Chapter Twelve

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Immediately after the meeting with Luca, I had a milk bath and showered changing into my nightwear. Which consisted of baggy grey sweat pants with a grey camisole.  After what feels like thirty minutes, I'm awoken by Myra jumping on the bed screaming curses in spanish. Ugh, i groan as I sit up on the bed, then open my eyes, slowly adjusting to the sunlight? How is it morning already? Was I really that tired? I see an angry looking Maeve staring daggers at me. Hey baby, I'm back i whispered lowly, the need to sleep still in my bones.  "You bitch, you came back yesterday and didn't tell me!!" She screams damaging my ear drums some more. Ugh I groan as I hear laughing from the door. I look to see Maeve standing by the door laughing her ass off beside an amused looking Luca. I get up and head to the bathroom. Myra follows me still whining as I try my best to tune her out. Elias walks in praising me for finally dealing with my father and informing me of my newly found duties as donna.  I nod my head and ask him for my schedule as I brush my teeth. Maeve informs me she picked it up from Sara already and even added two hours for me to create my master piece. I spit into the sink and smile at her thanking her before rinsing my mouth. I turn to see a confused looking Myra who has finally stopped rambling on and on. She then lectures me on how I'm not to rinse my mouth after brushing because it is the toothpaste.. I tune her out and start using my face scrub. Elias then checks the time and tells me it is currently 7:26 and my first meeting is by 8 am. Knowing I won't have enough time for a bath I settle for a hot shower instead. Maeve starts telling me that the ball is in two days and preparations haven't been made yet so that is what takes up part of my schedule, she looked like she was about to tell me something but then she pauses and glares at her sister shouting at her to get ready for school before she is late..again. I excused Elias and Maeve after Myra left grumbling. I then took a somewhat quick shower and wore a black pantsuit with a black crop tube top
and some black new edition saint Lauren shoes getting ready for my first day as donna. I paired it with some dangling gold earrings and a golden rolex watch and a gold bracelet. Not to forget a simple gold chain that belonged to my mother. I didn't bother doing make up since I will be wearing the mask literally the whole day. I left my hair in the conrows which still looked neat and tight. I got a saint Lauren hand bag that matched my shoes perfectly since they came together. After checking the time and seeing it was already 7:52 I rushed downstairs. I took just one granola bar not feeling too hungry.
I saw Elias on a stool by the counter talking to Maeve.. they seem to be arguing?
I got closer to them and asked them what I have to do first?
Maeve cleared her throat then got a tablet from her overly large bag, clicking on some things then typing and swiping then finally her eyes settled on the screen.
Well  firstly,  you have to declare your father is dead and that you will be taking over from him.. we already set up bunch of paparazzi's infront of 'Alvaro enteprises'. Alvaro enterprises is our first and most important legal cover for our mafia. On it's own it doubles what we get in our legal businesses. I nod my head, motioning for her to continue. She informs me that I stay there till 1 pm because I have a meeting with the boards and other people may have questions or make enquires, then by 1:30 pm you need to go to our main warehouse also to clarify you are the new donna and torture your father and a man called Celeno who was a mole for the Mexican Mafia,  this will also help people respect you, oh I almost forgot a new swearing in has to be done. Then by   5 pm you get back home and plan with the event planner and interior  decorator and  caterer and fashion design and more people but Sara will be there.. that ends by 9pm and that is your day.  After she finishes, I sigh already feeling drained mentally and physically. Elias then informs me that Luca asked me to meet him by a cafe by five pm  but he told him my schedule is full he said anytime you're free. Hm put that by 9:30 I said sighing again.
Ugh the legal business was boring, they all asked about my father's death which I said was caused by a home accident that alerted one of his heart alliments. If I went into detail of his death they will know I was lying, and yes I wore my mask which they also questioned but I ignored each time. Other questions were if I was trained to handle a business which made me laugh internally, how do you tell a bunch of fifty year old men that the type of training you had made was the kind where you had your first kill at four, and that was your mother's elder brother, your favourite uncle because, and I quote.. family makes you weak.
I just nodded my head silently each time the question came up. At last, we are on our way to the warehouse, and  something tells me this is going to be more interesting than the Alvero enteprise.  After about ten minutes, I see we are two minutes early, so I wait and adjust my mask and pant suit till it is exactly time. I was taught to never be early not a second early nor a second late. The exact time. Once it is time, I open and enter the building in less than a second. All eyes fall to me, most with fear, others with confusion. I'm guessing those with fear heard the rumours or saw my father in a cell, and those looking at me confused have no clue who I am. I hear silent whispers, so I shoot a gun in the air and yeah,  that does the trick as the building falls into  silence filled with tension. More than half fall on their knees, even those who don't know who I am, just copying others. Four people remain standing stubbornly refusing to bow. Hmm I shoot  two people standing strong headedly.. in the head and look at the other two, who immediately fall to the ground bowing.
  If you do not know who I am, I am Azalea Alvero, daughter to your former don. So welcome your new and the first Donna in the history of Mafia. Although my dear papa needs to die first so gimme an hour and we will begin the swearing in. As you are all aware, it isn't a forceful operation, if you choose that I am unfit to lead you, you can leave willingly. Unharmed ofcourse. This is an operation that has taken place for hundreds of years that I will not shame.
I walk away then shoot the two people who refused to bow at first in their head, as their heads exploded still on the ground. I then tell the rest to stand up and I inform them never to bow to me again. Luca and I begin to walk silently, I can tell he doesn't like the fact I killed all four of the men. After inputting a whole lot of passwords and scans and patterns the gate to the cell opened at last. Two guards infront of us leading us with their heads bowed, looking at the cement hard ground below us.  We stop infront front of cell 34 and I see my father with sweat dripping down his face, he is unconscious probably from the untreated gun wound from yesterday.  I snap my fingers amd one of the guards throw my father over his shoulder and the other leads the way to the toture room. I sit quietly as they treat his wound and wrap it with a bandage.
Once the short,round man is done he looks at me with a swift nod and walks out quickly afraid.
I stand up and send the three guards out of the room, leaving Elias and my lovely father with me.  Elias hands me the smelling salt from the torture table, I open it and put it under his nose for about three seconds before he jolts up awake and stands up. He looks at me, then himself probably shocked he wasn't tied or chained then to the room where he takes in the absence of guards. He looks back at me, and I can already tell his eyes are calculating, hatching a plan on killing us and running away. I laugh loudly and take a seat infront of the one he was sitting in a minute ago. He remains standing, glaring at me, anger the only feature in his eye. No pain or hurt as if he was expecting it.. it just came sooner than expected I guess.  I cross my legs and look at him smugly.
"Pelea conmigo papá, tú ganas, me matas, yo gano, te conviertes en mi obra maestra." I tell him in a loud voice.
Translation: "Fight me papa, you win you kill me, I win, you become my master piece."
I see uncertainty, doubt in his eyes then he scrunched his face up.. he is thinking about what will happen if he does it or doesn't do it then a relaxed look. He has come to a final decision and the slight twitch of his upper lips tell me he is fighting me. Stupid. You will think since he was the one that got people to train me he will know how dangerous I am. And the  fact I was taught how to read people and their movements.
"Te mostraré por qué soy tu padre, niña." He replies with a smirk on his face, a proud look.
Translation: I will show you why I am your father, little girl.
I nod my head disappointment clearly shown, well, there goes his quick death.
So you can use any weapon of your choice papa i state and even before I could state how it was going to start he came lunging at me, with his fist all scrunched up. I stepped to the side and pulled his hair back, using my feet to sweep his legs, making him fall with a loud thud. I quickly straddle him stabbing a knife in the side of his neck making sure to avoid important veins so he isn't dead yet but any slight movement will make the blade shift and go deeper puncturing veins and arteries.  He knows this since him himself made Jacob the blade instructor teach me and even told him to practice it on me so I have a physical example and a scar to remember, unfortunately for Jacob i dislike scars or blood on my body so I practiced on him and it worked like a charm. I think I was nine by then. He kept still fear in his eyes but behind the fear a menacing glare with a hint of mischief, I got off him immediately and just then a gun shot went off. This cocky bastard tried to shoot me. Funny. I snatched the knife off his neck leaving the blood to gush out like a running tap, I took a few steps backward avoiding even a drop on my pant suit or body.  I then took my knife out and began to carve his face as his screams got louder and louder for not a single soul to hear through the soundproof walls and door. I go lower and carve his neck, then his chest delicately with utmost care for my masterpiece, then his stomach I gut poking my knife into some intestines and his stomach ensuring not a single drop of blood stained a single part of my body nor clothes. To differentiate my master piece I stabbed the knife right into the middle of his head and watched as his eyes rolled back as his chest stops heaving up and down, he is dead. I then do a similar mark on my wrist, i duunno why i just do. I sigh, I couldn't have more fun.. I wipe the knife  with an alcoholic wipe from the table and put it back in my pocket then wipe my hands and take a couple of pictures making  sure every single detail was vividly shown. I then walk over to Elias, who is looking at my father with disgust and pity. Let's go. One word and he kisses his tongue and opens the door for me. We walk out and I hear him telling the guards in Spanish to dispose of the body.. I look at him and say no, burn the body. I want his ashes in an urn, he is still my papa after all, I can see Elias wants to argue, wants me to throw his body for the piranhas to eat up every bone and drink up every drop of blood, but he stays quiet with a deflated look. I feel happy inner peace but I don't like the look on Elias face. In an attempt to cheer him up, I nudge his elbows and point to a guard who had a forehead even bigger than the animated Wednesday Addams. He looks and begin to laugh mumbling all sorts of insults he could think of for people with gigantic foreheads. We made our way to the cell laughing like mad people as the guards we passed and those infront of us cowered in fear, probably thought we were laughing about killing people. Don't get me wrong if you have a large forehead I'm not against that but trust me even these jokes will leave you at the edge of your seats laughing your head off.  Once we stopped moving, Elias also stopped making jokes but whenever we made eye contact we just started laughing again.  The guards were flinching at every loud sound we made and we finally caught our breath and stopped hugging our abdomen. I took a deep breath and checked to see we were infront of cell 18. A guard stepped forward with his head bowed down, signalling he wanted to speak, I told him to speak and he informed that we are about to see Celano a Mexican mole, and that they have been interrogating him for two days and he hasn't spilled anything. I nodded my head and informed him to get me his file about every single detail about his life and the other guard I told to get me a chair. Once he came back he opened the metallic coated door then opened the steel iron bars and put a handprint the same way they did for my father's cell. He then gently placed a chair in the cell opposite a man who had several open wounds on his body but his face, not a single scratch on it. He had inviting blue eyes, I don't know his age but not above twenty four and from the way his hands are spread apart chained to the wall and his knees curved in a kneeling position but yet he is still slightly taller than me, I can say he is definetly above 6 ft. He is a young fine guy and I can see blood coated in his dirty blonde hair and all I can think of is how fine he is going to look if blood sipped from his neck.  He stayed looking at me his brows twisted in confusion as I sat down and crossed my legs. He asked who I am his voice groggy and cracked. I snapped my fingers and told the guard to get him a cup of water.
Less than a minute, the man came back with a glass of cool water, I asked if the water is good for consumption which he nodded then I made the said guard drink it, he immediately started hyperventilating and fell down convulsing. I shook my head in disappointment and asked a different guard to give me a glass of water for actual human consumption.  I then looked at the man of the hour, he glared at me knowingly, "Azalea Alvero" he sputtered with a croaky voice. I nod my head at him, nice to meet you Celano.  A  cup of water arrives and I take the glass putting it to his lips as he downed it spilling it every where near him. I place the glass on the floor far away from him so he can see a way he can escape, the pieces of glass but cannot reach it. He clears his throat and asks me if I have killed my father already, I nod my head at him a small smile on my face. I believe you have questions to answer, si? I ask him. He nods his head left to right continuously telling me he will rather die than betray the Mexicans. On cue, a guard arrives with a thick Manilla brown envelope. He hands it to me and I begin to scroll my eyes lighting up with amusement. I look to see him watching my every move. I laugh and tell him he will die and so will kiera and Tara his little twin sisters. He looks at me his mouth agape which increases my laughter. He begins to beg saying he will tell me what I need to know but I should leave them out. I laugh as I get my trusty knife from my pocket and stab a side of his neck and pull it out watching the blood gush out. He looks at me trying to restrict the blood with his chained hands but it isn't working very well. He begins to blab as the guards write down every single thing he says and he even  tells us  things we didn't need to know his eyes cowering with fear. Once we got what I think was important I whispered to a guard to get an axe or hammer as Celano kept on mumbling some incoherent others important. The guard finally arrived and I swung the axe hand to hand getting the feel of it, poor Celano didn't even notice as he kept on mumbling and telling us the history of the Mexican mafia and his family and why they want to defeat my mafia.  I swung it cutting off his hand from his shoulder joint as he screamed in pain. Then I did the other hand, then his legs by this time he had fainted from pain and blood loss the his abdomen in two then his head leaving blood chunks and blood all over the room amd I was covered in blood. I dislike blood on me. I took a picture on my phone of the body chunks then one of his head which I dissembled from his neck. I told the guard to pack it up and send it to the Mexicans with a note saying it's a shame he didn't talk, he could have lived. It's good if they do not know we are unto them. I leave the cell feeling blood all over me and part of his guts sliding down my thigh and face with every step I take.
Once I went back to the entrance of the warehouse I saw all the men lined up and the guards with me joined the line up.  A guy who I'm guessing is the boss around here announced that if they think I'm unfit to lead they should step forward..  at first no one stepped forward then two people then four then seven. When asked why they all said because I'm a female or I'm not emotionally capable because of my hormones or I should live a good life away from drama and have children. I rolled my eyes and got a dagger I saw on a table and threw it into the head of the first person who stepped forward. I then shot the other six perfectly in between their heads. The leader man gaped at me and I just shrugged. In my head they could go to other Mafias and sell out information. The rest then had to do a boring oath and cut themselves with knives and mix the blood. The cut was barely even visible I sigh. This is not a good oath. Then they gave me the Alvero ring which was an incredibly heavy ring. I removed it and gave it to one of the guards asking them to customise it into something girly and resize it. They all looked at me as if I committed a crime I just rolled my eyes and walked away.  I checked the time to see it was already 4:32 so I tapped Elias and told him we have to start heading out so we won't be late for the ball planning.  He spoke to a few people and came and stood beside me as we walked to the car. He opened the door for me and then entered the car and began to drive. Through my side mirror I could see cars following us all with a blue sign on their windshield signifying they belong to us.
Planning  was stressful especially since our guest list is above one thousand. A lot of the different mafias are making an appearance with their family members, and the heads of each warehouse in my mafia since that is where I show my face and introduce myself and other people I do not know. I decide the ball will also be a joined burial for the early departure of my beloved papa. We figured out mainly invitations and guest list so by tomorrow the invitations can be sent, it was written with the blood of my father, creative right!  We also figured out the colour theme, black and gold. By 8:46 we had wrapped up today's planning and they made their leave. I plopped on the couch exhausted and Elias sat beside me reminding me I still had blood all over me and I need to meet Luca by 9:30. I sigh. I quickly get up as I walk over to the bathroom and as I'm at the top of the stairs I hear the television letting me know Elias is watching television. I walk over to my room and strip from my clothes looking back to see I left a trail of blood with my footprints, I sigh and remove my shoes walking over to the bathub. I feel like slamming my head against the wall when I realise I can't take a milk bath and trust me when  I say I desperately need one. I go to the sink taking off my mask and seeing a little scar on my lip from the mask. I sigh getting tired of the mask. I take off my braids against my will seeing the blood and chunks of guts in between them and washing it will just ruin the braids. After taking off my braids I brush out my hair seeing chunks splatter all over the marble floors. I walk to the shower and immediately scrub my hair and wash it thoroughly then give my body a quick but thorough wash paying close attention to place I remember the blood fell on. I came out and wrapped myself with a towel and my hair with an extra towel then I  rinsed the blood stained mask under the sink then wiped the metallic mask with some tissue papers. I saw it was 8:59 so I quickly used some moisturiser and deodorant and got dressed in black Jean  shorts that stopped slightly above my knees and a baggy shirt that fully covered my ass. I paired this with some plain white Nike airforce that were customised so it has my name on it. I didn't bother putting on any makeup seeing it was already late at night and I will be wearing my mask then I got a simple Karl Lagerfield hand bag that had gold chains. I then remembered the towel wrapped around my hair, I hurriedly applied some moisturiser, detangler and oil to it in large uneven sections  then used a blow dry comb and combed it till it was dry and soft and left it in a middle pattern. Seeing as the hair was no longer at the top of my ass but now somewhere in the middle I realise it has grown since last time I got a blow dry. I went to the bathroom and got my mask, I wore it then sprayed a bit of my usual perfume. I put car keys, phone, power bank, lip gloss, some cash and my black card in my bag then wore my thigh holster and placed three daggers in it and a mini gun tucked in my pocket covered with the oversized shirt. I checked the time and saw it was 9:21 I sighed in relief knowing it will take less than five minutes since the cafe is right beside our house. I walked downstairs skipping stairs and saw Elias standing at the bottom in a pair of baggy blue jeans and a white shirt that had smiley faces and a pair of the new Jordans. His hair was kind of messy but he looked cute. He put his hand infront of me which I gladly took as we made our way to the car snickering at a video he saw while waiting for me.  We entered the car, with three black cars behind us. We got to the cafe at 9:24 but waited till 9:29 where he finally parked the car and we entered the mini cafe at exactly 9:30. I spotted Luca's head at the side and walked over to him, I sat opposite him as he shamelessly eyed me from top to bottom. He was a tall man..a very tall man, his bluish grey eyes trailing my body and his auburn hair neatly arranged to the side. Hm, he will look so good with blood gushing from his side.

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