Chapter Fifteen

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I'm woken up by the sound of muttering and hushed whispers. I try to remove sleep from my brain to listen to their conversation. "No, let her sleep some more, Maeve." I recognize that as Myra's voice, then Maeve's voice telling her I've slept for practically the whole day and have only three hours to get ready for the ball now. I stifle my laughter, finding the fact I'm wide awake and they are here arguing about waking me up hilarious. I'm about to make my presence known when I hear Elias' voice. "You guys know she is awake, right?" I sit on my bed and roll my eyes at him to which Myra playfully glares at me, and Maeve sighs, going into my toilet while muttering something along the lines of preparing a bath. I look out of the window through the little gap the drapes don't cover and see it's almost dark outside but still a bit sunny. I pick up my phone and check the time only to see it. It is already  4 pm. Damn. I've been asleep for twenty-four hours. As if reading my thoughts, Elias holds my hand and laughs, telling me how worried he was and wanted to wake me up, but Myra kept on saying, "She must be tired leave her alone." I send Myra a kiss. She really gets me. Elias gets upset and starts ranting on how he cares about my safety and whether I'm alive or not, but of course, all the praise goes to Myra, which makes me roll my eyes. Before he can start another round of ranting, Maeve walks into the room telling Elias to get out, which he did but not before flicking her forehead. She then went all animalistic on me, pushing me out of bed and basically dragging my clothes off me. I walk to the bathroom, Myra yapping behind me something about the cute new boy in her school and how she thinks he might be gay which will make things awkward as she has been flirting with him. She continues talking as I brush my teeth and use the charcoal toothpaste on my teeth, then use my cerave cleanser. I walk into the tub of warm milk and rose petals awaiting me and sink into it, enjoying the smooth feeling on my skin. Instead of reading a book like I usually do, I turn to Myra, and we talk. We talked about series she had watched recently and our latest anime obsessions. We talked about different guys from the mafia for about an hour before Maeve walks with a beautiful silk black dress on her body, it is a strapless dress and the breast area is bejeweled and it has a long tail that is also bejeweled but it has cuts at the side showing the little curve of her waist and long legs being showed through the slit.  She looks at me, telling me to get out  and that the people are waiting to do my hair and makeup before she turns to Myra, telling her to go and get ready. I look at Maeve and notice her hair is half done and her face is bare. She isn't ready yet, so why has she worn her dress. I shrug, remembering that she wears her dress first, which I find odd. I walk out and go to the shower, giving myself a quick rinse and gently washing my hair. I tie the fluffy black robe around my body and walk out only to see my room filled with people. The dress in a black cloth hanging on a movable cloth hanger. At my vanity table is a bag filled with what I'm guessing is hair stuff and a makeup box beside it. The people in my room, some familiar from when I picked my dress,the people in the room stared at me in awe as Maeve left saying something about finishing up her look. I'm about to ask why before I realise this is their first time seeing me without a mask. I clear my throat, making them flush and bow their head in respect, I dismiss them with a wave of my hand and smile at them. I walk over to my bed and then pull off my robe and rub some lotion on my body before one of them comes to me muttering words with her head vent down. I did not hear what she said, but I just nodded an okay as she rubbed perfumed oils on me, then this soft like powder that glows and smells like oud on every part of my body except my face and head, heck she even rubbed it on my ass her hands shaking and her cheeks a rosy tint as she did. She pulled away when she was done, and I smiled at her, watching as she blushes, she is a bit taller than me but not by much. I walk over to her, placing a palm on her cheek and drawing her lips to mine, kissing her, and slightly smile when she opens her mouth, granting me access. I pull back when I hear a whistle and turn to the door to see Elias, a smile gracing his face. He jokes about needing a cold shower after just having one, which makes me roll my eyes as I put my robe back on and go to sit at the vanity. Through the mirror, I see the person I kissed, her face beetroot red. I call her and ask her name, to which she replies, "Lilianna." I ask her if she is a lesbian to which she shakes her head no, and I nod. I ask if she is bi, and she shakes her head no again, which makes me furrow my brows.  She then begins to tell me I was the first girl she had kissed and the sixth person she had kissed. Elias asked her her age, and she replied, "Twenty."
Being more free and open, she asks if im bi I nod my head no.  She asks why I kissed her, and I shrug, telling her she is beautiful and a hand rubbing my ass was making me feel some sorta way, I guess. She nods understanding as we make conversation while I'm being prodded with different brushes, and my natural curly hair is being embedded with different products, the hairstylist grumpy because I refused to let her straighten my hair.  By seven pm, Myra and Maeve came in. Maeve is now fully dressed, looking like she is about to walk on a run way. She has that long leg thing going for her, with her being 5'10, having a flat but tight stomach ,a strong and defined face bone structure, and little to no curves. I like my body, my curves, and I might not have a tight stomach or a six pack but I have a flat stomach, my legs aren't straight and long but instead are kind of wide with fat thighs and large hips, the curve in my waist too prominent, me being onmy 5'3 but 5'8 with my heels on. I never cared about my appearance, knowing I looked like my mother, and she was a known beauty, her hazel eyes identical to mine, and my brown hair mimicking hers only a longer version. It started mainly when Eleck, my ex, cheated on me with a wannabe barbie only with jet black hair, not blonde and dark blue eyes, almost black. He stated that I'm just not a man's desire and I'm fat. I obviously skinned him alive, not letting the insecurities sip in, but something about seeing her, or rather them as Myra is as beautify if not more than her sister, something jus makes me feel queezy and slit Maeve's neck. I shake my head, getting the thoughts out, I have never thought about killing her before I sigh. I turn my attention to Myra first, noticing her dark eyeliner long and sharp, then going to her red sultry lips, then her black dress. It was short, ended mid thigh, long sleeves, and turtle neck, but there is a cut right  under her nipple making the rest of her b cup breast spill out of it proof that she didn't wear a bra. The material is silk, sticking to her body and the short material showing her long legs and hair sleeked back. I compliment them both, honestly meaning it as I rest back in my chair and let them do the finishing touches. About thirty minutes later, they are done with my hair and face. My makeup is light and simple, only enhancing my natural features. My eyes look bigger thanks to the white eyeliner that was used, giving it a doe look. My narurally long lashes are cueled and dipped in mascara, making it look long. My skin looks porcelain, smooth and shiny, and my cheeks and nose a rosy colour as my eyes are lined lightly, a little cat wing coming out the side, and the eyeshadow is a simple shimmer spread on my eyelids. My favourites are my lips and highlights. They had highlighted the tip of my nose and my cheekbones, making me literally glow under the light. My two toned lips are enhanced by shading my upper lip, a dark brown, and my lower lip, a light pink, then shimmering glittering gloss on it. I don't look deep and dark or have that seducing look like Myra and Maeve. I have a gentle look, making me look innocent like I couldn't harm a fly, like an angel or a doll sitting for instructions being moulded to perfection just for sore eyes.  I profusely thank my makeup artists, a smile on their faces as my hairstylist asks me what I think of the hair removing the satin scarf placed on it and placing some infront curling it at her tops then retreating so I can see it.
I gasp at the 4 hair looks the curliest it has ever been. There is one piece at the side sticking out framing my face and giving it a kind of natural messy look. It is wrapped in this beaded crystal so many times that the strand of hair that would have stopped under my breast stops at my collar bone instead. The hair is put in a big and fat bun that I can only call a fancy messy bun. It is a messy bun, but each strand deliberately put out of place then gelled to stay intact, and a few crystal beads are around the bun with loose strands. Lastly, the branch headpiece with grey, white, and dusty blue flowers are put on my head, making me seriously look like mother nature or something so soft and delicate, not the first Donna to exist. After Myra, Elias, and I finish freaking out and squealing like mad girls, we sit down to calm our breath. My dress is then removed from the black garment, making me gasp again for like the tenth time this night. The dress is even more beautiful this time with crystal beads on the front. Either I didn't see it the first time, or it was added to match my hair. I feel the tulle against my palms, then noticing my nails match beautifully well with the dress, and that wasn't even planned. After they put  a corset on me constricting my breath, I put on the dress, and I'm instantly adorned with dusty blue and grey jewellery, even my shoes. I spray my favourite oud and pop a gum in my mouth, then put on garter belt on my inner thigh and stuffing a few blades in it. I hold the little dusty blue pouch. I was handed with delicate grey flowers and pearls on it and stuff my customised gun in it and my favourite grey knife that has my mother's initials on it along with a tube of gloss, my phone, a pack of gum a few notes of cash, my credit card and a little bottle of perfume oil. I was going to stuff my airpods and power bank, too, but there is absolutely no space. I walked out, Elias and Myra beside me, Maeve disappeared after telling me I was a sight for sore eyes. We walk to the car already seeing Maeve in it and drive to the hall. In less than ten minutes, we arrive there, and Elias walks off somewhere, then comes back, letting us know we are the last. I sigh, obviously the event started by seven pm and it is almost nine plus the mafia has something for being on time. Usually, I'm a sucker for being on time, but seeing as this is my event and we need suspense, I excuse today's tardiness. I see Myra and Maeve walk into the large building as Elias calls someone and talks to them. Five minutes later, he hooks my hand with his as he walks me beside him. My head held high. We stop at the large wooden doors, and I hear a large voice shout and the echoes of the voice through whatever sound system is being used. "The first Donna in history of the le cosa nostra and heir to the late Don Alvero of the Spanish Mafia in both Spain and Mexico. The donna, Azalea Angela Alvero" as he ends, the door opens and I step forward walking till I'm infront of hundreds of people. They all stop and stare, but I'm not nervous or intimidated. If anything, I want this to be over. Im bored already. I read my crowd, the men obviously envisioning dirty things, my appearance decieving many that I'm innocent and can be used while others are wary, cautious probably heard I killed my father, still searching and reading every single mafia to get an opinion about them my eyes meet Luca. He has a smirk on his face and he looks unimpressed at the two girls sitting on his lap, each girl on a leg, one above him, her hands in his hair amd the last is beside him, his hand is snaked around her waist. Must be the famous elite, I thought. They each are pretty, tho. I will give that to him. I look away to the next person, and my eyes meet his, I don't remember his name, but I remember his face, and from the way he is fuming I guess he remembers mine too.  Nikolai's fucking right hand man. Guess they've figured out how he died at last. I smirk at him, seeing the anger flare up I roll my eyes and look to the next person slowly descending the stairs, Myra and Maeve soon come to meet me and Elias a few steps behind as no-one is equal to the don or in my case the donna, I smile at the thoughts in my head. I walk to the centre, a microphone immediately being handed to me as I look up and begin to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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