Chapter Five

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I pour the water on my face one more time and slap my face a couple more times before I sit on the floor and sigh. I want to cry, but I can't. I haven't even shed a tear in eleven years. I don't know what is wrong with me, and no doctor or therapist or psychologist knows what is wrong with me. It's funny when you think about it, I don't have nightmares, I mean people could consider my dreams as nightmares but to me it is a comedy, a stress relief, I like them. Although Elias claims having dreams and laughing about it will make me mad. Lol, I remember Jerry, the psychologist who called me a psychopath when I narrated the dream with a smile on my face.
I turned and turned on the blue couch but just couldn't find it comfortable. The man in front of me clears his throat as I look up to him with a scowl on my face. He repeats the question although he has asked it at least five times already, doesn't he understand I do not want to answer the question. "Azalea, you have to tell me about the dreams so I can diagnose you properly," he repeats firmly. I sigh, giving up. "They are different every night", I start saying, "but the one I had last night, I was in a dark room alone, then the lights came on and I saw myself covered in blood at first I was panicking then I turned and saw my mother's body and began laughing," at this point I look up to see a terrified look on his face, I smile and continue. "Then I notice this group of men with my father then I stab each one except my father, then I got the knife and began carving on my father's face, then his neck,then his chest, to his stomach where i open him up and begin to gut him." I laugh, remembering the sight of my father under me powerless with his stomach opened and looking beautiful. I continue once more, "Then I get the knife and carve the same artwork to my hand and look at my father," then i whisper, "My master piece." Jerry shaking with fear shouted that I should get out and kept on telling me I'm a psychopath and my drug is suicide. I didn't like that, he is to stop me from commiting suicide not encourage me, then I think of how many people he had probably caused to commit suicide with that foul mouth so I take it upon my self to teach him a lesson. I get my knife from my holster and throw it perfectly in between his eyebrows, I make sure to throw it carefully so he doesn't die. I then went to him as he begged pitifully telling me he has a family, big mistake because now I can kill his excuse of a family. Then I go to him and begin carving from his face, to his neck to his chest then down to his stomach just as I did for my father in my dream, I then cut open his stomach and gut him making sure no blood stains my body, hands or clothes. Once I'm done I look at the artwork and take a quick picture on my phone, it is a wonderful artwork but not my master piece..he, my dear father is my long awaiting art work..but i do not want to kill him..yet.
**End of flash back**
Feeling calmer as I remember my artwork, I remove my phone and go through at least thirty artworks before I see him, Jerry the psychologist, I laugh then get up, put off my phone and walk out of the toilet. My initial plan was  to go to Elias and lie, telling him i don't even remember anything I dreamt about, so he doesn't worry about me losing my mind. It's funny I have dreams about killing every person I cross paths with even the ones I don't talk to but I have never had dreams of killing Maeve, Myra or Elias hm I guess I actually like them. As I pass i see Elias already asleep so I go to the bedroom on the plane and just throw myself on the bed, we have four more hours till we land in Russia, I may as well start getting ready since my plan is to basically seduce Nikolai. I enter the bathroom and get the rose petals that have already been placed in a bowl, I pour half of it in the tub then see the two buckets of milk, I feel the temperature and it is still warm, contented with the temperature I pour it in the bath then pour the rest of the rose petals with a few drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil. I make sure I have a fresh,clean towel and my bath robe, and then I enter the bath after setting a timer for an hour. I begin to read a romantic novel and about fifty minutes later Elias walks in, I sigh and he looks at me his eyes turning a darker shade, nothing is even showing, he then seats on the bench beside the door and just watches me as I read. The timer goes off, I put it off then get up from the bath and walk to the shower as milk drips of my body, Elias approaches me as I begin to wash my hair, he then speaks. "Ten sexo conmigo lea."
Translation: Have sex with me, Lea.
I sigh and tell him no, and he feigns sadness.  He then walks over to the bench and sits back down. I ask him why he woke up so early, he then explains that the sound of plates breaking woke him up so when he went to investigate he found out the plates the air hostess wanted to use to serve us lunch fell down. Then, as if on instinct, my stomach rumbles  and I groan, remembering I haven't eaten. I wear my robe, then tie the towel around my hair, I then go to the sink and put on my honey scrub as I brush my teeth and tongue, then floss. After I washed the scrub , I rubbed my face cream. I enter the room to see Elias on the bed using his phone. I remove my robe and begin to rub moisturiser, I call Elias, gaining his attention as I sit near him naked on the bed i hand him the body lotion telling him to rub my back, he puts some lotion then rubs it in. I thank him, and then I walk to my box, removing a black lace bra with a matching black lace pant. I then look at my neatly folded clothes, trying to decide what to wear. Remembering that I have to go to the warehouse we have in Russia and ensure things are okay I decide to dress comfortably and obviously carry my black mask since the world still isn't aware of my face, and won't be till I become the official Donna. Everyone knows the future heir is a female who only wears black and is always with a fully covered metallic black mask, noting more, nothing less oh and my shape. I wear a black dress and my black and gold heels with a matching black bag and my trusty mask.

After quickly changing I keep my face bare since a mask will cover it, I then put some simple lip balm and spray some perfume and then go out after dragging Elias to the other room to have a bath and prepare. The pilot announces we will be landing in thirty minutes and I feel scared for him but ready to kill that mother fucker called Nikolai, hopefully he doesn't recognise me, first I need him to ask me to the ball himself.
Time goes faster than expected as we are told to buckle up for landing, although Elias isn't even back from the room yet.

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