Chapter Thirteen

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I don't get why this girl intrigues me so much. I saw her shoot her father, so imagine my surprise when the next day I see her on the television with the same old stupid mask talking about how her father died a tragic death long before his time. Something about her saying she wasn't a psychopath yesterday makes me believe all the more she is one hell of a psychopath. I wanted to know everything about her, but she sure was right when she said I shouldn't bother doing a background check. She does not even exist. Now i'm starting to wonder about the magazine of the most gruesome assassin that has been popular in the underworld. She did seem shorter than 5'5 and definitely younger than 24. But seriously, no records of her parents having a child, no record of going to school, and it wasn't like she just faked her death. The name Azalea Alvero belongs to no one. I'm leaving for Italy this night with Sebastian and Aria, but I needed to clarify whatever deal we have. A fucking deal, how do I tell my father I made a deal with the Spanish after years of our Mafia being independent. I can't even get my revenge, the big ole boss, Nikolai got himself killed already. From what I heard it was during a hookup and the innocent girl got caught up in the mix. I came by 8:30 although she said 9:30. Just something about how she ridiculed me for being late yesterday made me want to be earlier than her, way earlier just so she will know. I don't know what I want her to know..but she should know it.
I sip on my coffee that is now cold and glance at my watch for the hundredth time since I arrived and see it is exactly 9:30. I hear footsteps and see Azalea, in black jean shorts and a baggy black shirt with white Nike Air forces. Her hair looks so long and shiny no longer restricted in braids. She sits down as I continue to wander my eyes all over her body. From her breasts that still show their presence over her baggy shirt, to her ears when I notice she has two earrings, one a diamond and another a gold dangling one. I am interrupted by the voice of a guy, I look over to see the same guy who non chalantly strolled in on our meeting, yesterday. He is speaking to Azalea in what I assume is Spanish. I sit and gulp a bit too much of my coffee. Azalea then adverts her attention back to me and asks me why I was early. The question leaves me stunned.. didn't she like people being early? I tell her that I had time to spare and she shook her head slightly from left to right but I couldn't see any emotion in her eyes and the rest of her face covered by the hideous mask. She then informs me in an unwavering tone that when I have meetings with her in future I am expected to be exactly on time. Not a minute later nor a minute earlier, she says it as if she is giving instructions to a toddler. I feel the anger bubbling in me as I reply stiffly telling her that as much as I appreciate her for helping my sister I will not let her control me nor my actions. She sighs and changes the topic asking why I requested her presence. After clarifying a few more things with her and getting a personal invitation from the guy to her ball taking place in six days, I ask her why she is hiding her face. She remains her unbothered tone and emotionless eyes telling me that it is of no importance to our alliance. I shake off the embarrassment I begin to feel at her indifference. She suddenly asks me if a difference will be made in our alliance after I get married. I stop for a second, my thinking and heart beat going back and forth in circles.  How do you know I was to get married? I ask her and she just gives a humourless laugh and replies by telling me she will never agree to an alliance If she hadn't done a thorough and vigorous background check on my family and I. "Luca Areli Romano, i know every single thing about you". She said in a low tone. She said my middle name, no one except my parents and Sebastian knows that name.
Funny how she knows everything about me and I don't even know if her real name is Azalea. Who the hell is the person infront of me and just how?
I reply with a no to her initial question and tell her the wedding is not finalised. She replies with an "I know it isn't finalised, everything Mr Romano"
"Are you actually 5'5?" I ask subconsciously and try to take it back, but how do i take back a question that direct? She replies with a shake of her head then tells me in a low tone that she is 5'3. Damn. She is short..really short but atleast I know something about her. "Is it real?" I ask next feeling more confident. The guy behind her looks at me and scoffs, "ofcourse her ass is real" he mutters loudly. She kisses her teeth and replies, yes Mr Romano my hair is very much natural and real. I see the guy's mouth form an O then he chuckles to himself making her smile slightly, the metallic mask restricting her movements. " How did you know I meant your hair?" I ask her curiously. She shrugs saying yesterday and today I first looked at her clothes then shoes then hair then breasts then ass. If I was wondering which was real it will be her clothes, shoes or hair first and one was the most logical choice.
Plus I don't take you as the kind to ask if people's ass is real, I take you as the kind to find out yourself..'forcefully' or not.
Firstly she is shockingly so observant and something about the way she says the forcefully dragging the word stings me a little bit. Does she know about Aurora and how, no why? I squint my eyes at her only for her to shrug and turn her attention to the guy who said something. She then stood up and sat on his lap. Oh they are dating. "Are ya'll dating" I ask. They both turn their heads to me simultaneously and reply with a shake of their heads and a stiff "No, best friends"  like creepy ass twins.
Okay. I nod my head awkwardly. She stands up so I get up and she shakes my hand firmly, bringing an end to the somewhat meeting. Hm she smells like strawberries,cake,rose and an expensive perfume.. weird combination but addictive and so strong. I watch as she walks away with the guy as her long ass hair moves slightly along her ass.
  I stand for a minute or so, before I get out of the cafe/bakery and call Sebastian. He picks and a few minutes later my Buggati Centodieci appears infront of me, I open the driver seat as Sebastian walks out and gets in the passenger, I look behind and see Aria asleep with a Teddybear tightly held on her chest. "Come è andato l'incontro? Come si chiama Dona? Hai visto la sua faccia?" He asks all at once not giving me a chance to reply.
Translation: "How did the meeting go? How is the so called Donna? Did you see her face?" 
I roll my eyes and reply "Llegamos a un acuerdo. La donna no tiene emociones... y en resumen, no vi su cara aunque vi a este chico que siempre está con ella." I reply with a slight smirk on my face and Sebastian gave a small nod with amusement dancing around his eyes.
Translation: "We came to a somewhat agreement, The donna is emotionless..and short, i didn't see her face although i saw this guy who is always with her."  He then later informed me that we were two minutes away from the jet hanger where my private jet was. We got to the Jet and my guards were already lined up with their heads bowed infront of me, while a few began placing our bags in the Jet. I went to the back seat and carried Aria which made her mumble a bit as she called out for Isabella, my twin sister. Isabella is my sister, yh but if she drops dead right now I can't say it will affect me. I will mke people respect her and give her the honour she deserves as my sister but I can never respect her. I love her as my sister, yes but hate her as a person. She is a 'stronza monella' (bratty bitch)
When we speak of Isabella, we speak of a spoilt bitch who has gotten everything she wants in life. Overspoilt by my father and yet he still does everything for her. She is a disgrace to the Romano family. She is also a whore, which I have let her know many times before. She has slept with every don of all the mafia' and most are over 40 at least, i think the only person she made an approach on that declined was Azalea's father. Her sleeping with them made them feel entitled to make demands from me causing me to kill about 15 of them, which has increased my enemy list, also thanks to her.  I looked at Aria and frowned, no Isabella I whispered into her ear. God gave me another chance to raise a sister, I will do it right this time. Aria hugged my neck tightly and mumbled in Italian, something along the lines of play with Azalea, I sighed and whispered again No Azalea, then she mumbled Luca which made me reply yes a bit too quick. "ti amo" her little voice whispered making my heart burst.
Translation: I love you.
"Ti amo molto più" I replied whispering in her ear which she just hummed to.
Translation: I love you way more.
  Once I got into the Jet I put Aria in one of the rooms and covered her slightly as I sat opposite Sebastian and we began to talk about the Spanish mafia alliance. He then later moved the topic to my marriage, asking when I'm choosing someone to marry and even suggested asking Azalea to a fixed marriage which made me laugh. I then told him the guy that came with her will attempt to kill me if I even think of touching her talk less of marrying her which made us both burst our laughing at the word 'attempt'

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