Chapter 13: An Understanding

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At dawn, Bunmi searched for the letter, but it was nowhere to be found. She checked her books one after the other and even turned her school bag down. Bunmi hoped the letter remained undiscovered. Especially from Mrs. John, who spent the night with her. Maybe she kept it hidden or threw it away. Chewing on the thought, Bunmi went to school that day.

“Uncle John, is it true that I’m going to spend my next holiday with Uncle Felix at my dad’s house?” she raised to hear from him.

“What?” He frowned at the idea. “Who told you that?”

“Aunty told me three days ago that I’ll spend my next holiday there.” Bunmi emphasized. “I don’t want to go there, sir. You know how much they detest me. I can’t even call them family.”

“What are you saying?” He hissed and persuaded. “They’re still your family. I don’t think visiting them during your holiday will cause you any harm.”

“That’s not enough reason to go there.” Bunmi rubbed her hands together and raised her pleading eyes to him. “Please, Uncle John. Don’t let me go there for my holidays. Help me speak to Aunt. I know she listens to you.”

“Okay,” he nodded in agreement. “I will speak to her on your behalf.”

With a satisfactory smile, Bunmi hopped away into her room. She prayed he would succeed at convincing Rebecca who was such a tough woman.

“Hi, honey.” Mr. John called on his wife one evening.

Her stone eyes fixated on him with a glare. She rolled her eyes at him and focused on her mobile phone.

“Hey Rebecca,” he called her name. Still, she had a frown without uttering him a reply.

“I want to draw a line to the argument between us. I mean, don’t you miss me? It’s been two months now and we haven’t shared the bed. Aren’t you fed up with these silent treatments?”

Rebecca dropped her phone and turned to her husband. “You were saying?”

His eyes focused on hers. “I miss you.”

It stunned Rebecca. She looked away. Sweat formed on her forehead to his pestering presence.

“Is that what people say to forgive each other?” She nodded her head and chuckled. Her eyes flickered to the gathering tears. “Why am I so surprised? You can’t even apologize properly.”

“Okay... I’m sorry, darling. And I’m serious right now. Please, forgive me.” his eyes pleaded to hers. Mayowa took a step closer to her, and she paused, holding unto her almost teary face.

“You hurt me so much, Mayowa. But if we want bygones to be bygones. I’ll think about it. In the meantime, let's spend the night together.” Her nose and eyes crinkled in a smile. Rebecca walked up to her husband and gave him a soft hug.

“Have you thought about any name for our daughter?”

“Not yet.” He muttered and gently pulled out of the hug. “That reminds me of our daughter, Bunmi.”

“What about her?” Rebecca’s eyebrows scrunched together with creased forehead.

“I heard you want to send her to her father’s house. You know Bunmi belongs here, right?”

“What are you talking about, Mayowa?” Her grimace tightened.

“Please, let Bunmi spend the holiday here with Alex. I ask that Bunmi stays with us because she needs protection. She has no business living with Mr. Felix. She has no friends there.”

“I thought you realize your mistake, but now, I just discovered you came begging me only for Bunmi’s sake. Come on, darling! Wake up. I just wanted us to have a happy family time without any intruder. Let Bunmi go to her blood relation and spend quality time with them. There is no privilege for her to live with them except during the holidays.”

“No, Rebecca! Bunmi won’t go there!” Mr. John gasped.

She froze and stared at her husband with balling eyes. “It seems you care about Bunmi than your actual family.”

“What are you saying, Rebecca? I just told you I’m sorry. I just pleaded.” He pointed out.

“Well, you don’t seem sincere enough. You brought up Bunmi. Was that why you were sorry?”

“No, it’s not that, darling... Y-you misunderstand me.” Mayowa stuttered, trying to explain himself.

Rebecca smacked her palm against her forehead. With a taste of despair on her tongue, tears flooded in her eyes. “You know what? I take back what I just said about spending the night with you. It’s obvious that you just won’t change and Bunmi, she would leave this house by weekend. Maybe we need to settle our differences before letting an outsider into our family.” She said and walked away. 

That night, Mr. John met Bunmi and told her about how his talk went. He advised her to make the best out of the holiday with Mr. Felix. It would last for just a month.

“What about Alex? I actually wish to meet him.”

“Really? When last did you see him?”

“Since he left for boarding school. It’s almost 3 months now.”

“Oh, it’s been long. I haven’t met him either, but I will find a way.” Mr. John assured. I've been occupied lately and with what's happening at home, Alex mustn't know. It might affect him... But I'll try must best to fix this the soonest.”

“Thanks so much, uncle. And don’t worry about me. I will go for the holiday.” Bunmi smiled and gave Mr. John a tight hug.

“Why don’t you talk about things with Aunty Rebecca? I mean, you are a couple.”

“Sometimes you see, couples have misunderstandings.” Mayowa exhaled. “I know your aunt will come to forgive and accept me, eventually. She’s my wife, after all.” He said, hopefully.

“I hope so.” Bunmi softly chuckled before walking out of his warm embrace. “Good night, sir.”

“Good night.” Mayowa replied.

With her books at hand, Bunmi bade at him before going to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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