Chapter Nine

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Once the guard opened the door for me and I got out, I sighed. I walked over to the huge mahogany doors where a man stopped me and asked my name, Lilliana. I answered unflinchingly. He looked at a picture in his folder, and they nodded, asking me to follow him. Instead of walking inside, we walked further outside to a white car. Unfortunately, I'm not good with cars and don't necessarily fancy them, so I don't know which car we walked to.  A guard opened the door to the car, urging me to enter. I entered and saw Nikolai sitting there beside me. He eyed me from up to down with lust visible in his eyes. He picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles, complimenting me in Russian. He asked where I got a dress from, I told him "I got it from my mum it was one of her most prized possession and she told me to wear it for a special occasion and a special person" i said batting my eye lashes  in a gentle and soft voice. I then told him the venue was massive and looks unnecessarily expensive, trying to get him to really buy the whole simple girl lifestyle despite my looks at the moment.  He laughs, telling me not to worry about it as he places a hand on my thigh. He then nods at me that it is time to go and I will be his escort,I nod with a small accomplished smile on my face. He walks out, then goes over and opens my door for me,then helps me out with his hand. As we entered, a voice was heard through the speakers, Nikolai Ramsom, accompanied by the beautiful Lilliana. He brought his lips to my ear as he whispered, "Your name is so beautiful, Liliana." He then straightened himself up and placed a hand on my lower back as he directed me where he walked." We went to a table where some guys were after a brief introduction. I sat down as he spoke to them in Russian. At first, they spoke about how he met me and if I'm aware of his line of business, then later moved to on his mafia and some dealerships and contracts that are pending. They also spoke about meeting an investor. I carefully translated everything in my head and kept as much information as i could. Who knows, it might come in handy one day. After about four hours of sitting down, sipping champagne, walking around with Nikolai for introductions, and just standing waiting for him to finish his conversations. Most of his top secret conversations were about a girl named Aria, who he apparently kidnapped for ransom. I decided I was going to find out who Aria is. It might be good blackmail in two ways. I could go to the girl's family and exchange information for whatever I may need, or blackmail the Russians once I kill this piece of shit. Although, I won't deny the fact that Nikolai is one fine piece of shit. Throughout, I just stared at his well-defined face and that structural jawline. Oh, and his neck with all the veins, I couldn't stop visualising blood drip from his face along his sharp jawline to his neck. Oh, what a beautiful master piece he will make. I am currently sitting on a chair as Nikolai walks to me, he bends his tall figure to my height as I stand up, he whispers in my ear that it is time for him to show me how much he appreciates me, he says that with a nibble on my neck.  I look at him and muster the most innocent but flirtatious eyes I could muster. I ask if we can go to somewhere hidden preferably with no cameras, I see him furrow his eyebrows then I hook my fingers around his trousers and inform him that I do not want anyone to witness my body or his body. He nods with understanding as he gropes my breast around the cleavage then puts his hand in the dress till he is above my bra, he puts a hand in my bra and grunts as he feels my nipple. He removes his hand,clears his throat and drags me to a place far away from the hall, two floors below the ball, as we walk I check around amd see no guards or any trace of hidden cameras. I nod in relief.  We stop infront of a white door, he opens the door then leans me against the wall, he put a hand through the slit of my dress and feels my pantie he is about to put a finger in but then I stop him.  I tell him to calm down let me take control, I lead him to the bed as I straddle him, I feel his hard dick against my core I then reach for my purse as soon as he closes his eyes and get a knife, I stab him in the throat, I watch the blood seep out, I clean the knife with his tux then arrange my hair and walk to the cojoined bathroom. I touch up my  makeup and tear the slit of my dress a little. I look in the mirror and sigh, acting time. I walk out and scream, tears automically falling out of my brown contact lens. I run up the stairs with my heels in my hands and tears in my eyes, I look for the person who is his second in command, I go to him and drag him, crying, once we exited the ball room he asks me what is wrong, I begin to stumble.on my words and mutter, he..he is ..bleeding. as soon as I completed my sentence, he spoke into a device on his tux and put an arm around me, I cuddled into his hands, smorging my makeup on his suit with tears decorating the white shirt. Once we reached there and he saw the scene, he shook his head and sighed. He asked me if I saw what happened. With a lot of stuttering and tears, I told him my made-up story. "Nik.. told me *sniffle* that he wants to te *sniffle* Tell me.. thank you for *tears fall* agreeing to be his escort *sniffle*" Maybe you should first of all wash your face and breathe in and out, we can barely hear you, I nod my head and walk to the bathroom stumbling a bit.
In the bathroom, I could hear them speaking in Russian, all pitying me,an innocent girl, for going through so much. Stupid. All of them are fools. I walk out after washing my face. They all look at me, waiting for me to continue what I was saying. "Nikolai said he wanted to tell me thank you for agreeing to escort me. He told me we should get away from people's eyes since I felt a bit uncomfortable. We were here and we were making out and he even tore my dress telling me he could replace it and he needs easy access" I say pointing to the dress, "then I went to the toilet to touch up my makeup a bit and use mouthwash  since I had been drinking champagne all night. When I walked out.. " 'more tears'
"I told him I was ready but he didn't respond so I walked over to him a..nd he was gasping for breath 'sniffle' all he said was, Aria then he stopped gasping so I left the room to get help" I said and at this point I was having a break down.
When I mentioned Aria, the guys looked at each other, worried and shook their heads, and sighed. A guy whose name I don't remember told me I shouldn't worry when I asked if he was dead, like, of course, he is dead. I was the one who killed him after all. He asked if I have a way to get home, I nodded meekly and walked out after discreetly taking a picture of my beautiful art work with my face a mess and shoes still in hand and my bag in a strong grip.
  I exit the ball with shock written all over my face. As I walk out, all eyes are on me. I turn and see Elias has already left his assigned position, so he is in the car waiting. I walk and walk till I see the black car, I walk in and see Elias with worry and then relief on his face. He hugs me and sighs.,"Atleast you have gotten your long-awaited revenge," he says
I adjust myself till I'm comfortable as Elias scrolls on his phone quietly. I take the opportunity to look at my art piece, I take my phone from my purse and see his eyeballs were rolled to the back of his head leaving only a white section, I see the drool on his face, the semi dried blood dripping from his neck down his cream coloured shirt. Lastly, I see his still erected dick, I smile at my success, and I can feel Elias' eyes on me but choose to ignore him. As the driver announced that we were back at the hotel I hear Elias' voice "I think I'm going to book an appointment for you with your therapist in an hour" he says as he walks off typing on his phone. I sigh, I know I shouldn't have looked at that picture in the car. I get back to my hotel room and have a shower for what feels like the tenth time, the thing about my job is you always feel dirty no matter how many times you scrub and scar your skin. I have a thirty minute shower, so I won't be late for my therapy session and give Elias another reason to keep me in therapy. I change into a night trouser with a matching spongebob shirt. I brush my teeth and apply my night face cream. As I'm folding my clothes in the bags, I hear ringing coming from my laptop. I sigh and groan. Fuck therapy.

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