Chapter Eleven

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I hear Sebastian mumbling in Italian. I open my eyes and immediately close them again from the sunlight peeking throughout the curtains. I sit on the bed, then open my eyes, and I hear a female mumbling. I turn and see Celeste naked beside me.  Suddenly, I feel liquid on my dick, I look under the duvet to see Hennesy sucking my dick as Charolette sucks my torso. Where is Rahuchi?" I ask them, they shrug. I'm about to ask why they are touching me if they are incomplete, but I'm interrupted by Sebastian angrily, shouting that his eyes are about to fall off. I roll my eyes and get up, leaving the girls to whine on the bed, I get a towel and wrap it around my waist as I walk to the shower. As I brush my teeth, Sebastian walks behind me, already fully dressed in a dark blue suit and a white shirt. He tells me my schedule for the day. He then informs me that the Spanish mafia has requested we come to Spain for a meeting with them. I scoff and tell him to deny it immediately. Why will I go to a different country to have a meeting with an old geezer, how fucking rude. He calls someone and speaks in English denying it, the person's response has him shouting at the phone then silence. The person probably ended the call. I get into the shower and began to shower. Sebastian begins to speak telling me to calm down I tell him to spit it out. I denied the Spanish but they said Aria and ended the call. At his words I was frozen in place, what did you just say? I throw the soap jar across the wall leaving it to shatter to pieces. Those entitled mother fuckers kidnapped my baby sister? Are they mad? Prepare the jets we are going to Spain.  After informing the elite on our trip they left to pack, Sebastian and I kept ourselves busy  checking past flight tickets, cameras anything at all but no, none of the Spanish were in italy infact at the time they were in the United Kingdom for a gala. Are they fucking with me but no how did they know her name. I must find out. After about two hours of checking for clues, the elite calls that they are waiting for us downstairs. Sebastian and I walk to the garage and enter my new car. 'Lamborghini Veneno'
The elite enter a car behind me with a driver in it and some security men behind us.
In a few minutes we get to the plane and jet hanger and enter my private jet.
The plane ride was boring, Sebastian and I talking about business throughout, a phone call with my father who heard about the Spanish mafia and warns me telling me they are powerful. I guess he doesn't know his son, and a couple of fuck sessions with the elite. The elite is basically a group of the girls who I've had the best sex with. I change a person yearly and I've had this system for the past seven years, yh I've had it since I was fourteen. I barely ate merely worried about Aria, she is my favourite person the only person I love in this world except my mother. If they so much as hurt her, they will see why they call me the devil.
In about twenty minutes, the pilot announces we are about to land and urges we should all fasten our belts. After landing, we head to a hotel and freshen up, I get dressed in a black suit with matching black pants and a pair of Jordans. I check the time and see it is already 7:30 pm. I enter my Mercedes Maybach Exelero and ensure there are guards behind me incase things go south.  We arrive at a large white building that has black and gold gates with four guards stationed at it. They all run to the car pointing their guns, one comes looks at my face and holds a tab near it, then he asks for a pin, I look at him confused till Sebastian speaks up saying an eight digit pin out loud. They then let us pass through and we see multiple light signs leading us to where I assume is a parking lot.  At last we get to a large wooden door and I see a guard who informs me to get out and he parks it like a valet. I walk to the door and even before I ring the bell, a maid opens it greeting me gesturing for me to go towards the left.  As i'm walking round their black and gold accentuated house, the man of the hour walks down the stairs, talking to himself?  He looks up and sees me with a look of..confusion on his face? What the hell, why is he confused. He walks up to me and tells me he wishes I would have contacted him  first before coming. I immediately whip out my gun and aim it on his head as my guards did the same to him and I  smile noticing they were no guards in his house, does he want to die.  He starts shouting asking how dare I come to his house to kill him and that ticks me off. I shout back asking for my Aria and he replies with who? Suddenly I feel a metal I know all to well at the back of my head. Hello Mr Romano. I am your host not my father. I hear in a soft feminine voice. I lower my gun, making my men do the same, I turn back and see a young lady maybe 18 at most, then I remember the article of the 'most gruesome assassin in the world' I read a week ago. Twenty four. She is twenty four? I could swear she is younger than that.  She is dressed in a short skirt that stops at her upper thigh, with a big baggy black shirt that has a picture of a skull on it,  black classic converse all stars  and gold dangling earrings and a gold chain that has a heart pendant. She looks good, with her caramel dark skin and green Hazel eyes with flakes of gold, and her long hair which is braided into two that rests on the top of her ass, hm I wonder if it is real..her hair not her ass or both. I assessed her under 3 seconds from her outfits to her facial expression. Emotionless. Her eyes, they do not tell a story nor is it inviting, I can't even see her face properly with a giant hideous metal mask she has on. That has to hurt.
She lowers her gun and introduces herself.  Azael Alvaro. Don't bother doing a background check on me, I do not exist. Now let us head to my office, and you are six minutes late excluding the time you spent playing guns with my dear father.  As she is about to walk off her father stops her, demanding to know what gave her the right to call a meeting without his knowledge. She looks back, her eyes void, her lips in a straight line, I can't see any other face feature due to the mask, she holds a gun to her father and shoots his stomach, after saying something probably in spanish. "estoy lista para ser donna" and not a fucking psychopath!
Translation: "I am ready to be donna"
Her father looks at her with fear in his eyes clutching his stomach, why is he afraid of her? what is she? then she presses a button on the wall and three guards walk in. Take him to the cell, I will come back for my masterpiece she says and walks off. I follow  after her confused then the confusion suddenly turns into anger as I remember Aria, how much she must have been suffering. Once she enters a room and sits down, I point a gun to her head. Aria is all I say. She laughs like a maniac. She laughs? Does she have a death wish. She kicks the gun from me effortlessly flying it to her hand  and twirls it round her acrylic nailed fingers. I glare at her then get another gun. She is good, I will give that to her. She stops laughing suddenly and says sternly sit down. I scoff and remain standing, with one word your Aria is dead, if I die so be it. If she dies with me wonderful. I sit down without stopping my glares. First of all you should thank me she says. I look at her and can feel anger emulate from me. Thank you for what I shout? For rescuing your Aria. I heard about her on a mission. With the new information I feel myself calming down slightly. Who? She laughs, what will you do with said information she asks me. Revenge I reply. She sighs, revenge is pointless but do you. You want the people, I want temporal alliance. I look at her confused, why not trade Aria instead of her kidnappers. She laughs and tells me I'm easy to read, she then tells me that I think I can defeat her and her mafia so to me getting Aria is no problem but since she is the only available person to give out information on her kidnappers and I seek revenge then my desired choice is obvious. I'm stunned she read me perfectly and I'm unreadable. I do not give any emotion to stop her from reading me. She laughs again, why does she laugh so much. Your face isn't what shows your emotion so stop acting like a robot. I an stunned at how she noticed but I don't quit my straight look. Yes to the partnership I tell her. I will even die for Aria a patnership that can benefit me will barely affect me except our independent image.  She claps her hands and a guy tall ish, well anyone is tall compared to her petite form for her aura she sure is short..5'5 if I remember the article properly.  The guy walks in and places two files on the table then sits on the couch loungily.  I'm guessing they are friends.. because how else will this guy walk in nonchalantly when she just shot her father and stated she wanted him dead vividly.  She hands me the file and tells me to sign. I see it is a contract, lasting for a year, I supply her with ammo and part of the Italian region for drug trafficking and they supply us with cocaine and gold. I look at her and ask her why she made plans for my mafia on my behalf  and that she doesn't know if that is what we need.  She relaxes into her chair and laughs saying she ran her background check and knows that this is what my mafia is lacking and will benefit most from. I nod stifly knowing she is right. I see the one and only condition. Our alliance doesn't go public until the Spanish Mafia ball is happening a few days from now. I sign under her signature and hand the file back. She stands up as i get up and shake hands with her small, soft hands. I remembered something suddenly, I need to shake your father to make deals between mafia sacred. She shakes her head, telling me she is the donna and her father is indisposed at the moment. I nod my head even though I know what actually happened to her father. When do i see Aria I ask sternly. She claps her fingers, and a lady walks in, holding a happy Aria who is holding a Barbie doll with ice cream in her small hands and some on her nose. Before she sees me, she sees Azalea and screams Azalea, running into her open arms. Azalea pats her head and turns, so I am now in Aria's line of view. Once she sees me, she begins to cry and runs to me as I hug the little four years old girl. When we are about to go, she tells Azalea bye-bye and kisses her nose after painfully sacrificing her ice cream for Azalea as a goodbye gift since Azalea gave her a gift.
Azalea excuses me rudely after telling me she will be intouch she then speaks  to the man behind me in their native language, and he begins to laugh. I already know they are talking about me.  We walk downstairs, and I see Sebastian's worried face. He brightens up after seeing me with Azael.we walk to the car, and Aria calls my name quietly, telling me she will miss Azael and her pretty face. I laughed and asked how she could find a face like that pretty
With that mask. She shrugs and says Azalea didn't wear the mask when we had baths together silly and slept together. I turn to her so fast I almost break my neck.. Azalea, naked.. Although she wore a baggy top, I could still see her fat ass and wide hips. Her lips were pink and two toned. Although I don't know if it was makeup that made it look lined, why will you put on makeup if you are wearing a mask? Her eyes were the best. They analysed my every move and drew me to them, voiceless and emotionless. I will ruin you, Azalea. I smile to myself.

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