Chapter six

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I get down from the plane and stretch, then I see people approaching me, so I quickly turn, and then I adjust the mask on my face and turn back. They look at the floor and nod their heads. Then, one steps forward with his eyes still looking down, I point to him and tell him to speak. "Buen día señorita, le damos la bienvenida, estamos para acompañarla hasta los almacenes." He speaks hastily out of fear, I smile, noticing the fear in his eyes.
Translation: "Good day, miss, we welcome you, we are here to accompany you to the warehouse."
"Mmm, vamos entonces," I reply sternly.
Translation: "Hm, let's go then."
They made a path for me to pass as I was passing. I heard someone whisper, "How the hell is this little girl going to lead us?" I stop dead in my tracks and turn. I go right in front of the man who said it. He has dirty blonde hair,a long scar down his right eye, and he's about 5'11 "at most.  I scowl at him even though it probably injured my lips because of the mask. I tilt my head and ask him who the little girl is,  he stays silent, although I do not sense a single ounce of fear from him. I shake my head and ask him his name.. he keeps quiet, I get a dagger from my holster and drag it down his left eye,speak when spoken to, I say calmly. I can hear people shuffling beside us, I start sensing fear from him, although not enough, I pour my attention back to him and see him gripping the left side of his face. "Name," I repeat firmly. Matteo, he says with anger spilling, satisfied I snap my fingers and one of the guards from our home land comes with a file, he bows then places it on my outstretched palm. I skim through the file and laugh. I start playing with the blood-stained knife , "dos hijas, una esposa, tardarán unos dos minutos en volar la casa, menos si quiero" I say in a sing song manner.
Translation: "Two daughters, one wife, it will take about two minutes for the house to be blown up, less if I want."
  I can now sense the anger dripping from his pitiful soul, I laugh, then hand the file back to the guard, then take his gun out and shoot him in the head. People gasped in shock, probably that I'm breaking my father's biggest rule. Oh well, I continue walking to where a guy stands opening a car door for me with fear in his eyes. I go to him, then he bows, I touch his shoulder, and he flinches, I shake my head and then turn to adress them. I tell them I'm not a monster and won't kill just for fun. I even tell them how I don't demand respect, but I hate sexist jerks. I turn to the guard who handed me the file and tell him, "matar a su hija mayor."
Translation: "Kill his eldest daughter."
I hear gasps, then enter the car, a minute after Elias enters and sits beside me. I see the driver whose head is down, and then he makes contact and is about to look away, I tap his shoulders and then nod my head. Instantly, he begins to drive to the hotel. Elias clears his throat and glares at me. I've been waiting for him to talk about ending the girl's life. He turns to me, "Are you going to actually kill her?" I sigh and explain my reasoning. I mean the girl is seventeen, her father has already groomed her to be a sexist imbecile, so she has no hope for survival the little girl is two and has a future and her sister will only hindrance her, he just shakes his head, the disappointment all over his face, I shrug it off. Shortly after, the driver bows his head and announces we have arrived. A guard opens the door for me, as I leave the car I see the black suv' about four arriving. Elias then comes and stands beside me. i nod at the guards who are in front of me. They begin to walk as I follow, not behind nor in front of them, I'm at their centre. A man then comes forward and introduces himself as Rissoli. He tells me he is the head of the warehouse in Russia and has been safekeeping it for 10 years. He says with a sense of pride yet humility. I can tell he takes his job seriously, and he is very respectful and not sexist. I turn my attention back to the man who is telling me all about the shippings we have, ammonium,guns,gun powder,drugs, and cash. I nod my head at him knowingly. He then stops infront of a door and says in a hushed tone the password, it is the same one as the password to our house back in Spain, he tells me only him, my father and now me know this password. I nod at him and give him a smile. He isn't too bad. He then nods his head with a wide smile on his face, probably feeling accomplished he could make me smile.. wait, can he see me smile through this mask? Oh... I have no clue.  We walk into the room, darkness. I can't see anything. He then explains that this is where files are kept, but incredibly secret files are kept in that room, I tilt my head in confusion. Noticing, he begins to speak that only my father knows the pin to that room, and it also uses iris recognition and face recognition oh and hand print and also contains a pattern. A new mission comes to mind, whatever is in that room, not a single person except my father knows. Including me. I'm going to get into that room after I become Donna. A guard then comes and bows asking for permission to speak, I tell him sternly "hablar" he then raises his head, his eyes on the ground.
Translation: "speak"
He informs me that i have to go back to the hotel to get ready for the ball and make preparations for the plan, I sigh and dismiss him with a wave of my hand. I then turn to Rissoli, who looks at the ground with a bowed head. I informed him I have to go and I will be back to finish the tour. He nods his head and mutters a bye. As i'm about to leave, he calls to me, "Lo siento señorita, serás una donna maravillosa." He says. I turn my head and wave at him once more before I walk out. I like him. I think  to myself.
Translation:" Sorry miss, you will make a wonderful Donna."
As I walk out, I don't see Elias, sighing. I enter the car and see him already seated happily , has he already forgotten I killed that girl and her father. Noticing my presence, he turns to me and starts ranting about this "fine ass girl." he saw did I mention he spoke about her throughout the ride to the hotel. As soon as the car stopped and the driver briefly announced, we had arrived. I open the door even before the guard can and breathe out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Fuck Elias mehn. Elias then comes out and stands behind me then murmurs in my ear telling me he will continue telling me about his supposed angel later. I sigh, then walk to the counter where I already see some of my father's men. Elias walks behind me then stops a few metres behind me. A guard whose name I remember is Edgar, walks to me with a bowed head asking for permission to hand over my keys. I nod my head as he places it on my outstretched palms. I then make my way to the elevator already wishing to lay down on a fluffy bed for a while before the plan commences. Once we walk to our floor and notice Elias and I' room are right beside each other's we jump and squeal like hormonal teenage girls.
And yes we are both fully aware that  when we were making reservations we asked for our rooms to be near each other but hey leave us to be happy. I walk into my room and remove the mask from my face, i check the mirror and see a scar on my lip barely noticeable. I lay on the bed, I get my phone out and send a message to my father telling him we are at the hotel with eight guards centred round our rooms. Don't worry they have their own rooms to rest and freshen up,  I'm not a monster. Two guards to a room well except one guard who is a female. I check the time and see I have three hours before I have to go the bar to seduce Nikolai. I set a timer for an hour thirty minutes so I have enough time to get ready. I lay fully on the bed, and in less than a minute, I'm already deep asleep.

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