Chapter Fourteen

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I hear the sound of my alarm ringing, causing me to groan and feel around the bedside table till I feel my phone in my hand and dismiss the irritating sound. I wake up and walk to the adjoined bathroom, then begin to look at myself in the mirror as I recall the dreams that visited me last night. I shake my head and wash my face with my cerave cleanser, going in with the moisturising bar soap and forming a thin lather, rubbing it into my skin gently.  Leaving it on my face for a few minutes, I walked to the telephone at the side of the sink countertop and called Tahliah, the maid asking for my milk and rose petals bath. Just so I could soak in my bath, I woke up two hours earlier, seeing as the time was only a few minutes after 5 am. I washed off the lather from my face and then combed through my bird's nest of a hair, making sure to spray it with rose water, then comb it in  somehow even sections. Once it is all combed, I pack it in a tight bun at the top of my head. Some time when I was doing my hair, Tahliah came in with gold buckets of hot milk and fresh roses, which she prepared in the bath as I was tending to my hair. She took her leave after making a short conversation with me, asking about my health, my happiness, and her son, who went abroad for studies. 
  I remove my baggy shirt and shorts I went to bed with last night and slip into the warm milk and wonderful scent of lavender and roses that envelopes me as I set a timer for 45 minutes and rest ny eyelids, the sleep not fully gone. Sooner than expected, I hear the annoyingly loud sound of the ringtone and cancel it, walking to the shower and rinsing the milk off my body with my normal lavender body wash.  I slip into my robe and walk to the sink, brushing my teeth and even using the local charcoal just because. I walk to the room and put on some rollon, then deodorant, and moisturise using shea butter and cocoa butter, making my caramel skin glow even more. I put on a pair of black panties and bra pairing it with a black two-piece set I got as a gift from Myra a few months ago.  I accessorise with silver jewellery and use my normal perfume and oud then slip into my silver pencil heels and hold a silver and diamond heart bag that took forever for me to get my hands on. I release my hair from its bondage and run my fingers through it. I then pack it up putting it in a donut that looks a bit messy due to it's curls and pulling a few strands out of it to frame my face but instantly pulling it back in knowing I will be in the mask literally throughout today.
I put on some lip balm, then sit on my bed and begin to look at my schedule that Maeve sent to me yesterday.  It consists mainly of ball preparation with Sara as the ball is tomorrow, and I have not planned anything but guest list and invitations, which should be going out to people by about now. I have an online meeting with Luca about the Mexican mafia don, Diego. That old bastard is tryna mess with me, I have no clue what that mole told him  but I need to destroy him quickly and change locks and passwords. Elias had told me on the car ride back home that Diego was also messing with Luca's mafia. He suddenly becomes thirsty for power, and his thirst will dehydrate every ounce of liquid in his body till he shrivels up and dies if he isn't careful. The first thing in my schedule is dress picking for the ball, and it is in like ten minutes as it is now 6:49 am. They are coming to my room with a bunch of dresses and shoes and accessories and jewellery, but I have only an hour to pick everything and have to spend nine hours choosing decorations and just watch them arrange. I watch a few tiktoks before I hear hushed voices behind the door which makes me hurriedly put on my mask then a loud knock, I shout come in and my room is instantly filled with racks of dresses, boxes of shoes and jewelry boxes on every available counter I see, pictures of hairstyles hanging vertically on the rack. I look at the dresses and see green dresses, navy blue dresses, heck even white, which causes me to furrow my eyebrows, which I doubt they can see over the mask. I ask them if they have forgotten that it is a black and gold theme ball, and a person asks for permission to speak in which I nod my head. She informs me that Sara suggested I wear a different colour to stand out from the other visitors, seeing as it is my ball. I nod my head, but i look at the combination of colours in my room with disdain. Since my first kill at four years old, my father had dresses me in only black and red and even when I became old enough to decide outfits myself I still stuck to the  only dressing in black and red although I added grey to the list. I am madly obsessed with the colour grey. Hence, my room is basically grey everywhere with a few black and dusty blue highlights. My obsession with grey began when I was seven and began to watch the rain, the clouds as it rained and after it rained. I can sit for hours and just watch the beauty of the grey clouds, although I also like the bluish grey colour when it stops raining finally, dusty blue. Red is a colour I don't necessarily like, I can tolerate it, but I don't love it like I do grey, dusty blue, and even black.
As these thought circle my thoughts, i then tell them to remove every colour except grey. There are about ten dresses left and as I skim through the dresses with my eyes, they fall on this beautiful dress that made me literally stand up to feel the tulle on my hand, against my fingers. The shade of grey calling to me and the simplicity of the dress makes it seem even more captivating. I don't bother checking other dresses as my mind has already been made.
They all move around looking for jewellery and shoes that will go well with it or how my hair should be packed or styled. A thought comes to my head, and I inform them my accessories should strictly be a dusty blue shade, the feeling of wearing my favourite colours coming to me. Then I hear murmurs amongst them as they discuss deciding to give me a godess look? I wonder what that is? A meek voice suggests I'm draped with flowers like mother nature or godess of spring, and they all hum with satisfaction and begin to run around looking for the accessories as three of them took notes. We finished in about ten minutes, and they left taking notes and chatting. I didn't see anything except my dress but I trust it's in good hands and the colours are beautiful so I don't mind. I have fifteen more minutes till I have to leave, so I walk to the parlour looking for any of my three munchkins to disturb. I walk around screaming their names over and over again like a banshee. "Elias, Myra, Maeve ustedes perras vengan a la mierda naa estoy aburrido!!"
Translation: You bitches come the heck out, I'm bored!!
On cue Maeve came out looking angry but then she saw me and smiled a bit. I asked what happened and she just sighed and asked how I've been. We spoke a bit before Elias came out in grey sweats, shirtless. I saw I have three more minutes before I'm to be in the car so I just sighed since Elias was to follow me but he is obviously not ready. I asked Myra if she can follow me and she said yeah and went to get her bag while Elias looked at me, disappointment and hurt playing on his face. I rolled my eyes and told him to be earlier next time. Maeve came out then we walked out and I got the key from the garage deciding on the new black bugatti. I drove to the Alvero mansion which my grand father had bought for meetings and balls involving all the mafias. On our way there I called Myra and spoke to her throughout, since Maeve was giving me off replies. Maeve was a bit reluctant to let Myra speak to me since she had to leave class and hide out in the toilet. We spoke and laughed till I got at my destination and waited for a few more minutes in the car suddenly feeling hungry. Once it was exactly time I walked out and entered the large building to be met with different tulles, boxes, flowers, centre pieces and alot of other things scattered around the overly large hall. This was my first time being here and to say I was amazed was an understatement. The hall was created with a marble theme were everything from the tiles on the floor to the walls had the white, black, and grey engraved in it. At the corners were my mafia's sign engraved on wooden pillars with gold and three giant  wooden and gold doors
at random places in the room, one where I walked from. There were about six great chandeliers hanging from the room with yellow light in its bulbs and diamonds dripping from it, giving it an ethereal glow and a shine. I looked at the room in awe and decided instantly after whatever meeting I have I'm going to take a detailed tour of the rest of the house not just this massive ball room or is it a hall or meeting room. I wish I could have shook hand with my grandfather for designing this beauty, or most likely my grandmother. Since he built it seventy sumn years ago it hasn't been changed, only the walls have been repainted with the exact same colour he chose and the bulbs maybe replaced with the exact same bulb and lighting. My father loved his father alot and claimed he died too early, way before his time. In my opinion there is nothing like an early death in this line of field. As i continued thinking while still taking in the details of the drapes and curtains and the table cloths I hear someone clearing their throat behind me. I look behind and see Sara, oh hi I whisper to her. She gives me a disapproving shake of head, then holds my hand and drags me away. We spoke for hours about table cloth, carpets, food, music, table and sitting arrangement, every single detail. We spoke for nine hours before Maeve came informing me the meeting was over. I had a meeting by 4:30 p.m.,  with Luca about the Mexican mafia, and I was not looking forward to it at all. We entered the car and got home at 4:10pm. I entered, and after passing through the lonely hallway, I saw Elias buried in paperwork. I looked again, confusion written on my face. He saw Maeve and I entering and sighed before he stood up, causing papers to spree in all directions. He informed us that those were the list of people each mafia don was bringing with them, and most sent letters informing us on how they want things to be done or offering their opinions to the new 'woman' in charge. Hearing his words made me scrunch my nose in disgust, not wanting to hear any further detail. I told him to burn every single letter and send a video of the letters burning to the mafias that sent them. I headed to my room, wanting nothing else but to just sleep. I sighed, knowing I first of all had a meeting with Luca but not being able to handle it. I set Elias a message telling him to inform Luca that I will talk to him at the ball tomorrow. After a quick message to Elias, I changed into some black sweatpants and then a grey bra top, removing my bra and the metallic mask. I wanted a bath, but I was too tired to have one. Even a shower was too long for me. With that in my head, I jumped on the bed and covered myself with the fluffy blankets letting the darkness evade me.

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