Chapter 11: Dispatched

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In the silence atmosphere, a sob rose down her throat. Once Rebecca got home, she lost appetite to complete her breakfast. Bunmi cleared the table, swept the house, and retired to her room to study. The new house was a two-bedroom apartment. One for the parent and the second for the children. Rebecca held onto her stomach with pain in her eyes. While at the hospital, she felt humiliated before the doctor. It takes two to tango, but her husband made it seem as if she got herself pregnant. As if she had a bastard child.

In the silence atmosphere, a sob rise down her throat as hurtful tears trickle down her eyes.

Mr. John walked in. His gaze fixed on her, and he sat on the table facing her. Watching her cry.

“I don’t understand you, Rebecca. How can you get pregnant at this phase of our life? We’re still struggling to pay our bills, let alone raise another child.” 

“I don’t see any problem with this, Mayowa. We are a couple. We’ll figure this out.” Her trembling voice heightened.

“How long have you known?” Mr. John voiced. His eyes lowered at his wife in disgust.

“What?” her widened eyes rise to his.

“That you’re pregnant. Because it’s clear that you kept it away from me.” he gritted with almost closed eyes. “If not that you passed out just now, how long were you planning to keep it away from me?”

“I wasn’t planning on keeping it a secret. I knew about a week ago and I planned to tell you, eventually.”

“Eventually, really?” he frowned at her words. Mr. And Mrs. John never kept secrets. The couple were true and transparent to each other.

Hearing them argue brought Bunmi towards her room’s door. She paid a listening ear as they disputed. Hoping it was for the better.

“You know what? I am tired of this your rant. What do you expect me to do? Abort the pregnancy?” Rebecca raised a suggestion.

“I didn’t ask you for an abortion! Ugh!” He cried in exasperation.

“Then why the fuse and confusion? You know I can’t argue with you, Mayowa! I don’t have the strength!” Rebecca folded her arm, rubbing her ankle. Her eyes focused on her husband as she read his frustrated expression. Sometime, they had disagreements but not like this. “Are you scared of the child’s future or you’re scared of not being a good father? Aren't you capable of raising one more child? We planned to have three children, remember? So we just started.”

Instead of replying, Mayowa turned away with a cold shoulder. Then he nodded, massaging his forehead.

“You give me so much headache. I need to be alone.” Rebecca stormed to the bedroom and banged the door on her husband’s face.

It saddened Bunmi that they had a disagreement. The only thing she understood was that Mrs. John was pregnant.

“Wasn’t that supposed to be a call for celebration?” She rumbled silently and went back to the study.

“I miss having Alex around. I wonder how lonely he will feel living among other people from different backgrounds. I just hope his mates does not bully him.”

Later that evening, Rebecca prepared yam porridge and served dinner. At 6:00 p.m, Mr. John, who had just entered from his job hunt, walked into the bedroom. He had a shower, changed his clothing, and went straight to bed. Rebecca and Bunmi were in the shop, selling.

When it was 8:00 p.m, Rebecca sent Bunmi to check if her husband has eaten. Bunmi hurried inside and came back in a blink. His food is untouched.

To him, she aggressively run her finger through her hair and heaved out in frustration. “Go to the room. Tell Uncle that dinner is ready.”

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