmi’s room and found it littered with books. She couldn’t clean the room because bunny locked it and left with the key. Her attitude changed overnight, into a matured one.

Bunmi hurried to arrange her books once she noticed Rebecca’s presence in the room.

“Wow, you are such a geek now. I hope this lasts long.” Mrs. John gasped with pride.

Bunmi smiled at her words without replying. She was still busy with arranging the books. Mrs. John walked up to her, watching her with pity in her eyes. She tried hard not to shed a tear. “Why are you this serious, Bunmi? It’s a good thing you focus on your studies but, isn’t it too much?”

A small smile formed on her pressed lips. “Nothing is too much, ma. I’m starting my exams on Monday. I want to study hard so I would get good grades. I want to push through, aunt. So my parents would be of me anywhere they are.”

Hearing Rebecca was out if words. She was so amazed that hot tears welled behind her ears and filled out the empty space in her eyes. A few drops had rolled down before she realized. Rebecca quickly sniffed and wiped it off. She was standing and was about to leave when her eyes met with her husband, Mr. John, by the door. His eyebrows arched upwards and his firm jaws slacked as he watched the girl. She must have grown super powers because as much as he remembers, Mr. and Mrs. Williams' death were still kept a secret. He cringed back, staring with unmoved and unblinking eyes.

Out of words, Mr. John walked into his room. His face was a little flushed and his face turned glossy with sweat. He grabbed Rebecca out of the room by the wrist and pulled her out. “What have you done, silly?” His hot, glaring eyes suddenly turned into a cold squint. “Have you told her anything about her parents?”

“Yes, I’ve told her everything. In fact, I’m had the way she reacts. Mrs John replied. I don’t know if she gets the gist, but I told her parents are in heaven. ”Rebecca explained. “She probably thinks it’s a place where people can travel to, but she will understand later in life. Bunmi is stronger than we thought. She will overcome any obstacle.”

“Hopefully.” Mr. John nodded positively and strolled back to Bunmi’s room. She was on her messy bed, sprucing it. As Mr. John watched her, the muscle in his jaws tensed and his eyes fixated on her.

Noticing his presence, Bunmi rubbed her right eyebrow with a shy, hidden smile. “Why are you looking at me like that, sir?” She gave him an affiliative, compressed smile till he walked away.

After arranging her bed, Bunmi swept her room, had a shower and had lunch before revising her books again. Alex helped her study as well, and she assisted him too.

Examination was the way to judge the achievements of the students. It was a day for the examination. The examination sensed students in different mood. Bunmi was in a state of uncertainty as to what the examination questions would be.

“It’s not your first examination. Just do your best and leave the rest to God.” Alex advised.

“Everyone in my class is already prepared for tomorrow. I might not sleep tonight.”

Soledad; a Victim of the Fall (NANOWRIMO2023)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя