Chapter 4:S/N explains how and why he created Venom and Riot

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[S/N's POV]

As I had went into my head Saiyan Scientist's Lab he asked me as I sat on my throne of bones there

[Author's note the Saiyan Scientist's name is Teianol he has a lab coat and a blue shirt]

Teianol:Prince S/N I do not understand you are condemning every last one of those poor life forms on the planets to a fate worse than death reducing them to mere skeletal corpses after your Symbiotes feast on their organs why why did you make Venom?!

I said while smirking sadistically while my right arm rested on the arm rest as my right fist rested on my right face-cheek

S/N:Because Teianol what i desire is not to merely be second-fiddle to my younger brother i was skipped over simply because i got too blood-thirsty and malevolent so if i cannot rule this world i shall reduce the Universe into undead slaves that obey my every whim remember you knew that i wanted to conquer The Entire Universe so why are you surprised?

Teianol said in great concern

Teianol:Because sir not to any disrespect but if you do this you will be even worse than Lord Freeza or Lord Beerus at least they destroy and/or sell planets but if you do all this just out of petty spite you will be a Omnicidal Maniac!

Then as I smirked at what he said taking absolutely no offense to this I said with honesty

S/N:Yes you are right and so what if all of those i rule over are undead corpses it really does not matter to me because you have two things wrong i am spreading the Venom and Riot Symbiotes to a Galaxy not anything that major just a Medium-Sized Galaxy the West Galaxy that Galaxy will be my Dark Domain sealed off to anyone besides me and my Symbiotes.

Then as Teianol swiped off the sweat on his face he said with relief to me

Teianol:Oh oh thank goodness i thought you would just do that to an entire Universe then if you do not want to rule over subjects what did you want?

As I got up and stepped down to Teianol after getting down the stairs I said with Honesty

S/N:The purpose of this whole project of mine is too unlock the latent potential and all the power all those people would have ever gotten then when the Planet has all been sucked dry of power adding to it once the Venom and Riot Symbiotes come back to me after vaporizing all the planets they have infected they will return to me and once i absorb them i will become exponentially stronger and learn a multitude of techniques then i shall become the strongest.

Teianol:Prince S/N can you tell me how you created the Venom and Riot Symbiotes now that you have told me why you did this.

S/N:Yes it had began 3 Days ago.

[Flashback Three Days Ago in S/N's POV]

As I had been reading over all the possible methods of getting stronger that the Saiyans knew I thought with immense and ginormous frustration at my slower growth

S/N:(Gtcgh very irritating i have been training for 7 years for so long but why is it now that i have been at the same level enough.)

As I closed the book then put it away I said with conviction with White-Blackish Orbs in my hands

S/N:Fine then if all of these Training Methods will not work i shall sacrifice these lower life-forms lives in order to get stronger now time to use these new life-forms to get stronger.

Then as I poured my Life Force into these Life-Forms I yelled making Gray and Black Symbiotes


Y/N Reincarnation of Isshiki and Sasuke x Kefla: (DBZ/DBS Saiyan OC)Where stories live. Discover now