Chapter One

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"Bitch!! Wake up. Azalea seriously wake the fuck up. " I can hear Maeve shouting at me to wake up but my eyes feel heavy and I can't just bring myself to open up my eyes, accepting my fate and drifting back into the darkness I'm suddenly drenched and even before I can process what is happening I stand up and begin screaming. I turn to see Myra staring at me with an amused look on her face, that bitch!
¿Por qué me despiertas tan temprano esta mañana?
Translation: why are you waking me up this early in the morning?
She glares at me like I have two heads and tells me that it is four pm in the evening and my father demanded my presence by 4:45 after she finished blabbing on how I should not be late and bla bla, her words suddenly hit me as I check the time and realise I have only thirty minutes to get ready mierda!!(shit!!) I hurriedly rush into the bathroom and decide to take a shower instead of my usual milk baths... as soon as the hot water pours on me I let my thoughts consume me laughing to myself at how wrong people are about the mafia, and it isn't all abuse I mean my father is hella strict but he has never raised his hand to hit me although according to Elias his *trainings* are even worse than abuse but, I mean I get my father although that doesnt mean he won't die by my hands.. my mother died when i was three and he has not been with another woman since and has no other heir making me or rather it will make me the first Donna in the history of mafia and illegal gangsterism..and I guess he just wa.. *bam bam* I'm interrupted by Maeve's shouts telling me to come out that I have fifteen minutes left.
I sigh then go to my room and drop my towel, the girl has seen me naked since I was in my little diapers so I don't really care anymore. I quickly do my diligence which is basically a bit of facial routine and I use some mascara and lip gloss not caring enough about makeup at the moment. I then choose an all black outfit lol like I have any other colour of clothes. Well I have two colours black and red maybe grey here and there.

I quickly get a black blazer and my chanel belt and fix that on my body as quickly as I can while Maeve searches for my black red bottoms like a mad person.
Once I'm ready I spray a bit of perfume, then Maeve tells me I have four minutes so I speedily walk out knowing it will take a bit of time to get to his office since this house sorry this mansion is big for no reason like we are only two. Did I say speedily walk, scratch that Maeve and I were running for our dear lives while our eyes were stuck to the time, as soon as I got to the large wooden oak door and saw I still had a minute to spare I used that to steady my breathing then nodded at the guards, the one on the left then knocked on the door and I heard my father's groggy voice saying "enter"
Even before I took a step I heard his booming voice say "Azalea, llegas diez segundos tarde, si esto fuera una reunión de la mafia te podrían matar"

Translation: Azalea you are ten seconds late, if this was a mafia meeting you could have been killed.
I looked to the ground to show my respect for him and gently said "padre lo siento"
Translation: I'm sorry father
He did not respond.. I just stood there quietly while he furiously typed on his laptop.. getting impatient I asked as respectfully as any human being could ask "papa, you summoned me?" He looked up with creased brows suddenly remembering I was still in the room, he sighed and told me with a slight frown on his face that I have a mission. I know I wouldn't be going for a mission unless it was incredibly important because he despised me going on missions. I asked what the mission was and he sighed and told me "you will be going to Russia this night" ¿Qué carajo dijiste?
Translation: What the fuck did you say?

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