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I looked around with wide eyes, searching for the source of the noise but I saw nothing.

"Relax, its just the wind" I heard him say then I turned around and realised how tightly I was holding onto him. I slowly dropped my hands and averted my eyes, tucking my hair behind my ear. I felt embarrassed at what I had just done so I shifted a little away from him.

An awkward silence passed between us.

It was ironic how I was running to the same man who kidnapped me for safety.

I Slowly turned my head to look at him but the moment I saw that he was looking at me, I quickly looked away. I stared at the fire that was oddly comforting at that moment.

"What exactly are you afraid of princess?" He broke the silence.

"Nothing" I said, looking down at my foot.

"I'm flattered you think I can protect you" I could hear the smile in his voice but I said nothing.

"Tell me your fears princess" he surprised me by asking.

"Why would I tell you that?" I asked

"Because I'm interested in knowing" he answered.

"What if I'm not interested in telling you" I narrowed my eyes at him

"No hard feelings princess" he shrugged. I pressed my lips into a straight line and stared at the fire again, thinking hard about his question.

"You know, I have never had any fears until now" I admitted truthfully, "I never had a reason to be scared before but now... " I paused, "...I'm scared of loosing it all" I finished.

"By loosing it all, you mean your wealth?" He asked

"Yes, I cannot live this sort of life" I said

"People live this sort of life and they survive" he countered.

"Well that's unfortunate" I simply said.

"You think?" He raised a brow, his tone sounding really judgmental.

"I'm sure if they work harder, they won't have to suffer"

"So you think because you have it all so easy, that other people aren't hard working?" At that point, I felt attacked.
"People work hard day and night, yet they can barely feed" he added.

"That's their problem to deal with" I said

He scoffed, "ofcourse" I frowned at him. "Just because you were born into wealth doesn't mean its that easy, you know nothing about life. You are just a rich spoilt brat" my mouth fell open, but I was speechless.

"I bet you beginning to understand that life isn't fair" he then said.

"So that's why you kidnapped me?" tears were slowly welling up in my eyes, "because I'm too wealthy for you to comprehend?" I couldn't believe this.

"So you were unhappy seeing me happy, so you decided that you make me suffer? Is that it?" My voice was harsh but I couldn't care less about his threat.

"Well screw you!" I yelled, surprising both him and myself. Then I got up and walked back into the cabin. I crawed onto the bed and curled my body on it, letting silent tears roll down my cheeks. 


The next morning,  I woke up deciding not to speak to Jayden. Every moment I decided to speak to him was a big mistake and it always ended up with me either getting infuriated or locked up.
He was my kidnapper afterall, being friendly with him was the last thing I was supposed to do.

I had my bath and dressed up in the same dress I was in because had no other dress to wear and I hadn't been able to wash the second one. I made sure to wear panties this time.

I got out of the bathroom and saw Jayden just standing there, as if waiting for me to come out. I stared at him weirdly for a moment before I started walking  past him but he moved to block me. I turned the other way but he blocked me again. I repeated this twice but the same thing happened. I pressed my lips into a thin line and looked up at him.

His eyes were twinkling at me. I wondered, how did he do that? How could he easily forget how he yelled or insulted me and still want to be friendly.

"Grab a basket, we are going out"

"Unless you are taking me home, I'm not going anywhere with you" and I broke my deal of not speaking to him.

"Trust me, you will like this" he took a small basket and gave it to me. I had no idea why I agreed to follow him but I did.

We took a long walk through the forest until we got to our destination that surprisedly took my breath  away. There was a line of  colorful trees, sitting there in the midst of other forest trees. I stared at it in awe until I noticed it wasnt just a colorful tree, it had tiny fruits growing on it.

I took a step forward to take a proper at the fruits growing on it till I recognized them.

"Are those... "

"Wild berries" he cut me off.

"Oh, I thought they were raspberries" I frowned

"They are, raspberries are just one of the types of wildberry fruits and we are getting a basket full of them" he grabbed the basket from me and dropped it on the ground.

Still admiring how beautiful the trees looked, I tried to take a step forward so I can get my hand on the fruit but Jayden suddenly yelled and before I could blink, I felt his strong hand wrap around my waist and pull me forcefully.

I whipped around and collided into his hard chest from his hard pull. I lifted my eyes and met his piercing stare. Feeling my body that much close to him, my heart started beating fast in my chest. I did a long hard scan of his face, from his dark messy hair to his full brows to his shockingly intense beautiful eyes to his lips to his hard jawline and cheekbones that had little beards lined carefully on it, then back to his eyes.

That was when he released me.

The Princess and the RoverWhere stories live. Discover now